Chapter twenty six

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"Good morning." Calum laughs, stumbling back and trying not to drop Ashton on the front step. Calum had just arrived at Ashton's, ready to pick him up for the move. It was only 8am but Ashton still eagerly jumped in his doms arms the moment the front door swung open.
"I missed you. Can't wait to live with you." Ashton says, voice muffled in Calum's chest.
"I can't wait either, as soon as all your stuff is in then can we can go." Calum replies, slowly putting Ashton down and giving him a quick kiss as he spoke.

"Good morning." Anne Marie smiles as Calum and Ashton walk past the kitchen; she, Lauren and Harry were having breakfast.
"Good morning. Crazy to think Ashton's already moving in, I'm excited though." Calum says.
"So is he, he was up at 6am this morning bouncing off the walls." She shakes her head.
"I know, he was texting me." Calum's voice is fond and Ashton just blushes from where he leans against the door frame.

"You two see that?" Anne Marie asks, gesturing to her younger two children and then up at Calum and Ashton.
"See what?" Lauren replies.
"That," the woman says matter of factly, "is what having a soulmate should be like for us all."
"Why thank you." Calum calls over his shoulder as Ashton was groaning and pulling him away as he blushed.

"So what are you bringing?" Calum asks when they cross the threshold into Ashton's bedroom.
"Well Mum wants me to keep my room here, with some stuff in it so I can always come back. She said like if you're on business trips and I get lonely or something."
"I can take you with me Sweetheart but don't worry, that's fine, leaving stuff is totally okay."
"And well... you said..." Ashton's voice is suddenly a lot shyer, not knowing how to bring up this next subject.
"What did I say? Remind me." Calum wraps his arms around Ashton and pulls the younger boy into his chest.
"That you would... I don't wanna say it." Ashton rushes out, once again finding comfort in his dom's arms

"We're never going to get anywhere at this rate." Calum sighs but he doesn't make an effort to push Ashton back.
"I don't wanna take the clothes I have, they feel out of place in the places you take me. Your work, restaurants, even at your house." Ashton says quietly.
"I hope you haven't felt uncomfortable Sweets." Calum frowns, this time pulling Ashton away from his chest so he can give him a gentle and reassuring kiss.
"No no-" Ashton quickly shakes his head. "Just, I don't think I would feel comfortable if I were to keep being around in what I wear at the moment."
"Well we can go shopping this afternoon, that's not a worry at all Darling, but I want you to know that you can wear whatever you want and it doesn't define you. And," Calum stresses, "if anyone or any place ever makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason I want you to tell me. You don't have to put up with people being jerks, no one does."
"Thank you." Ashton smiles fondly.

Ashton had a packed one bag of his favourite clothes, mostly band merch, as well as some sentimental items but most of what he owned was staying right where it was. That being said, he didn't own a great deal to begin with. He had a feeling that was going to change.

"I guess I'm going now..." Ashton says to his family, awkwardly bouncing on his toes in the entrance to the kitchen. They were all moving about making lunches and getting ready for the day but they soon stopped and gave Ashton their undivided attention. Calum stood back, happily watching the scene but not wanting to get involved.
"Oh Ashton!" His mother cries out, flying over to engulf him in a tight hug straight away.
"I'm gonna miss you." Lauren mumbles, wrapping her arms around where they sit comfortably on his waist.
"I'll miss you too Loz but I'll be back on Friday for dinner. It's only four days -and I'll only live an hour away." Ashton reassures her, keeping the grip around his mother and sister tight.
"Bye." Harry mumbles, not moving to join in the family group hug.
"Get over here young man." Anne Marie yanks his arm, causing the others to laugh.

For a few long moments they don't move unless someone starts to squeeze a little tighter, wanting to hold on a little longer. Though Harry did join in the hug, he's unsurprisingly still the first to pull back. When he does, Anne spares a glance at the clock and sighs.
"We should let you get going now, we all have to get to work and school now anyway." She says, a few unshed tears in her eyes but she's willing herself not to cry.
"Bye. You know how to reach me. I gave you all Calum's number as well. I'll see you on Friday. It'll be okay," Ashton adds, keeping his voice quiet to hide the way it strains.
"It'll be more than okay, you're going on an adventure. Starting a new chapter in your life. I'm so proud of you." Their mother's voice finally cracks, but she only sniffles a little.

They fully break apart and Ashton reaches a hand out to Calum for reassurance. Calum takes it and gives it a squeeze because he's here and he always will be. The five of them walk to the front door in silence, their brains all busy thinking a million different thoughts. Calum and Ashton step on to the verandah and as they turn back, Anne Marie surprises everyone by launching herself onto the Calum. Calum looks a little startled but doesn't stop it.
"Thank you. I know you'll take good care of him." She says just for his ears. Calum decides against using any words in that moment, just hugging a bit tighter to convey all he's trying to.

Ashton takes the opportunity to hug his siblings one final time and give them more reassurances that he's not going too far, he'll visit all the time and that he will always be here for them as their big brother. Anne Marie, properly crying at this point, gives Ashton one final hug as Calum walks to the car.
"I love you. See you Friday, don't forget to text and call me often."
"I won't. I love you too Mum." Ashton says, voice cracking ever so slightly. He pulls back and takes a deep breath before joining Calum in the car.

"You really did bring the big car." Ashton laughs a little as he gets in the big 4WD.
"I wasn't sure how much space we needed, clearly not much." Calum shrugs. Ashton winds down the windows and he and his family are throwing final farewells at one another as their views of each other gets smaller in the distance.

A/N: soft and little emotional but now Cashton live together, thanks for the love :)

-Grace Williams xo

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