Chapter seventy three

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"I have to get home for dinner, you know what my mum's like. Don't worry, it's all gonna be okay. I'm here for you." Sierra hugs her best friend, tight, as she parks in front of the Scorpion headquarters.
"Yeah, thanks. I love you." He smiles as he pulls back and reaches for the door handle.
"Love you too." She replies as Luke gets out heads inside.

"Luke Hemmings?" The receptionist asks when she sees the blonde boy walk into the foyer and look lost.
"Yeah that's me." He squeaks nervously.
"Mr Clifford said to expect you, just head straight up to the top floor." She smiles, nodding to the security guard to let Luke through.

"Hi." Michael smiles, wrapping Luke in a hug the moment the younger boy steps out of the lift.
"It's been two days." Luke laughs awkwardly, body a little tense.
"Is everything alright? What happened at the doctor?" Michael asks worriedly as they walk into his office and both sit in his chair.
"I'm- I'm- fuck," Luke swears in frustration, hating how the words get clogged in his throat.
"Take all the time you need baby." Michael says calmly.
"I'm pregnant."

Michael freezes. He isn't sure what to do. He never expected this. He never planned for this. Back when Calum told him this was a bad idea, getting Luke pregnant wasn't on either of their minds.
"Earth to Michael?" Luke snaps his fingers, making the dom shake out his trance.
"Really?" Is all Michael's brain can get out at the moment.
"Yes you dick, I asked the doctor the same thing. Didn't cross anyone's mind that this means I've had sex with my soulmate before we're assigned and supposed to." Luke snaps.

"You told me when we met that that you have sex with someone different every weekend." Michael says quietly, not liking the idea of Luke having someone else's baby. Sure, Luke being pregnant at all isn't ideal but if it's going to be because of anyone then Michael wants it to be him.
"Oh my god I was lying." Luke groans loudly.
"Wait, what? Why?"
"The fact I went to the club every, or most, weekends wasn't a lie. I brought in business by teasing people, sure, made out a lot, but I was too scared to actually have sex with them. The only other person I've ever had sex with is Sierra." Luke confesses.
"So why..."
"It was different with you. Was the moment we met. You know that too. It felt right. I already felt I could trust you, that things would be okay. I lied so you would agree to it."

"That still means..." Michael starts to say but Luke cuts him off.
"I've been having sex with Sierra for like, two and a half years and you want me to believe that all of a sudden she got me pregnant the same month I started seeing you? She might not even be a dom!" Luke gets louder and louder, suddenly wanting to bash Michael over the head with some brain cells. Maybe they'll go in. "Why won't you accept that we're soulmates?!"

Michael shuts his mouth. Now that Luke said it out loud it feels real. Too real. In a good way, mostly.
"Because it's too good to be true." Michael breathes out.
"I know." Luke answers his dom, barely audible, leaning in to kiss Michael. The first kiss where they actually know they're soulmates. It feels different in the best possible way.

"I'm sorry for yelling." Luke mumbles, the tension and fight in his body dissolving as he crumbles into Michael's body.
"It's fine baby," Michael soothes, chuckling after. "Is it still right for me to call you that? Do you still want me to call you that? Now that we're having a baby,"
"I think so. I don't know. Still feels weird when you say that fact out loud." Luke blushes shyly.

"How do you feel about the whole 'having a baby' thing? Your current situation aside." Michael asks curiously.
"Good. I've always wanted children. I can't wait, it feels like something that was supposed to happen. Maybe not this soon though." Luke says, getting a little excited all of a sudden.
"To think, it was always gonna be me. I'm the only person who can get you pregnant." Michael hums.
"Thank god." Luke giggles.

Michael and Luke stand up and leave Michael's office, there are people to talk to.
"Jeanette?" Michael hums, making his assistant look up.
"Hello soulmates." She grins.
"You know about that?" Michael awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
"At least the whole floor knows about that, at least. However you'll be pleased to know that I'm certain I'm the only one who knows about the pregnant thing. Congratulations." Jeanette informs them.
"Thanks," Luke smiles proudly.

"Have you told your parents yet?" Michael asks suddenly.
"Absolutely not. Don't get me wrong, my parents are fine. They're not gonna be judgey, too much. I'm still scared though. I'm the baby of the family and I'm going to give them their first grandchild. Not to mention, I'm still in school. Fuck, I haven't even finished year 11." Luke rambles.
"It's all gonna be fine. Promise. Right now you should just focus on staying healthy." Michael instructs.
"Yeah." Luke smiles goofily.

"How about we tell Calum and Ashton then, if you're not ready to tell you're family." Michael suggests, to which Luke nods. "Can you please add Luke to the security clearance list?" Michael calls over his shoulder as he and Luke walk back into his office.

Michael - Calum: Hello

Michael - Calum: I have news

Michael - Calum: Big news

Michael - Calum: Actually it's mine and Luke's news together

Michael - Calum: Why don't you have wifi

Michael - Calum: It's the 21st century

Michael - Calum: Buy in-flight wifi right now

Michael - Calum: Do it you wanker

Michael - Calum: First class you get it for free

Michael - Calum: USE THE WIFI

Michael - Calum: Just call me when you have your stop over then

Michael - Calum: I can't believe you smfh

A/N: Now Michael knows, I think the drama next chapter will catch everyone off guard but I'm excited. Try and predict it I dare you.

Stay safe and happy, especially those in Australia, Iran, Iraq, Ukraine and Indonesia who are going through particular hardship right now. My heart is aching for you all, lots of love to everyone

-Grace Williams xo

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