Chapter one hundred and five

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"I, Magistrate Hriggs, have come to a decision regarding the case of Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings on behalf of this administrative tribunal and the state of New South Wales." The Magistrate looks up after an alarmingly short time of deliberation. Crystal doesn't feel so confident anymore but she would never admit to that. Michael and Luke are positively shitting bricks. "I rule that the request for the requirement that both parties signing a relationship contract must be 18 years of age to be lifted in this exception, is denied."

Crystal grips her pen a little tighter and takes some deep breaths but stays calm, this is not her first loss and it won't be her last. Part of the job, as gutting as it is. Michael pales and Luke starts shaking, neither of them now how to process this. They hold each other tighter because the thought of one of them slipping away feels far too real all of a sudden. Neither of them would slip away from one another in exchange for anything but suddenly it feels like nothing in their relationship is up to them, like they can't control anything. This isn't the universe deciding their fate and destiny right now, it's one magistrate on behalf of one government.

"I have reached this decision because the state does not want precedent regarding this case to be set. The state does not want to encourage other minors to be engaging in relationships with adults and for more cases of this nature to be brought forward. This tribunal is hereby adjourned."

The magistrate walks out, Crystal standing just so the magistrate doesn't think she's a bad and disrespectful lawyer, but Michael and Luke stay still. There's tears in their eyes and words they can't find stuck in their chests. They're ushered out after only another minute and Michael and Luke walk slowly, stumbling over each other's feet a little bit but if the alternative is being parted then they don't want it.

"I can't say how sorry I am." Crystal says quietly when they sit back in the foyer.
"You did all you could." Michael's voice cracks, blaming everything on the magistrate.
"I appreciate the thought but we can't just blame one side of the judicial process. I am going to appeal this though. It should be easy. Denying a request because you're being afraid to set precedent is bullshit."
"Thanks." Michael breathes out, barely able to string a sentence together.

"You two should go home. I'll be doing all I can for you. There's nothing that happened today that means your relationship is illegal. This is just about a contract, please don't be stressed about whether this could break you up. I promise that there is nothing the state could say or do for that to happen." Crystal says gently.
"We- I should-" Michael tries to speak.
"I'm more than happy to call Jeanette for you, tell her about what happened and let her know you're going home. I'm here for you." She adds.
"Thank you." Michael says numbly.

Crystal calls them an Uber, not thinking either of them are in a state to be driving right now, and calls Jeanette as soon as they're safely inside the car.
"Hey, how did it go?" Jeanette asks nervously when she picks up the phone.
"We lost. The magistrate's reasoning was bullshit. My paralegal is already working on submitting the appeal. I refuse to go down like this. I've lost in my career but never so unfairly." Crystal gets more worked up and angry the longer she talks, not having had the metaphorical space for her anger when Michael and Luke were still here.

"And how are they holding up..?" Jeanette asks cautiously.
"They-" The older deflates. "Luke didn't say a word and Michael still struggled, they were both shaking and close to crying. Almost silent tears. I put them in Uber and sent them home."
"That's all understandable, them and you. Michael hates to miss work but that doesn't mean he can't afford to." Jeanette sighs.

"I should let you know that Michael's car is still in the carpark at the tribunal building, everything else is sorted." Crystal adds as an afterthought, gesturing to Sam that they were now leaving before she walks out the front door.
"No worries, I'll send Calum round to get it after he finishes..." Jeanette mumbles, "do you know what car he was in?"
"Calum is his chauffeur? I think it was something small, a light colour." Crystal furrows her eyebrows.
"No," Jeanette laughs heartily, "Calum is his best friend. Calum Hood of Hood Motors, and if it was small then I already know the car you're talking about. Thanks."
"They're best friends? Small world."

Michael and Luke get home, walk inside, kick off their shoes and trudge upstairs to their bedroom. All without saying much. Or anything at all really. Nothing is on their mind; not even work for Michael, let alone the thought of telling any of their friends or family. All they can think of is each other. They want each other close. As close as possible.

They lie down on their bed, messily wrapped in each other's arms. Neither of them care. It's barely midday but the thought of spending all day on top of their bedsheets, silent bar the occasional outbreak of sobbing, is charming to them nonetheless. At one point Luke takes his shirt off, hot but not willing to let go of his dom. Then Michael takes his shirt off. Then one by one their pants come off and they slide under the top sheet just to defeat the wind chill.

Both their phones go off numerous times but they have not a care for them, ignoring the buzzing and ringing completely. Luke mumbles that he's possibly a little hungry close to 3pm, his voice is hoarse. They'd spent over two and a half hours in silence, drifting in and out of consciousness but never apart. Michael checks his phone as they lazily walk down stairs.

Jeanette - Michael: Take as long as you need and let me know if there's anything I can do

Calum - Michael: Jeanette told me... I'll bring your car back after work but let me know if there's anything else you want. Dinner?

Crystal - Michael: The appeal is officially submitted. I promise that we won't give up.

A/N: this chapter has big sad energy. Even though I wrote all this months ago, I had this planned for even longer so sorta weird that you're finally reading it. It's crazy how close to the end this is. There's 122 chapters so yeah, with how regular my updates are you've got about a month more. Then there's a sequel hehe.

Enough of those spoilers, am I day early? Not technically considering it's 1am but anygays,,,,, I love y'all

-Grace Williams xo

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