Chapter forty four

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"We're all done then?" Calum clasps his hands together when they agree on the rules.
"Slow down hot stuff, we haven't discussed punishments." Maggie snorts, making Ashton choke a little. She quickly notices the way both their demeanours change. "Are we ready to discuss punishments? We can pause and break if we need to."
"Do you want to tell her or should I? We need to talk about it." Calum asks Ashton as the younger tries to sink further into the chair and avoid the conversation. 
"Do we though..." Ashton counters.
"Ashton." Calum warns, making Ashton shrink even further.

"If there's been a punishment of any sort pre contract then I'm going to beat you both into pulps." Maggie says casually.
"No..." Ashton says vaguely.
"Not exactly." Calum purses his lips.
"I would say I don't have time for this but right now Cal, you're paying me, so take as long as you need." Maggie shrugs.
"There's been no punishments, one of the reasons being that we had no contract and also that a punishment wasn't warranted, but Ashton did ask for one last night." Calum explains.
"Really?!" Maggie asks, not even slightly attempting to hide her shock.

"Is that not a thing sub's do?" Ashton asks weakly.
"It is, I just wouldn't expect it..." She replies cautiously.
"From me? What's that supposed to mean?" Ashton talks back.
"Ashton-" Maggie tries to apologise.
"I'm a submissive. Maybe I didn't think I would be a month ago, but I am. I need reassurance and guidance. Not only that but I'm a freak child whose parents didn't work out even though they were soulmates like everyone else's so I have no idea what a relationship is supposed to exist like. Yesterday I fucked up. I didn't try and communicate with my dom. I didn't trust him. Isn't that what subs normally get punished for? So punish me. Stop thinking I'm too weak to take it. And rule number one, I can only call him Sir when I'm overwhelmed and in need of guidance, that's all the fucking time." Ashton rambles angrily but for most of it he's more angry at himself than anyone else in the room.

When Ashton finishes and they all sit in stunned silence, he realises what he just did. He just completely went off at two dom's, his own and the one responsible for keeping their relationship together at the moment.
"I'm so sorry." Ashton adds quietly, breaking the older two from their trances.
"What did Calum say after you asked for a punishment?" Maggie asks.
"Wha- why is that relevant-" Calum tries to interject.
"What did he say?" She urges on.
"A few things about how good I am. That he doesn't consider me responsible and he isn't mad." Ashton blushes.
"Anything else?" She presses.
"That he's the only one who gets to decide if I'm a good sub or not?"

"Exactly," Maggie grins. "He calls the shots and it's in your nature to respond well to that, to thrive when you don't have as many decisions to make. Many submissives ask for punishments, when they -like you last night- feel they've wronged their dom or the relationship. You can ask eight days a week but no dom will ever deliver a punishment they feel is unwarranted."
"So what's the point in me asking?" Ashton queries.
"Ah, you see, that's when the relationship becomes about compromise. You need to explain why you want to be punished and if they say no then -provided circumstances are right- you try and reach a compromise about what level of punishment is appropriate."

"What about punishments is necessary to include in the contract?" Calum asks as Ashton stays silent in his thoughts.
"When they're given, what they are. That sort of thing." Maggie explains.
"Aren't they just given when the rules are broken?" Calum wonders aloud.
"Generally but there can be exceptions. Exceptions for when something not specified can be punishable or when breaking a rule doesn't have to mean a punishment. Whatever. It's up to the individuals."

"Are you comfortable with punishments Ashton?" Maggie adds as an afterthought.
"Yes? I asked for one last night, I'm confused..." Ashton furrows his eyebrows.
"Many subs, increasingly, feel as if punishments are discriminatory and oppressive." She clarifies.
"Well... what exists to keep a dom in check? Do you understand both sides of the debate? I'm curious." Ashton digs.
"Safewords. That could be seen as more extreme but personally I think punishments are extreme, I don't believe they're for the everyday -that defeats the purpose- and safewords need to be more normalised and less feared. The rules in any relationship -I mentioned- are about complimenting the existing dynamic, so rules should rarely be broken. The flip side is that some people think it's not equal because the dom isn't getting physical punishments -but punishments vary from relationship to relationship."

"Well you know I haven't had a healthy relationship modelled by my parents but I think I like the idea of punishments. I want the guidance, the reassurance that someone's looking out for me and is only thinking of how I can be a better person. Is it not... favourable to the sub when you consider it's the dom who is dedicating themselves to the betterment of the sub? In this sense, the dom is dedicating their existence to the sub's needs." Ashton considers.
"Spoken like a true sub." Maggie grins.
"It's an honour to me that I get to dedicate my existence to you and your needs." Calum says softly, causing Ashton to look up wordlessly and send a million silent thank you's to his dom on the other side of the table.

"If we leave it that breaking the rules means punishments, then the only thing to decide is what the punishments can be." Maggie declares.
"I want Calum to have full autonomy when it comes to punishments." Ashton slips in quickly.
"Ashton, that-" Calum tries to say.
"That's my sacrifice." Ashton clarifies. "You dedicate your existence to me and my character and I allow you to control the manifestation of my punishments. Besides, it's a punishment so I don't see why I'm the one deciding anyway." He shrugs at the end.
"Okay, is there anything that I shouldn't do because it will be too far for you? That's what this discussion is about." Calum asks, as concerned as any good dom that he's going to push Ashton too far.
"Not that I can think of. That's what my safewords are for anyway."

"This meeting is hereby adjourned because you guys are too perfect and I don't have time to feel insecure about my own relationship today." Maggie intervenes before walking straight out of Calum's office.

A/N: they're so soft :( I love them and I love you all, especially for getting nine votes in 19 hours on the last chapter :)))

-Grace Williams xo

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