Chapter forty three

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Calum freezes. He's not sure how he's supposed to process the insinuation that he's done things, or at least one thing, that is a red flag for an abusive relationship. He knows Maggie isn't saying it herself -and never would- but the fact someone else might makes him feel sick.
"What do I do?" Calum mouths, afraid of anyone possibly hearing. He's afraid of a lot of things right now.
"Text him and get him back in here right now." Maggie says quietly.

Calum - Ashton: Please come back Sweets. Sorry it's so soon but we need you again. Xo

Ashton - Calum: Okay xo

"Is everything okay?" Ashton asks quietly when he steps back into Calum's office.
"We just-"
"Ashton, take a seat and allow me to explain." Maggie cuts Calum off, not wanting him to beat around the bush any longer.
"Maggie-" Calum tries to warn but he's cut off just as quickly as the first time.
"I'm explaining this for you too." She glares before continuing. "I understand that for a variety of reasons you get overwhelmed easily when it comes to things pertaining to the relationship and your general existence as a submissive. That's perfectly alright and no one blames you for that or is upset with you."

"What you also need to understand," Maggie goes on. "Is that Calum is also new to being a dominant."
"What?" Calum wheezes as Ashton's eyes bulge, they're both caught off guard by her comment.
"Yes, he's known officially for many years and has had time to prepare, but he's still new at actually being a dominant. All this is why I'm not holding anyone accountable and we are all going to move on in a calm manner but Ashton," Maggie pauses to make sure Ashton is listening very carefully, "the sub leaving the room during contract talks is often considered a red flag for domestic abuse."

Ashton's breath stops as the words slowly leave Maggie's mouth. He thinks he's going to throw up. This can't be real. He's never got confirmation either way but he has theories about his father's behaviour being abusive toward his mother and the thought that someone might put the same theory on he and Calum is sickening.
"No." Ashton shakes his head feverishly, voice wavering. "No no no no." Ashton's voice croaks as he starts to hyperventilate.

"No one is insinuating anything unhealthy in your situation Ashton. You're both still learning, it's okay." Maggie reassures him as Calum's walks to his sub to engulf him in a hug.
"It's okay Sweets. We're gonna go slow. Whatever speed you're comfortable with, whenever you're ready." Calum mumbles, feeling Ashton's breathing gradually calm down.
"I just-" Ashton gulps.
"Take all the time you need." Calum's voice is calm.
"My parents obviously aren't still together, even though they were assigned soulmates. I know next to nothing about my father but I have theories that he was abusive... never asked because I figured mum doesn't want me to know and if the answers yes I'm not sure I want to know." Ashton says, tears threatening to spill and voice shaky.
"Oh Ashton..." Calum frowns sympathetically.

"We can't... we can't be like that. We aren't like that." Ashton says determinedly.
"Of course we're not, we know that and so does everyone else that knows us-" Calum starts.
"But- I'm here. I'm ready to talk about the contract. We need a contract and as much as she freaked me out, Maggie made it clear I need to be here. So I'm here. Once it's done we can relax more. Right? Doesn't matter. It's not the point. I'm here and I'm ready." Ashton starts to ramble, dedicated to the cause of developing a relationship contract as is standard.
"You- you don't need to push yourself." Calum says, slightly taken aback by his sub's outburst.

"This is for us. I want to."
"Good." Maggie cuts Calum off. "We'll start discussing the contract you two drafted. You're right in one sense Ashton; the sooner we start, the sooner it's all over. The point of a contract is not to affect the relationship and things that work well. The point is to keep things steady and compliment the good parts of your relationship."
"Maggie-" Calum starts semi-warningly.
"You're allowed to have changed your mind and want me out, I won't be offended, but you did ask for my presence Calum. Do you want me here? Ashton, do you?" Maggie says smartly.
"I," Calum pauses a moment, "think I'm happy with your presence. Ashton?"
"I like it..." Ashton answers slowly. "I mean, I like having your knowledge and experience. For me, the more guidance the better."

"Well. Let's begin. This is the vaguest contract I've ever read." Maggie declares dryly, making Ashton frown.
"Well-" Calum tries to defend.
"You need rules. Based on what you've written here I'd like to suggest the following.

1. Calum should only be addressed as Sir when Ashton is feeling overwhelmed and in need of guidance.
2. When Calum has been addressed as Sir, he will only address Ashton as Sweets, Sweetheart and Darling.
3. Ashton's safeword is red, Calum will stop everything possibly affecting Ashton immediately and not resume anything until there has been explicit verbal consent on Ashton's part.
4. When Ashton is uncomfortable around other people, yellow will signal that he would like Calum and Calum only in that moment.
5. Ashton and Calum will be truthful and honest with each other.
6. Ashton and Calum will be committed to each other.
7. Ashton and Calum will respect one another.
8. Ashton and Calum both acknowledge that sex is not mentioned elsewhere in this contract deliberately and that neither party should ever feel pressured by themselves or the other to change that. If they do feel pressured they will discuss this with their partner.
9. This contract will be reviewed one (1) week from signing, three (3) weeks from signing, five (5) weeks from signing and after every four week period until one (1) year has passed from the initial signing date -after which time, this clause (9) will be rewritten."

A/N: A CONTRACT. Yayyyyy. Sorry this is a day late, got distracted by the hierarchy part for Michael's birthday. Love y'all to the moon and back :)

-Grace Williams xo

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