Chapter seventy six

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Sierra gives Luke a look of sympathy when she sees Luke walk into school the next day.
"How are you feeling?" She sighs as they walk to their lockers.
"Alright. Glad to know what it is, but it's a lot to process. Physically I still feel shit, though there are things I can do to help hopefully. Already started on the vitamins." He replies, voice quiet.
"Michael took it well then?"
"Very. We didn't really get to talk about actual plans like living together or whatever but yeah, he's excited. We're soulmates Sez, kind of reassuring now that the rest will just fall into place." Luke shrugs, gradually growing heart eyes the longer he talks about Michael. His dom.
"And your parents?" Sierra asks curiously
"Yeah..." Luke laughs awkwardly. "Haven't told them yet. Once I work out what I want to do living arrangement wise and school wise. And I want to get both of those sorted very soon."

Luke - Michael: Can we catch up after school again?

Michael - Luke: Of course, I'll pick you up at 3:30

Luke - Michael: ❤️

Michael - Luke: ❤️❤️

Luke gets through the day relatively easy. Relative to how sick he feels and how much he's constantly thinking about. Though that level of ease dissipates when he discovers that Ms Sears, who he now sort of knows as Carla, isn't at school today. He feels immensely guilty. Not to mention that all of that happened and by the end of it Maggie and Carla still didn't find out that Michael and Luke are soulmates. Or expectant parents.

He isn't sure what should come first when he tells people, not that he has plans to tell that many people of course. Luke feels tact is essential, if only for the fact that his dom is somewhat in the public eye. Not like a normal celebrity but it's possible for Michael, even his private life, to make headlines. Luke can't think of anything more scandalous and attention grabbing than the owner and CEO of one of the worlds largest tech companies getting a 17-year-old pregnant. There's a lot to consider in the situation at hand.

"How was your day?" Michael asks as Luke hops into the car, parked around the corner of his school to minimise being seen.
"Alright. I found out Ms Se-, Carla, wasn't there today. I feel guilty. And she and Maggie still don't even know why we were there." Luke mumbles.
"How about," Michael suggests lightly, "we drop into their place later and have a chat?"
"Won't that make everything worse?" Luke considers.
"I don't think so, I think it will be helpful. I'll talk to Magie about it first." Michael answers as he drives back into the city towards his apartment.

"I wanna drop out of school." Luke says suddenly, just as they're driving into Michael's garage.
"Oh- um- talk me through your reasons." Michael replies calmly after he composes himself.
"Well this baby is gonna be born like halfway through the school year and I just can't imagine myself being as focussed as I need to be in year 12 to get it done. Everyone knows that the HSC is a beast." Luke shrugs as they get out and make their way to the lift.
"HSC is a beast, can confirm that." Michael chuckles. "I completely see where you're coming from with this decision, however, I'd like you to keep an open mind. That is, to not rule out finishing school and/or going to uni in the future."
"That's reasonable, it doesn't feel productive to live life with future opportunities ruled out."

"I'm proud of you and I respect your decision. That means you only have a month or so of school left." Michael reassures his sub as they walk into his apartment.
"Yeah, not sure how I'll fill my days until the baby is here -especially early on in the pregnancy- but I'll work something out." Luke hums, thinking it all over.
"I won't even mind if you sit in my office all day talking to me." Michael offers.
"Stop. I would never want to be a nuisance." Luke blushes.
"And you wouldn't be." Michael answers before leaning in for a kiss.

"I wanna tell my parents... especially mum, so I can get his help with pregnancy things, but not until we work out our, uh, living arrangements." Luke breaks the silence somewhat awkwardly.
"You wanna move in together?"
"Do you not want to?" Luke squeaks embarrassedly.
"Of course I do baby, of course. I just hadn't thought of it. I should move. We can start our life together in a proper, family friendly, house. Not this apartment." Michael rushes.
"I like the idea of that." Luke smiles. "What area? In the city like now?"
"I think, if we want a family home, we'll need to move out just a little. I grew up lower north shore, which is Calum and Ashton live, so that's the area I'm familiar with."
"Of course you did." Luke laughs.

"Well," Michael huffs indignantly, "where do you suggest?"
"Where I'm from is still a very nice area, you know that." Luke counters. "I would like to be near my family, where are your family?"
"You know I'm an only child, but my parents moved to the country and away from city life as soon as they could. They're at least an hour north from no matter where we end up." Michael explains and Luke just hums and leans his head on Michael's shoulder.

"I don't wanna step on your toes. I'm still learning how to be a submissive, and we don't have a contract so that makes things harder. I'm trying but I'm sorry if I fuck up. I know you can't or won't punish me but still tell me if I'm out of line." Luke mumbles softly.
"No, you're doing so good baby. I know this must be hard for you, you're doing this before you're supposed to be. I'm so proud of you and you're the best submissive I could have ever asked for." Michael holds Luke's face in his hands as he speaks, making sure his submissive understands and takes in every bit of praise he receives.
"I'm gonna cry fuck these hormones." Luke mutters, laughing with tears in his eyes.
"Let's go visit Maggie and Carla, it'll all work out. I promise."

A/N: think of Janet in the good place when she says 'not a girl' and that's me saying 'not a typo',,,,, if you noticed what I'm talking about hehe good job. Thank you for the reassuring comments on the last chapter I love to know that I'm boring y'all to death.

I've got a present/surprise thing for y'all when this hits 15k reads and I'm super excited and I think you'll really like it too. Already at 14.5k so it'll be very soon yayyyy! Love y'all always

-Grace Williams xo

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