Chapter thirty six

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Ashton was kneeling, something he'd never done before, at the end of the island bench. The kitchen was spotless, though it was obvious he'd been cooking. On the dining table in the distance lay a perfectly set out meal for one, only for Calum but there was enough food on his plate for two.

"Sweetheart, would you mind telling me what's going on?" Calum asks, trying to hide his fear and keep his voice light and calming.
"Just being a good sub for you sir." Ashton swallows, eyes still having not moved from their fixation on the floor. Calum could tell that much, it was obvious in the way Ashton had done all things a textbook perfect submissive would do.
"But why Darling?" Calum presses a little further, albeit hesitantly.
"I just want to be good for you." Ashton chokes out.

Calum steps closer, reaching a hand out to softly scrape the younger's jaw. He pulls Ashton's head up so they're finally making eye contact, the fear and desperation in the submissive's eyes is utterly heartbreaking.
"Sweets," Calum whispers, "what brought this on?"
"I want to be a good, great, the best, submissive for you sir." Ashton breathes out. Despite the sir making him slightly uncomfortable, Calum makes no move to stop it just yet.
"You are the best submissive Ashton. The very best. You don't have to prove yourself to me." Calum tries to reassure him, but the younger just stays silent and squirms a little in his grip. Calum takes a step back, Ashton's head instantly bowing again when he is able.

"I will be back in a few minutes. Know that I am not disappointed in you and I never have been. You are perfect for me Ash." Calum says calmly, leaning down to softly kiss Ashton's lips before handing back up stairs to process what is happening.

Calum - Maggie: Help.

"What's happening?" Maggie calls Calum the instant she reads the text, needing to understand what's going on.
"I don't know. I need help." Calum replies, stress evident in his voice as he paces his home office in circles.
"Calum. What's going on?" She says, more firmly this time.
"I wish I knew!"
"Calum!" Maggie snaps, letting the only sound be Calum's erratic breathing for a few seconds.

"He's- I don't know- he-"
"Do you want me to come over?" Maggie asks, voice softer.
"I think so?"
"I'll be over as soon as I can."
"Can you bring Carla? Maybe? I don't know." Calum says hesitantly.
"Cal, what has he done? Or what is he doing?" Maggie is growing increasingly worried.
"I came home and he was was in the kitchen, kneeling. He's bowed. Will only address me as sir. Dinner is on the table but only I have a plate. I think he's expecting to kneel and me feed him on the floor." Calum rambles, voice rising in pitch as he becomes more stressed thinking about it all.

"Oh... my... god..." Maggie's voice is slow, before the line is filled with rustling as she prepares to make a hasty exit from the building.
"What do I do?!" Calum nearly screams in frustration.
"Okay." Maggie takes a deep breath, already in the lift down to her car. "Carla and I will be there as soon as we possibly can. In the meantime, go eat dinner before it's cold. He seems set on acting like he is so leave him. Let him kneel and feed him through dinner." Maggie explains, texting her sub as she talks. "Praise him. I cannot stress this enough. Praise the fuck out of him for everything -but it has to be sincere or he'll notice and feel worse. Be slow and patient. He's likely going to be so well behaved it's off putting but you don't mention that, you..."
"Praise him?"
"Bingo. I'll be there soon. Go eat."
"Okay, thank you."
"Don't thank me yet. Bye." Maggie says as she reaches her car.
"Bye." Calum breathes out, hearing the line click dead.

Maggie - Calum: Last thing, no calling him Ashton or even Ash. Pet names only.

Calum - Maggie: Noted. Thanks. See you soon.

He repeats all of Maggie's words in his head as he goes back downstairs to Ashton who, unsurprisingly, hasn't moved a millimeter.
"Thank you for cooking dinner for me Sweets. It smells delicious." Calum plasters a smile on his face as he walks to the table set for one. As soon as Calum sits down, Ashton is scurrying over to kneel beside him. "Perfect boy, you're so good for me darling." Calum coos, making Ashton smile and seem more content than he had all afternoon.

Calum starts eating and a few bites in he stops to moan about how good it was -and it wasn't a lie, turns out his boy can really cook.
"Would you like some Sweets?" Calum asks softly, already getting some on the fork for him.
"Only if you would like to give it to me Sir." Ashton replies, voice as clear as ever.
"Of course. Here, try some of your amazing cooking." Calum says, holding a fork of food in front of his sub's mouth.
"Thank you Sir." Ashton says after he swallows.
"Here, have more Darling." Calum feeds Ashton another bite, Ashton thanks Calum again. The meal goes on, Calum alternating between a mouthful for himself and one for Ashton -Ashton thanking him each and every time he swallows.

"That was incredible Sweetheart, thank you so much for cooking for me." Calum praises the younger again, this time as he finishes the meal.
"Of course sir. Anytime sir." Ashton replies. "Would you like me to clear you plate sir?"
"If you insist, thank you Sweets." Calum says, ruffling Ashton's hair a little. Ashton seems desperate for the touch, nuzzling his head a little into his dom's large hand.

When Calum pulls back, he thinks for a moment before getting up and walking into the formal sitting room without a word. He can hear Ashton get up and clear the dinner dishes as he texts Maggie.

Calum - Maggie: He seemed more content the more I praised him. He's doing the dishes now.

The reply is a little slow to come, a tell tale sign she's using voice to text in her car.

Maggie - Calum: Thats good. I'm only 5 minutes away.

A/N: Heyyyyy so this probably seems like the story is becoming more like a same same bdsm story with all the kneeling and titles and things but have patience, trust me and remember that everyone in this universe is in d/s relationship. Can't wait to update again in two days, love y'all. Thanks so much for the comments :)

-Grace Williams xo

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