Chapter ninety six

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"And now we get to go back to our new house. Our house." Luke sighs happily, resting his head on his doms shoulder as they stand against the railing of the yacht and look out at harbour and city lights.
"You think I'm done? Adorable." Michael teases.
"There's more?" Luke blanches.
"There's always more for you princess." Michael grins, too deviously for Luke to not be skeptical. "I'll be right back." Michael adds quickly before going inside the cabin to retrieve whatever was next in the evening's plan.

"Think of this as a present for finishing school, for getting to where you did get to. For recognising that you don't have to finish school. The next pathway of your life is about looking after yourself, then having our child. You have no idea how lucky I feel to have you." Michael goes on, Luke increasingly resembling the heart eyes emoji the longer Michael talks for. "You're dropping out of school, sacrificing your education, sacrificing your existence as a teenager, for our baby. For us. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I'm thankful for you coming and talking to be in that bar every single day."
"I love you so much." Luke sniffles, wiping away at his tears. 
"I love you so much."
"But I got you, my soulmate, at 17. Of course I'm having our child, it's the greatest honour. I get to spend longer with my soulmate than everyone else and then the universe blessed me with our offspring and the confirmation that we are soul mates. I truly feel like the luckiest person on earth." Luke replies emotionally, feeling fresh waves of tears after what feels like each and every sentence.

"Here. This is for you." Michael says as he kisses Luke softy and hands him a long and narrow jewellery box.
"What did you..." Luke asks slowly, leaving it open ended as he takes the lid off the box.

"Oh my god. It's stunning." Luke gasps, completely enamoured by the necklace he was staring at. It was white gold and had a pendant that was comprised of four diamond rings that were layered vertically on top of one another.
"You like it then?" Michael asks hopefully.
"Like it?!" Luke chokes. "I fucking love it. It's perfect. Thank you so much." Luke squeals, throwing his arms around his dom.
"You're welcome. Anything for my princess." Michael grins, dancing on clouds from the feeling of how happy he's made Luke.
"I wanna wear it now." Luke says excitedly as he pulls it out of the box, staring at it for a few more beats before handing it to Michael to clasp together behind his neck.

"You look incredible." Michael breathes out, completely enamoured by Luke's beauty that's only elevated by the diamonds on his chest.
"I love it. I love you." Luke whispers, softly touching the diamonds before turning around and leaning in to deeply kiss his dominant.

The way the lips just always seem to fit together so perfectly, both of them smooth and exactly as complementary as they should be, is everything to them. The times like now when they get to open their mouths, bring their tongues into it without it feeling sexual but still passionate, is everything to them.

"If you wanna go home now we can, go to our house." Michael says quietly, pulling back and resting his forehead against Luke's.
"Our home." The younger corrects.
"Our home." Michael agrees, stepping back and extending a hand out for Luke to lightly intertwine their fingers.

They make their way off the yacht, which had finished docking at least fifteen minutes ago, and back to Michael's deep red Hood convertible.
"I feel like I should get a car." Luke hums offhandedly as they drive.
"That could be a good idea, will certainly give you more freedom. It depends what you wanna do for the next six months." Michael shrugs.
"Yeah I've been thinking about that... maybe I'll get a job."
"A job?" Michael furrows his eyebrows as if he doesn't know what a job it is.
"I'm aware that I don't have to." Luke rolls his eyes. "But it'll give me something to do. I worked at a coffee shop for a couple years but stopped when I started my HSC, I'm sure they'll have me back."

"You're a barista?" Michael quirks an eyebrow.
"Not officially but yes." Luke laughs.
"I can't believe I didn't know. You'll have to start making my coffee." The older laughs.
"You're a basic latte drinker though. Give me something more exciting." Luke huffs.
"I'm sorry. I'll change my coffee order." Michael teases.
"I'd appreciate it."

"So what car do you want?" Michael rediverts the conversation back to what it was.
"Ideally a Ferrari but that's not practical with the baby so... undecided." Luke contemplates.
"I- I meant what Hood car do you want?" Michael says semi awkwardly.
"Wait what? I don't get to choose what car I have? Even if I pay for it." Luke furrows his eyebrows, speaking a little defensively.
"When they said in media training that you couldn't be seen with the competitors products... they were being serious." Michael purses his lips.
"I thought that only applied to your competitors. I'm not Calum's submissive." Luke snaps.

"The media know that Calum and I are close, it'll still look bad. Ashton is subjected to the same rules, he's only allowed Scorpion products." Michael adds firmly.
"What if I don't want a Hood car?" Luke whines petulantly.
"Do you not want a Hood car?"
"It's not that, it's that I don't like my choices being taken away from me." Luke huffs, crossing his arms and pouting.
"I can get you any Hood car you want, any specs and modifications, but the brand of car you drive is as unnegotiable as the brand of phone you have." Michael is firm, being possibly more authoritative than he ever has been with Luke. A silence falls over them for the rest of the journey home.

"I'm sorry." Luke says when they pull into the driveway, Michael pauses his movement of getting out of the car but doesn't say anything. "I don't want us to go spend our first night properly living together like this. I clearly should have paid more attention in the media training. I need to learn to accept your dominance better. It's how things are supposed to be and I need to stop putting you in a position where fulfilling your role and accepting your status makes us uncomfortable. I'm trying my best, I swear, but for right now, I'm sorry that I keep fucking up."
"You're not fucking up. You're learning and I will always love you, that's something else you need to accept."

A/N: all of 5sos are babies and muke are cute, I have nothing else to say. I love you all :)

-Grace Williams xo

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