Chapter six

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School had resumed and it was already Friday, the end of week one and the first time Ashton would be staying at Calum's overnight. Ashton had gone over to Calum's house to see it last Saturday just before school went back but he was very nervous about spending the night.

He was also nervous because he thought he had upset Calum yesterday and he couldn't possibly bare that thought. Calum had texted him everyday after school asking how his day was and Ashton never said more than 'fine' or 'good'. Yesterday Calum replied to that with 'I don't feel as if you're telling me everything. Please talk to me more darling. We'll discuss this tomorrow'.

To be fair to Calum, he was right. Ashton had the week from hell at school and he didn't want Calum worrying about him, so he contained his pain. Ashton couldn't help but feel like everything he did made him a bad submissive.

Calum - Ashton: I'm in a black sedan. Didn't want to stand out too much.

Ashton gulps at his phone and looks up as he walks out of the school gates. He's sees Calum instantly. Maybe Calum wasn't in a red convertible like he could be but he still stood out like a sore thumb. Ashton didn't come from a particularly well off area and so a brand new and shiny Hood car, even if it was just a sedan, still looked out of place.

Ashton glanced around and saw numerous people staring at the car, he kept his head down as he made a beeline for the car but could feel everyone's eyes on him as they started to piece things together. Calum couldn't  really be seen through the side windows, but completely through the front windscreen, and everyone was surprised to say the least.

Ashton slips into the passenger seat, his breathing laboured from the stress of everyone judging him as he got into the car.
"Hi darling." Calum starts, leaning over to softly kiss Ashton's cheek. Ashton tenses at the action. "What is it? Are you okay? Was school okay?" Calum frowns as he pulls back.
"I'm sorry." Ashton squeaks, tears in his eyes as he feels guilty for making Calum worried.
"Hey don't apologise, it's okay. You haven't done anything wrong. Want me to drive and we'll talk about it later?" Calum suggests softly, making Ashton nod.

Calum noticed a few sets of eyes on him and the car as he drives away and wonders if this was what upset Ashton. The drive back to his house is long, considering they lived on opposite sides of the city, so Calum stops at a Macca's drive thru about halfway home for snacks. They hadn't spoken since they left the school and Ashton seemed to be calming down little by little, but that was all undone when they met their server in the drive thru.

Calum winds his window down to pay and the previously bored looking teenage girl perks up.
"Hey Ashton!" She grins but the way Ashton mumbles an uncomfortable 'Hi' back doesn't sit well with Calum. "That's $14.85. You must be Ashton's dom." She says, causing Calum to skeptically raise an eyebrow. Something about this girl is off putting.
"You are?" Calum hands over his credit card but doesn't answer her question.
"Sarah. I go to school with Ashton." She's beaming far too much to be natural.
"Ah. Well don't wanna hold up the queue." Calum snatches his card back at the earliest opportunity and drives forward, staunchly avoiding conversation.

"Did you know her? Or more so, do you know her well?" Calum inquires once they've gotten their food and are back on the road.
"We have a couple classes together." Ashton mumbles.
"Do you get along with her?" Ashton shakes his head, not wanting to answer. "Darling," Calum sighs, "I know that you're not feeling okay and I have a feeling school is the problem. Please tell me what's going on. I want to help you. My job as your dominant is to be there for you. To help you."
"I don't want you to be mad at me. I don't want to disappoint you." Ashton gulps.
"I'm not mad at you and I am not disappointed in you. Why do you feel like this? Have I done something to upset you?"
"No!" Ashton quickly protests. "Never."
"Please tell me what's going on. Please."

Ashton let's out a shaky breath. "People at school on Monday asked about my assignment. Then they kept teasing me, saying I was weak and that I would never be a good submissive because I was wrong all this time. They kept asking who my dom was but I just said he lived and worked in the city. Now they know that it's you, they're gonna tell me on Monday that I don't deserve someone as good as you." The younger is near tears by the end of it and Calum is positively heartbroken.
"Oh darling." Is all Calum can manage to say at first.
"It's stupid I know." Ashton grumbles, frustratedly wiping at his eyes.
"It's not stupid at all that you're upset by them. What they're doing is cruel. It's targeted harassment and I won't tolerate them putting you down like that. Also, you are a fantastic submissive for me. You have not been anything less than perfect for me." Calum says firmly.
"No buts. If they're mean to you again on Monday you have to promise you'll tell me, alright?"
"Okay." Ashton replies weakly.

They finally pull up to Calum's house, borderline mansion, an hour and a half after they left Ashton's school. Ashton is just as in awe of it as he was the last time. It's four floors, clean and modern, has five bedrooms and even more bathrooms. The lowest level has a big bar and entertaining space that opens onto the grass and leads down to a private marina and harbour access.
"Come on, grab your bag and come inside." Calum says, getting out of his car once it's in the garage before opening the door and walking inside. Ashton wordlessly and awkwardly follows behind.

"Now, do you want to sleep in my room or a guest room? I truly don't mind which. If you're not comfortable with my bed yet that's okay. Don't say my bed just because you think it's what I want. What I want is for you to be happy and content." Calum asks.
"Guest room. Then maybe next week I'll be in your room." Ashton mumbles quietly, staring at the floor.
"Okay but don't push yourself. This is a process." Calum replies, leading Ashton into one of the guest bedrooms.

A/N: eek! Hi all! I'm back! Things pick up more in the chapter after next, we're nearly there. I hope you're excited.

It feels like y'all are scared of the comments section :/ Love you all heaps though I promise

-Grace Williams xo

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