Chapter one hundred and three

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"I think I'll come inside this morning, let you dazzle me with your barista skills." Michael chuckles as they pull up outside the coffee shop Luke works at just before 7am that Friday.
"Well, if you insist." Luke rolls his eyes as they get out of the car and make their way inside.

"Michael, this is Kaykay. Kaykay, Michael." Luke quickly introduces them when he spots Kaykay behind the counter and makes his way to stand next to her.
"Pleasure to meet you," Kaykay says quietly, avoiding eye contact. She's definitely intimidated by the rich dom, especially in her position as an unmatched sub much older than most unmatched submissives.
"Kaykay? Is that short for something?" Michael quirks as he sticks a hand out for her to shake.
"Oh. Kaitlin. But people don't really call me that, except for my family." She replies, timidly shaking his hand.

"What coffee do you want?" Luke asks, gesturing for Michael to move to where the register is -away from Kaykay and the coffee machine.
"You know I just want a latte..." Michael says confusedly.
"You're scaring her." Luke whispers, sparing a glance toward his friend and coworker.
"I- how? What did I do?" Michael asks, voice perplexed and quiet.
"She's 25 and an unmatched sub. She's easily intimidated by doms. Just be careful. Try not to exude too much power. Please." Luke begs, wanting her as comfortable as possible.
"Thank you for telling me, I'll stay aware of it." Michael leans in for a kiss over the counter.
"Thank you."

Luke goes back to the coffee machine to make his dom's latte and Kaykay sends a grateful smile when Michael keeps the conversation simple and level.
"One latte for a sexy CEO." Luke giggles as he finishes pouring the milk.
"There's no lid on it." Michael comments.
"I made you a surprise." Luke adds cheekily, laughing when Michael nearly chokes at the sight of Luke's meticulous latte art.

Kaykay steps forward to have a look and she blushes embarrassed. Right there in front of their eyes was the clear depiction of a penis, done in milk foam on the top of Michael's latte -courtesy of Luke.
"Your latte art is impressive but you're very cheeky." Michael shakes his head.
"I know." Luke grins.
"I'll see you this afternoon, if I don't have time to pick you up I'll send a driver."
"Okay. I love you." Luke leans over to peck his dom on the lips.
"Love you too princess." Michael mumbles, smiling as he pulls back. He picks up his coffee and grins as he walks out, they really are hopelessly in love.

"That was good latte art." Kaykay hums after a beat of silence.
"I know. I impressed myself." Luke snorts. "But onto more important matters, I should cut down on my coffee intake but I don't want to."
"There's decaf?" She suggests.
"Our decaf tastes like ass. Yes our normal coffee is great, but the decaf, literally the taste of ass." Luke deadpans.
"As if you know what ass tastes like." She snorts disbelievingly.
"You just met the ass I eat. The richest and most delicious in all of sydney." Luke grins obnoxiously.

"There is no way he lets you eat his ass." Kaykay says flatly.
"What makes you say that?" He huffs.
"You're right, he's a dom who maybe would tolerate that." She concedes. "But you're not a sub who could do it."
"What?! Of course I could!" He protests indignantly.
"Luke, sweetie, you've been an obvious submissive since the womb. There's no chance you could cope with eating someone else's ass, thus leaving yours unattended."

"Yeah, well, sixty-nine-ing is a thing." Luke argues.
"Have you ever sixty-nined?"
"Exactly what I thought. Now do you want a chai latte instead?" She says smugly.
"No." Luke pouts. "I'll have a ristretto, it's the half of a shot of coffee that's worth drinking."

Luke finishes work at 12pm when someone else comes in to join Kaykay for the afternoon and is met out the front of the coffee shop by a random chauffeur, ready to take him to Michael's office. He sits around as bored as he was every other day. He can acknowledge this punishment isn't that bad but it's definitely still a punishment to some extent. His thoughts travel and he wonders if Michael's parents would be happy about the whole thing -happy Luke finally got disciplined.

The weekend is the last of Luke's punishment but he barely notices, more than willing to spend quality time with his dom. Most of the weekend is dedicated to Luke forcing Michael to get closer to Petunia, though convincing Michael isn't particularly hard.

The following week they start to settle into an easy routine, what with the end of Luke's punishment and the start of more regular shifts at the coffee shop. Michael and Luke get up at 6:15 each morning and then Michael drops Luke off at coffee shop just before 7am. He works until 2 or 3pm, whenever he and Kaykay decide to shut the shop because the afternoon is quiet, before going home to put his feet up and snuggle with Petunia if the dog is willing. Generally Kaykay gives him a lift home from work.

Sometimes Luke cooks dinner, having spare time he can dedicate to getting better at that, or sometimes Michael will bring something home after work. They like the domesticity of their routine and how natural it feels.

Luke likes being quiet in the mornings, having the space to wake up in the presence of his soulmate. He likes the small and plentiful kisses they exchange as they float around the house. He likes surprising Michael with different latte art everyday. He also likes getting closer to Kaykay.

The evenings are similar to the mornings, the comfort they feel in each other's presence is -again- abundantly clear. The volume is a little louder, occasionally as loud as Luke bashing a few pots and pans around the kitchen.

They both have a favourite part of the day. It's when they're in bed at night, Luke often uncomfortable from general pregnancy aches and pains or suffering from a bladder that seemingly can't hold more than a teaspoon. Michael takes the opportunity, whenever he can, to put Luke at ease. Michael will massage any part of the body that his sub points out as in particular need of attention, or even just rub Luke's stomach and say sweet nothings to his two babies.

That's often how Luke falls asleep, with his dom's hand softly on his stomach and his dom's lips pressed against his ear; repeating 'I love you' and all it's synonyms.

A/N: this is soft. I love kaykay. See y'all in two days with another chapter, lots of love :)

-Grace Williams xo

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