Chapter seventy two

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"You didn't call me." Michael frowns when Luke picks up the call after dinner on Monday.
"Sorry. I meant to tell you I couldn't get an appointment. I'm going tomorrow afternoon. Don't worry." Luke answers, causing Michael to let out a breath he didn't fully realise he was holding in.
"If you insist, I'm still worried about you. How was your day?" Michael prompts, starting a simple but calming conversation about their days.

Tuesday starts off like it was planned. With Calum and Ashton at the airport stupidly early for their flight to New York, Maggie settles comfortably into Calum's office. Michael keeps worrying about Luke and Luke goes to school despite the fact he's constantly on the edge of vomiting. Then Luke goes to the doctor after school and everything changes, whilst Calum and Ashton are happily relaxed on their first flight.

"What can I do for you?" The doctor, a middle aged woman he had never seen before, but the only person he could get into given the short notice, smiles warmly. Luke sits down and spares a glance to Sierra, his best friend since before they could talk, who was here just for moral support. Luke didn't want to bring his parents, not to mention they were at work, and bringing Michael generally felt like a bad idea.
"I've been feeling sick for about a week now, maybe a little longer. Can't explain any of it." Luke starts.
"What sort of sick?" She purses her lips.
"I feel nauseous nearly constantly. Always like I'm about to throw up, but I never do because I've always had an iron stomach that just doesn't. Other than what was obviously food poisoning one time, I haven't thrown up in at least ten years."
"Right... anything else?"
"I'm tired and exhausted, no matter how much I sleep all my joints are sore."

"I see..." she hums. "Are you sexually active?"
"Uh, yes." Luke blushes, caught off guard by the question. "I don't have an STD do I?"
"Being sexually active always carries a risk of infection, just so long as you're practicing safe sex you shouldn't have one." She shrugs, not reassuring Luke at all. "You're 17, correct?"
"Yeah..." Luke trails, looking at Sierra who looks equally confused.
"I want you to do a urine test," she decides, walking over to a draw of sterile containers. "Here, go wee in this and then bring it back."

Luke nervously accepts the container and goes to the bathroom, Sierra sending him an encouraging look on the way out. Sierra and the doctor sit in awkward silence for the four and a half minutes that Luke is out of the room for. When Luke comes back in he unceremoniously plants the little container of wee on the desk before the doctor gives a tight lipped smile and takes it from the room, mumbling that she'll be right back.

"This doesn't feel right." Luke confesses quietly.
"It'll be okay, promise. She just wants to cover all the bases. Better they find it out now then leave you feeling shit for longer." Sierra tries to reassure him as he leans his head on her shoulder.

The doctor doesn't come back for twelve whole minutes but when she does, she looks stressed.
"I'm sorry about the wait, just wanted to test it while you were still here. We have a result, but there's a lot to consider."
"What?" Luke gulps, suddenly clutching onto Sierra as if his life depended on it.
"Luke, you're pregnant." She bites the bullet and Luke feels worse than he ever has. There was a lot of things Luke thought he could be, pregnant was never one of them. All submissive's could get pregnant but only to their soulmates -and soulmates very rarely met before they were both 18. Here Luke was, pregnant at 17 to a soulmate he wasn't supposed to be assigned to for nearly 11 months. At least.

"But- thats-" Luke wheezes.
"Technically possible. It just means you've had sex with your dominant soulmate already. It is also possible that they're also under 18 and don't know that they're a dominant." The doctor explains calmly.
"Lu," Sierra shakes him lightly out of his trance.
"I can't do this." He whispers to no one in particular.

"Would you like an ultrasound? It's not standard protocol at this stage but considering you're unmatched and underage, this is already non-standard." The doctor suggests.
"Maybe? It'll make it real." Luke says numbly.
"If you don't mind me asking, do you know who the other parent is?" The doctor asks cautiously.
"Uh... I'm pretty sure. There's only one confirmed dom I've had sex with." Luke looks at his best friend, the only person he has ever had sex with other than Michael.
"I could be a sub. We don't know." Sierra whispers.
"The dom I've had sex with," Luke clears his throat, "I felt an instant and strong connection with him like I've never felt before with anyone else. Is that a sign?"
"I would say yes, though there isn't supposed to be a connection when one or both are underage. With all due respect to you both, you're just not trusted before you're adults."

Luke and Sierra get through the rest of the appointment in a daze, the doctor giving an obstetrician referral and telling Luke to book an appointment as soon as possible -given his circumstances.
"What do you want to do?" Sierra asks quietly as she sits in the driver's seat of the car, Luke in the passenger seat. Neither of them feel like moving right now.
"I should go tell Michael in person. Let's face it, based on dates, it's so much more likely he's the other parent. Not to mention you could be a sub anyway."
"Drive to his office then?" Sierra suggests weakly.
"Yeah." Luke rests his head against the window.

Luke - Michael: Are you in your office?

Michael - Luke: Yeah, what do you need?

Luke - Michael: Just went to the doctor, I'll tell you when I get there.

Michael - Luke: Everything okay?

Luke - Michael: Yeah

A/N: THE CATS OUTTA THE BAG. This has been so long cominggggggg lotsa drama and excitement to come and you'll meet some new characters (Muke's parents) at some point too isn't this exciting????

Australia's still on fire and I still love y'all always and forever

-Grace Williams xo

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