Chapter one hundred and four

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Luke and Michael had a sleep in today but when they remembered why the felt sick to their stomachs. Perhaps they should be excited, after all, they could legally get their contract approved today. Then there's the thought that this could have gotten out, or that it could get out. They hadn't told any wider circles that Luke's pregnant -and they have no intention to- but people will want to know why they're going to a DFD administrative tribunal.

"What if they say no? What if we can't be legal?" Luke asks, voice quiet and unsure as he pulls and stretches and pushes at his hands like he always does when he's nervous. He was sitting, almost shaking, in the passenger seat of Michael's sleek coupé as the dom drove into the city.
"Then we appeal. But we shouldn't be thinking about that. We need to stay positive. We're prepared, Crystal is the best lawyer for the job. We can do this. I know we can." Michael says encouragingly, looking over at his sub a little sadly. He hates that Luke is so stressed about this. Luke doesn't deserve it and the baby certainly doesn't.

There's no reporters out the front when they arrive, which is a good sign, but that doesn't mean they won't show. Michael didn't let Jeanette come, just because he hates taking days off work and the thought of both of them not being around makes him feel ill, but he might be starting to regret that decision. Still, he and Luke walk in calmly and find Crystal in the foyer.

"Good to see you, this is one of our paralegals, Sam. Sam, this is Michael and Luke." Crystal introduces the younger guy next to her.
"Nice to meet you." Sam extends his hand out to shake and Michael takes it but Luke is too nervous. He barely notices the interaction at all.
"How are you feeling this morning?" Crystal asks as they all sit back down, waiting to be called in to see the magistrate.

"Very nervous." Michael grimaces.
"Yeah, I didn't sleep well." Luke mumbles absentmindedly.
"That's no good." Crystal frowns. "We've prepared a solid case and we doubt you two will have to say anything. Try not to worry."
"It's not that we doubt or don't trust your abilities." Michael rushes to clarify. "We just-"
"I understand why you're nervous, especially because it's a very unique case so it's hard to look at previous cases as indicators, but that doesn't mean I think you should be." She cuts him off.
"Yeah." Michael breathes out, a slightly tense silence falling over the four of them.

They don't say very much at all, occasionally mumbling at most, but Luke and Michael slowly edge closer to one another. They need each other.
"The case of Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings." A man in uniform walks into the foyer and announces it for all the world to hear. Michael thinks of a few choice swear words in his head but settles for a tight lipped smile as his hold on Luke's wrist tightens and they both stand up.

"Crystal Lauderdale, their representation." She stands up and strides forward, her confidence putting them at ease. The uniformed man acknowledges her but doesn't say anything. They go into the tribunal hearing room, set up similarly to a courtroom, and Crystal and Sam immediately know where to go. Michael and Luke follow quietly behind as they all walk by rows of wooden seats and sit down.

"I am Magistrate Hriggs, I will presiding over this administrative tribunal. The case is Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings, seeking an exemption to the requirement that both parties signing a relationship contract must be eighteen. I ask any legal counsel they have to introduce themselves." The Magistrate, a woman who looks to be in her 50's and is clearly a dominant, begins the proceedings.
"Crystal Lauderdale, the lawyer of both Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings. Also with me is Samuel Grensky, paralegal." Crystal stands up, introducing herself and Sam.

"Hello," the magistrate smiles a little at Crystal to acknowledge her. "My understanding of the request of your clients is that they want the Department of Fate and Destiny, which I permit to be referred to as simply 'the DFD' ongoing, to allow, and indirectly endorse, their relationship by way of legalising their contract -despite the fact Luke Hemmings is only 17 years of age." Luke's stomach does flips, not in a good way, at the way she says it and he grips his dom's hand even tighter.
"That is correct your honour, however, if I may, endorse is not a word I would choose to describe the DFD's role in this." Crystal is quick in her replies but clear nonetheless.

"Do tell me what word you would select to describe the situation Ms. Lauderdale."
"The DFD's role in this case, and by consequence my clients relationship, is not to endorse any actions. Rather, we are simply seeking the right for my clients to legally establish a contract in what is a perfectly acceptable relationship -much the same as everyone else's. This permission should be granted on the grounds that they are already proven to be soulmates." Crystal moves a little as she talks, drawing everyone in. It's a little mesmerising, especially to Michael and Luke who aren't used to seeing it.

"Minors do not have proven soulmates, for reasons such as this right here. Minors are deemed not old enough to make decisions and also, the state does not want to burden minors." The magistrate's tone is chilling. Luke and Michael both want to throw up.
"With all due respect to the state, your honour, I would first like to highlight the submitted evidence that my clients are soulmates. Luke Hemmings is pregnant and blood tests have confirmed that Michael Clifford is the other parent, proving that they must be soulmates because it is a known fact only soulmates can get each other pregnant. To those wishing to dispute that claim, I am more than willing to direct them to the slew of times that courts in this state have ruled in support of this." Crystal pauses for effect, even if her speech was already lethargic and captivating. "Furthermore; given Mr Hemmings's pregnancy, the state would be burdening him to a significantly greater extent if they were to deny him a legal relationship."

"Ms Lauderdale," the magistrate purses her lips. She doesn't seem convinced and Crystal is feeling some generational bias, she doesn't like it one bit.
"Yes your honour?"
"Do you have any final statements?"
"Your honour," Crystal clears her throat, caught off guard by how soon this might be ending. "Mr Clifford and Mr Hemmings are soulmates, which we can prove through science that also follows precedence set by the state's courts on multiple occasions. There is no valid reason for this tribunal to deny them a legal relationship, including a legal and valid contract. Thank you."

A/N: I love crystal so much, the legal saga continues on Saturday. Thanks for all the support as always, means a heap to me :)

-Grace Williams xo

Ease [Cashton/Muke]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora