Chapter one hundred and eight

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"I-" Ashton eventually manages to choke out after an uncomfortably long and tense silence. "I have my first exam next week, my first two."
"I know, and I really wish I didn't have to go, but essentially the person in charge of Hood for all of Europe just quit the job as of Monday because of a family tragedy." Calum swallows, the guilt eating at him. He's not filled with hope that he'll be as productive as he needs to be even when he is in London.
"Oh." Ashton whispers, suddenly not wanting to talk all that much.

"Please don't do this." Calum's voice breaks desperately as Ashton sits back down. Ashton looks up at his dom with wide eyes. "Don't go silent and shut down like you always seem to when you're hurt. Please talk to me."
"I'm not hurt sir." Ashton squeaks, very unconvincingly.
"And my existence isn't bad for the economy." Calum rolls his eyes.
"It's not." The submissive frowns sadly.
"The existence of that many digits in my bank account is, but that's not the point here." Calum exhales a breath, willing it to somehow blow the tension out of the room.

"I don't know what I want. That's why I'm not saying anything." Ashton confesses, nervously looking across to his soulmate.
"The two unavoidable things are that next week I have to go to London and you have to go to your first two exams." Calum starts, not liking the words at all. "There's a few things you could do, choose whichever you think will make you most comfortable. Not what you think will appease people."
"Okay, I'll try." Ashton replies semi-confidently, and honestly it's more than Calum was expecting so he takes it.
"You could stay with your mother, something we've already briefly talked about, you could stay home alone, still coming into the office each day when you don't have exams, and Maggie will be here, or Maggie has also offered that you could stay with her and Carla." Calum lays it all out and Ashton stays silent but it's obvious he's thinking about it a lot so Calum doesn't push him.

"I'll stay with mum. Staying home alone sounds terrifying and I know they'll be welcoming, but I'll still feel awkward staying with Maggie and Carla. Besides, I think it'll be nice to stay with mum and Lauren and Harry for a week." Ashton decides.
"It's settled then." Calum says firmly, softening when he continues. "I'm so so sorry about this, I can't say that enough."

"I know," Ashton mumbles, getting up and wrapping his arms around Calum's waist. "It's only a week and this is all just part of you running this company."
"It might not even be a week. I'll leave Sunday night and then I'll be back the following Sunday morning at the latest but maybe earlier if whatever needs to be done is done sooner." Calum explains, holding Ashton tightly and stroking his hair a little. Anything to comfort his submissive right now.

"I'm going to talk to Maggie, confirm things for next week. You'll talk to your mother?" Calum asks, pulling away from the hug regretfully.
"Of course, she's my mother." Ashton shakes his head with a laugh, sending Calum out the door.
"Love you." The older calls over his shoulder.
"Love you too." Ashton says fondly.

Calum walks back to Maggie's desk and his office feeling a little lighter, Ashton seems content with the idea of staying with his mother for a week. Calum's just not sure if he's ready for a week without Ashton.

"He's going to stay with his mother." Calum announces when he's back in a comfortable earshot with Maggie.
"Great, that's probably the best option anyway. I'll the book the flights and accommodation for us both?" Maggie chirps.
"No no, you need to go home and talk to Carla about this. I'm not letting you book an overseas trip for a week without telling your wife." Calum shakes his head sternly.
"I texted her and said 'hey babe, pretty sure I'm going to London next week for work'." Maggie answers matter-of-factly.
"And she replied with?" Calum raises an eyebrow.
"'Okay' and a sad face."

"Since when am I the more informed and mature dom?" Calum snorts in disbelief.
"What?! How dare you insinuate I'm not an informed dom?" Maggie gasps in horror.
"You just- I'd feel better if you went home and talked to her about it some more." Calum sighs.
"Fine." She huffs. "Then I'll have the entire plane trip there to explain to you why I didn't need to."

Calum gives in, knowing he couldn't possibly fight that, and just goes back to his office without another word.

Calum - Michael: Ashton's staying with his mum next week and Maggie's coming with me to London. Can you be my backup if Ashton needs anything?

Michael - Calum: Of course, should have offered earlier that Ashton's welcome to stay but his mum's sounds like a good solution.

Calum - Michael: It is, now I'm just worried about London.

Calum refocuses on his work but it takes more effort than usual. Professionally the European branch of his company is in a bit of a crisis and that means that is personal life is strained too. He gets through the mundane work more restlessly than usual and Maggie definitely notices but is kind enough to not say anything.

Ashton gives up on studying, happy how productive he'd been throughout the day, a little before 5 but doesn't find the energy to move. He calls his mother and confirms his stay with her, she's very excited about the whole thing, but then remains motionless to think. He hates the idea of being without Calum for a whole week, especially at the start of his exams.

He knows he can't change what's happening but that does little to make it easier to process. Part of him is worried he's too reliant on Calum but he doesn't feel like he can help it. Their souls are connected. They're soulmates.

A/N: cashton be going through IT. There's some cashton chapters, then some muke; then it's all over. I can't believe how close y'all are to the end now I'm going to go work on the sequel, love y'all :)

-Grace Williams xo

P.S. I've really been going through it lately so if you wanna send me cute Calum pics here or on twitter @ _Grace_Williams that would be really appreciated

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