Chapter fifty five

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"Great to see you again! Can't wait to get started." Harry cheers, meeting them in the foyer of the building when they arrive.
"Great to see you too, I'm looking forward to it." Ashton says shyly as he and Calum follow Harry upstairs.
"He's been very excited all morning." Calum adds proudly, making Ashton blush.

"That's wonderful to hear. Now today is going to be very lowkey in terms of a typical photo shoot, because you've never done it before." Harry starts to explain, weaving his way through endless racks of clothing. "We've put together a few outfits we think we will work but we want to learn what your taste is, that will help us establish which jobs suit you. I'm wearing the photographer and director hats today, little bit of styling as well, figured you wouldn't want too many unfamiliar faces."
"Thank you," Ashton says courteously, in awe of everything around him.
"Do you do this often Harry? Louis gave us the impression you only modelled." Calum asks.
"The photography I do all the time, nearly as much as modelling, but director less often. Still sometimes. Speaking of Louis, he wanted me to pass on his apologies for not being able to make it today. He's stuck in a sales meetings this afternoon." Harry goes on.
"I know what that's like." Calum mutters amusedly.

They eventually stop in a smaller room -though it's by no means small. There's a chair in front of a mirror and an extensive makeup collection along with some hair products lined up along a bench. There's a relatively short woman already waiting for them.
"This is Tanya, one of the very best in our hair and makeup department. She'll take very good care of you. I'm going to set up more of the shoot and I'll be back once you're all finished." Harry introduces before waving and leaving the room.

"Hi, pleasure to meet you." Tanya smiles, gesturing to the chair for Ashton.
"Hi." Ashton says quietly, sitting in the chair and immediately feeling overwhelmed so he sends his dom a desperate look.
"I'm Calum," Calum introduces, extending a handshake to Tanya and stepping closer to both of them.
"Ah! Lovely! I did get told you would be here." She replies enthusiastically. Calum rests a reassuring hand on Ashton's shoulder, willing to stand next to the chair for as long as he needs to until Ashton is comfortable.

"Have you ever worn makeup before?" Tanya asks, turning to look at the foundation colours and trying to decide what will work best.
"Never." Ashton shakes his head.
"Well don't worry, I've got you. Usually hair is done first but I don't think I'll do anything your hair, maybe just a bit of hairspray. Hence, I'll do makeup first." Tanya explains the whole process as she does it. She slowly does Ashton's makeup to make sure she doesn't overwhelm him and he's aware of the way things work. Calum is happy that everyone is so gentle with Ashton because of how new he is to all of it.

"Nearly finished in here?" Harry queries, striding back into the room half an hour after he left.
"Yep, just need to do his hair but I'm not really doing anything with it." Tanya replies, picking up the can of hairspray.
"Perfect." Harry claps his hands together, waiting as Tanya moves Ashton's hair a little and lightly sprays hairspray all over.
"All done," Tanya steps back to admire her handiwork. Ashton has a natural makeup look on but it was the right look for a first shoot.

"Fantastic, let's go find a first outfit for you." Harry the leads the way back into the large closest room and over to a small rack of clothes already pulled out from the others. "These are some of the things we thought would work but tell me what you think. Are you happy to start with just blue jeans and a white t-shirt?"
"Uh, yeah. That sounds fine." Ashton stutters a little, still overwhelmed by everything that's happening.
"Great, here we go then. They should fit, we got your size off Calum's assistant earlier in the week, but let me know if they don't. You can get changed in the room you were just in if you want more privacy, Tanya should be gone." Harry hands a few hangers to Ashton and watches as he and Calum go back into the small room they were in before.

"How are you feeling?" Calum asks softly as Ashton gets changed.
"Nervous. I've never done anything like this before, worried I'll mess it up. I still don't really know why Louis wants me." Ashton doesn't meet his doms eyes as he speaks, focussed on putting on the outfit given to him.
"Because you're gorgeous." Calum replies instantly, making Ashton blush and keep his head down. "Louis' been doing this for years, he knows what to look for. Clearly, that's you. He believes in you, Harry seems to as well. I most certainly do. Now you've just got to believe in yourself."
"Thank you." Ashton whispers, kissing Calum on the lips just before they have to walk back out again.

The photo shoot consists of an hour and a half of Ashton slowly becoming less awkward in front of the camera. It's just a plain white backdrop to not over complicate things, along with Harry's endless patience as he takes the photos and tells Ashton how and where he should stand and pose. Calum stands back with a fond look on his face, fulfilling his task as the proud dom who sends Ashton reassuring smiles over and over again.
Harry doesn't make Ashton change outfits at all but they add accessories and use different jackets to ensure there's variety and they're making the most of their time.

"I think we're all done, hundreds of photos and it all went really well." Harry smiles, handing the camera to an assistant.
"Really?" Ashton asks, trying not to get too excited.
"Absolutely. For a first timer you did fantastic." Harry replies as they make their way back to room Ashton left his clothes in.
"I knew he would." Calum beams proudly.

"I can confidently say we'd be honoured to have you on the roster if you choose to accept, but we wish you all the very best either way and don't want to pressure you." Harry says as they reach the dressing room.
"Thank you so much. I-" Ashton flicks his eyes to Calum and receives all the reassurance he needs to keep talking, "would love to accept. I'm just not sure how it will fit around my school work."
"That's wonderful news!" Harry claps. "Next week we'll try and line up some shoots for you, then be in touch with Calum's office about when you can do them."
"Yes, it'd be best if you spoke directly with my assistant Maggie regarding scheduling." Calum clarifies.
"Of course, not a worry. Sorry to leave you so soon but I have to get to another meeting." Harry apologises, making his way back towards the door.
"Perfectly alright, thank you for today." Calum brushes off.
"Thank you." Ashton smiles softly.

As soon as Harry shuts the door behind himself Ashton is quick to wrap his arms tightly around his doms waist, happily burrowing his face in the older's chest.
"Thank you." Ashton mumbles, still not letting go.
"I didn't do anything. You were the one who did the photo shoot and you did it so so well." Calum says back, wrapping his arms around Ashton and feeling very content in their current position.
"You believed in me." Ashton says, craning his neck up to look at his dom. "You sacrificed work for me, twice in one week. I wouldn't be this far if you didn't support me. I love you."
"I'll always support you. This relationship and you as a person are always my first priority. I love you too, so much."

A/N: I know it's technically Sunday but I've been busy I'll see y'all with more in the morning. Lots of love, thanks for the support as always. Luke is coming so SO soon I think you will all love his character and what he brings a heap.

-Grace Williams xo

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