Chapter seventy seven

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Michael - Maggie: How is Carla feeling today? Can Luke and I drop in?

Maggie - Michael: Better, thanks. Dropping in might be good...

Michael - Maggie: A chance to talk things out and we have big news that we still didn't get a chance to mention

Maggie - Michael: Okay, sounds good. Will you be around soon?

Michael - Maggie: Yeah, leaving mine now and stopping at yours on the way to taking Luke home

Maggie - Michael: See you then

Michael and Luke arrive at Maggie and Carla's in less than fifteen minutes, because the two women live only one suburb out of the city. Luke is nervous the whole car ride and Carla doesn't fair any better from her living room.
"It's all going to be okay." Maggie soothes her sub. "We can talk things out, you and Luke can discuss anything you need to to make school as comfortable as possible."
"I know, I'm just nervous. He's my student and-"
"And it will all be fine." Maggie cuts Carla off as soon as the older starts to get more worked up.
"Thank you. I love you." Carla takes a deep breath.
"I love you too." Maggie kisses her wife just as the doorbell rings. Carla immediately tenses and wants to bail out of the whole thing but Maggie sends her stern yet comforting look as she answers the door.

"Welcome." Maggie smiles when she opens the front door to see Michael and Luke on the step outside, though Luke was hiding behind Michael a lot.
"Hey." Michael grins, pushing Luke a little to do an introduction of his own.
"Hi." Luke offers with a little wave.
"Come on in." Maggie gestures in to the living room, where Carla is nervously standing in front of the couch. Ready for this entire thing to be over.

"Luke, this is Carla, Maggie's submissive."
"Carla, this is Luke, Michael's..."
"We'll get to that." Michael quickly mutters, but Carla and Luke awkwardly shake hands regardless.

"You start, is there anything you'd like to talk about?" Michael insists as they all sit down. Carla shoots her dom a 'please help me' look but Maggie shoots back with a 'you can do this' look.
"I, um-" Carla pauses, clearing her throat. "One of the things that stressed, or rather confronted, me the other day was that it if I have any reason to believe Luke is in danger of any sort of harm then I should report it. Legally I don't have to because he's over 16, but it's recommended."
"But I'm not." Luke protests weakly.
"I want to learn about what's going on, put me at ease."

Luke is quickly affronted, he certainly doesn't have a presentation outlining the validity of his relationship prepared. Michael catches the tension in his sub's body and rests a hand on his shaky knee, hoping to relax him just a little.
"I don't know where to start... all I can think of is the end. Does it make a difference if we can prove we're soulmates?" Luke speaks softly, still a little afraid. Michael tenses a little beside him, bracing for impact, and they quickly link fingers. They both need it.
"But you can't-" Carla starts.
"I'm pregnant." Luke whispers.

Maggie and Carla both look like they're about to fall onto the floor. Carla looks guilty, like she's really fucked up. Maggie can't believe it.
"So you two accidentally met and, I'm presuming, had a connection. Which is why you agreed to have sex despite the obvious reasons you shouldn't have. And now, Luke's pregnant?" Maggie splutters, trying to wrap her head around it.
"Exactly." Michael answers.
"That's why I was sick. That's why we even met in the first place." Luke mutters.

"Oh my god... that's what you tried to tell us yesterday. That's why you needed to talk to Calum." Carla slowly puts the pieces together.
"Bingo. And," Luke continues, "if it makes you feel any better, I'm dropping out of school at the end of term. End of year 11. I just can't feasibly get through year 12 if I have a baby in the middle of it."
"Oh." Carla frowns.
"I'm not ruling out future education, just can't do it right now." The youngest clarifies.

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