Chapter sixty one

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"You were so perfect for me, I love you." Calum softly strokes some of Ashton's hair out of his eyes. They were lying in bed, content with holding each other close. Ashton had just lost his virginity and they couldn't have asked for a better first time between them, they had already showered and cleaned up and now they were just waiting for their dinner to arrive. Cooking was the last thing on their priority list at the moment.
"You were perfect for me. I love you." Ashton insists.

"I kept worrying that I would push you too far. Are you sore?" Calum confesses, pulling back a little so he can look into his sub's eyes.
"You didn't. I loved every second of it. I don't think I'm more sore than I should be. Just need to get used to it, is all."
"Well let me know if it starts to hurt more. I don't want you straining or hurting. Sex is about pleasure." Calum finishes just as the doorbell rings.
"I don't mind some pain though," Ashton mumbles as they stand up and head downstairs.

Calum goes to the front door and collects the Thai food they ordered for dinner before meeting Ashton on the couch is the lounge room.
"The stairs hurt a little more." Ashton says offhandedly as they start eating.
"Oh?" Calum frowns.
"I expected my bum to be sore I guess but it's still weird." The younger blushes.
"We'll give it time, got a lot discuss now." Calum chuckles.
"Yeah but I- there's a lot I wanna try." Ashton mumbles, shoving some noodles in his mouth.

Calum considers saying something and fueling a conversation throughout the meal but Ashton always seems to be thinking a million thoughts. Ashton doesn't really seem to notice the silence, his mind thinking over and over again about what just happened and what he wants -or rather expects- from the relationship in a physical capacity.
"Can I see your list of kinks and boundaries?" Ashton asks blankly, still considering a lot in his head.
"What would you do if I said I didn't have one?" Calum replies cautiously as they start packing up dinner.
"I'd hope you were kidding?" Ashton grimaces. "I've waited this long to see something that doesn't even exist?!"
"When you asked me about it initially, I didn't actually say it existed because I thought its existence -if I did have one- would stress you out. Sweetheart," Calum sighs, wrapping his arms around Ashton's waist. "It crossed my mind in the past but I never made one because it didn't feel right to decide what sort of things I'd be into with my partner before I even knew who my partner was."

"What you're saying is..." Ashton furrows his eyebrows.
"That I want us to explore our kinks and boundaries together."
"Well... That does sound logical." Ashton concludes.
"I thought so. We can do it now, or if you want more time, we can do it later." Calum says as they walk up the stairs.
"I wanna talk now. There's just, so much to talk about." Ashton decides.
"Well let's get ready for bed and then talk this out, yeah?" Calum suggests, to which Ashton just nods.

Ashton, clearly eager to spend the evening discussing all the possibilities within their sex life, gets ready for bed quickly but patiently waits for Calum to join him.
"Does you being keen mean you already know what you wanna talk about?" Calum asks as he sits against the headboard.
"The opposite." The younger mutters.
"Well then let's start simple," Calum says gently. "Can you think of any kinks that you've heard of that stand out to you? Positively or negatively."

"The only one I've heard of that weirded me out was like nappies and shit, I don't know what it's called." Ashton scrunches up his face.
"Age play?" Calum supplies.
"Yeah that sounds right."
"That's very reliant on the right headspace, for both of us but you especially. It would be about you falling into the mindset of a small child, generally a toddler, and me supporting that. Which could be done through dummies, nappies, cots, onesies, teddies etc. Not necessarily all those things have to be used." Calum explains, wanting Ashton to understand things as much as possible before he makes a decision about anything.

"I don't wanna say never to anything... but I really don't feel right with that." Ashton says awkwardly.
"And that's perfectly alright, don't feel like you have to agree to anything. Only say yes when you're comfortable and also remember that you can say no at anytime, even if we're in the middle of something." The dom's voice goes sterner, making sure Ashton understands.
"Yeah, thank you." Ashton mumbles.
"One final thing, I won't allow anything sexual to happen whilst you're in a little headspace -if you ever are. That's something I'm not comfortable with."

"T-that's a thing?" Ashton blanches, looking at his dom in shock.
"It's not common but yes, some people do it."
"I'm not comfortable with it either." Ashton agrees quickly.
"Moving on from ageplay then," Calum clears his throat, "is there anything else that crosses your mind?"
"Not really... I just know I wanna try things, especially after tonight. I think keeping things vanilla would be boring." Ashton blushes.
"I agree. I can't wait to try so many new things together." Calum grins, leaning down to give Ashton a big and dramatic kiss.

"Is there any kinks you do or don't wanna try?" Ashton giggles as they pull away from each other.
"Not particularly. How about sometime soon we go to a sex toy shop? Even if we don't buy anything, we can just look around." Calum suggests.
"That sounds good. I think I might be overwhelmed, but I still wanna do it." Ashton decides.
"I look forward to it." Calum pecks the top of Ashton's curls. "Let's go to sleep, it's been a long day."
"Only because we had sex." Ashton giggles.
"Sleep." Calum says fondly as they lie down, pulling his sub into his chest the same as every other night.

A/N: I'm here with chapter sixty one, I hope you enjoyed it. I said all that needed to be said in the last chapter. I'll see y'all on Tuesday :)

-Grace Williams xo

P.S. getting back into the groove with this and feeling better about it

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