Chapter twenty four

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"You never told us why we're going to Calum's house." 11-year-old Lauren says curiously from the backseat as Anne Marie drives into the city for their lunch meet up, all going well they should arrive just before 12:30.
"Do you mind?" Ashton shoots back.
"No. I like Calum." Lauren shrugs.
"He's cool. I like him too." Harry pipes in.
"Well then you've got nothing to worry about." Ashton supplies.

Lauren hums and has her mouth shut for all of 30 seconds before she's asking questions again.
"So what Loz?" Ashton shakes his head and the girl rolls her eyes melodramatically.
"Whyyyyyy are we going to Calum's?"
"Is it not allowed to be just because?" Ashton replies, dreading the inevitable conversation that's about to happen.
"Nope." She pops the p and grins in her seat. Their mother spares Ashton a glance, edging him to tell his siblings the real reason they're going.

"You know how soulmates work?" Ashton sighs, making his sister furrow her brows.
"Well we all have one. Either a dom or a sub. The department of fate and something else-"
"Destiny." Ashton supplies.
"Yeah that," she continues, "they tell us who our soulmate is."
"That's all true Loz but soulmates are just people our souls are connected to. When they come together like they're supposed to then the dom and sub complete each other, make each other happy and comfortable and safe like nothing else will." Ashton goes on.
"But Dad was bad..." She says, trying to put the pieces together.
"Yeah, unfortunately it still doesn't mean everyone is a good person."

"I'm confused about what that tells me about lunch." Lauren huffs.
"Well," Ashton laughs, "one day I hope you meet your soulmate and they make you as happy as Calum makes me."
"Get the point." Anne Marie presses, talking for the first time in this conversation.
"Because Calum makes me so happy I'm going to move in with him, this is your opportunity to see where I'll be living." Ashton drops the bombshell and Harry looks up again, but he doesn't say anything. Lauren is silent, seemingly mulling over her words in her head.

"So you're moving out?" She clarifies, to which Ashton nods.
"But I'll still visit all the time and you can visit whenever Mum lets you."
"Hmm. Okay then." She says casually, catching Ashton a little off guard at how well she's taking it.
"You don't... mind?"
"Well you were gonna leave after you graduated anyway, this is just a few months sooner." She shrugs.
"How are you gonna go to school? Calum's house is so far awayyyyyyyyy." Harry questions, sure to slip in an indirect complaint about the length of trip.
"I won't. I'm gonna do my work at home, sort of like an online school." Ashton answers.
"I want that." Harry says before looking back down at his comic.

The conversation dies down but it's only another ten minutes before they're arriving and all of Ashton's family's mouths are agape, staring in wonder at the huge white house in front of them.
"We should've dressed nicer." Anne Marie says under her breath; already dreading the thought of her younger two touching, or heaven forbid breaking, anything inside.

Calum walks out the front as they're getting out of the car, the usual bright and welcoming smile across his face.
"So good to see you, come on in." He beams, as charming as ever.
"Hi." Ashton smiles softly, his family giving more overbearing and excited introductions. Calum approaches his sub and lightly links their fingers before gesturing the others to follow him inside.

"I've missed you." Ashton says quietly, watching his family walk ahead through the entry way and stare at everything in awe with dropped jaws.
"Missed you too Sweets." Calum replies, giving Ashton a loving kiss before they both go into the kitchen/living/dining space to entertain Ashton's family.

"The weather's still getting colder so I figured a casserole would please everyone, please take as much as you like." Calum leads everyone to the table after sorting all the drinks they want, though Ashton sort of joins in as a co-host without even thinking about it. Calum occasionally tells Ashton he doesn't need to help but Ashton shushes him and continues fixing drinks. The whole thing makes Ashton's mother look on fondly, so pleased that her son has the perfect soulmate he deserves. Maybe he isn't a dom like they were all expecting, but the universe was looking out for him because this seems to be so much better. She's rarely seen her son so relaxed and comfortable and at peace with everything.

"Oh Calum, this is divine! You made this?" Anne Marie gushes, a few mouthfuls into her bowl of casserole.
"Thank you, I did. Your cooking earlier in the week was even better, if I do say so myself.
"Oh stop it." She brushes him off. "You really are a fantastic chef."
"Not quite but I can read a recipe book and my mother has given me copies of her favourites." He chuckles modestly.
"I'm sure she's wonderful too, I can't wait to meet her. Tell me about your family."

The five of them fall into an easy conversation about Calum's family and work, which Calum doesn't mind so much. He understands he's about to be the one looking after Ashton, at least until he graduates and becomes more independent, and they just want the best for him.

"Darling, why don't you show Harry and Lauren around? I need to have a word with your mother." Calum suggests as they're loading the dishwasher.
"Should I be worried?" Ashton quirks a brow teasingly.
"Nope." Calum smiles, pecking Ashton on the lips and not saying anymore. Ashton decides to not question it, trusting Calum because that was one of the foundations of a successful relationship. It's likely more an opportunity for Ashton's mother to grill Calum with questions about everything. Ashton takes his excitable younger siblings downstairs to look at the cinema room and inground pool.

A/N: gross ending and a day late but I love y'all so much and your support really helps when I'm feeling down and means the world to me, thank you so much

-Grace Williams xo

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