Chapter twelve

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"Mr Hood, pleasure to finally meet you." The greying man stands up and extends a hand out as Calum steps in the room. Calum takes it before settling into the offered chair.
"The pleasure is all mine." Calum smiles, as charming as ever. He may be three to four decades younger than the man he's about to speak to but that's what he deals with everyday in business. The only difference is that he has a stronger emotional investment in this business, though that's not to say he isn't emotionally invested in his company.

"I want to start by saying I appreciate you bringing this to my attention in such a timely matter. We do take all matters of bullying and misconduct among students very seriously."
"And I truly appreciate that from you. Before I go any further I'd like to know what has been done since our conversation yesterday." Calum is hyper aware that getting people on your side is exponentially easier after you butter them up first. That being said, you have to be firm so people don't walk all over you.

"Of course. Well I mentioned to all my staff what the issue at hand is and told them to all keep a particularly watchful eye on the matter. However I did not, I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear, mention Ashton's name. No staff are aware of any specific students involved." The man says proudly.
"That is wonderful to hear Mr Riersack and I do hope the issue calms down, of course, however, I regret to inform that it is worsening at an alarming rate."

"I told you I would speak to Ashton last night." Calum continues on.
"Well he had no proposed solutions, as is expected. I then asked, plain and simple, if he still likes coming to school. Does he regret coming each day? Nothing demonstrates how marvellously you and your staff are, day in and day out, like the fact he told me does still enjoy school. Enjoys the teachers and classes."
"Oh that is wonderful to hear." The older man beams.
"Unfortunately," Calum stresses, "he messaged me earlier today to say that he does not want to come to school anymore. That it has become too severe and he no longer feels comfortable and safe at school."
"Oh Mr Hood." The man rushes, stress lines now etched in his forehead. "I'm very sorry to hear that and I hope you understand that we will do everything we can for Ashton's well-being."

"I'm making a time limit Mr Riersack." Calum clips, being past the point of buttering up.
"You must understand that I cannot tolerate this and stand by whilst my submissive is subjected to such cruel treatment."
"I do understand." Tony says hurriedly. "I- I do have a submissive of my own." Calum raises his eyebrows in interest but doesn't say anything. "I understand how much you want to protect him."
"That's great." Calum says dryly. "I will speak with Ashton further but at this stage, Mr Riersack, I anticipate unenrolling Ashton from school with immediate effect if the problem does not improve significantly by Friday."

The principal's eyes widen and his mouth goes a little dry at the prospect. It's not that he didn't understand where the younger man was coming from, it's just that a student dropping out a few months shy of graduating because of bullying is really going to crush the school's already fragile reputation.
"M- Mr Hood-" The man stumbles over his words.
"Go on." Calum muses teasingly. The man across from him takes a deep breath to compose himself.
"Whilst I can see where you're coming from, I do question if you've considered his education." The man says, making Calum display a look of defensiveness because as if he wouldn't. "I just mean to say, he's due to graduate in a few months so moving schools at this stage feels more harmful than anything else."

"Perhaps I wasn't clear. I said I will unenroll him from school. I'm very aware that starting at a new school at this stage would be unhelpful and damaging."
"Frankly," Calum sneers, "I am insulted you think I would ever disregard his education or the importance of it. I would personally see to it that he keeps up to date with the last of the coursework by way of textbooks, online resources and -if necessary- private tutors. Then he can sit his exams here if you're willing to have him or, alternatively, I will find a place that is."
"I understand Mr Hood. We would welcome him with open arms at any point, provided of course he does not formally enroll in any other school. I do hope it doesn't come to that, truly." Mr Riersack concedes.

"I hope it doesn't either but time is ticking. Friday may be his last day. As I say, I won't allow this to go on any longer than necessary."
"I respect that Mr Hood. Thank you for coming to see me. I'm sure you're quite a busy man." Tony stands up from his chair and initiates a goodbye handshake.
"Of course. The matter was urgent. I made it clear to Ashton that he would always be my first priority and I should display that in my actions." Calum says, shaking the slightly clammy hand before straightening out his suit and stepping closer to the door.

Not really knowing what else to say, the principal gives a tight lipped smile and nods slightly.
"Good afternoon Mr Riersack, I will keep you updated throughout the remainder of the week." Calum replies, reaching for the door handle.
"Good afternoon Mr Hood, thank you again for coming. I do appreciate and respect what you're doing." Tony makes his final remark before Calum is walking out with a curt nod.

School is due to finish in fifteen minutes but there's already people milling around the exits and trying to get out early. Calum is aware of all the people staring at him. Aware of how out place his luxury suit is -thank goodness it mostly hides the Rolex on his left wrist. Heaven forbid what chaos that would let loose. He can't help the small smirk that graces his lips as he makes his way to his car, dozens of teenage eyes glued to his figure.

A/N: hello! An update! Just for you! Enjoy!

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-Grace Williams xo

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