Chapter eighty two

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After a little getting to know each other, Ed is referring Michael to a different lawyer in the company. One who won't create a conflict of interest.
"The paralegal would have explained over the phone that clients don't get to choose their lawyer, which is one of the reasons we are able to see so many clients, but to avoid this happening again I'll book you directly with someone." Ed explains as he clicks around on his computer, seemingly looking for something.
"Wonderful, thanks. Just give me the next available time slot, preferably after hours." Michael replies easily.
"I think Crystal will be able to help you with your case the best. She's experienced in everything to do with contracts of any sort, and knows anything and everything about the DFD. Let me give her a call now." Ed hums.

"Hi Crystal, it's Ed Hemmings. I have a client here who needs help with a relationship contract legality issue. I have a conflict of interest with the case. When are you free to chat? Are you sure? Fantastic. I'll send him now." The older man hangs up the phone and smiles pleasantly. "She's happy to have a brief chat with you now, just to meet you and understand the situation."
"Wonderful, thank you so much." Michael breathes out a sigh of relief.
"Of course, anything for my son."
"You don't mind what's happened?"

"I can't say I agree with your decision to sleep together whilst he's underage but I know him an I know that it can't have been all your idea. I definitely don't see you as the predatory type and just because he is 17 that doesn't mean I think he's incapable of making his own decisions." He says matter of factly. 
"Thanks, I'll take it." Michael chuckles.
"And maybe I'm not ready to be a grandma yet but I think Luke could be ready for children. Maybe not ready but certainly more ready than a lot of 17 year olds, I think. And of course the silver lining is that Luke got blessed with his soulmate sooner." Ed shrugs. "Now go see Crystal, she's one floor up. Turn right out of the lift until you see her door, there's only one Crystal."
"Thanks." Michael smiles, standing up and extending a handshake out to Ed.

"Thank you for being so good for him." Ed says after Michael already has his back turned. He doesn't acknowledge it, it's clear enough that he heard. He thinks of it fondly as he goes back to the lift and up one floor.

Michael - Luke: Met your mum lol

Luke - Michael: WhaT

Michael - Luke: He was gonna be my lawyer, but obviously can't because of conflict of interest

Luke - Michael: Oh my god how much does he know

Michael - Luke: Everything but don't worry, I dazzled him

Luke - Michael: Of course you did xo

Michael - Luke: Xoxo

"Crystal?" Michael knocks on the door of the office labelled Crystal Lauderdale.
"Michael? Come in." She smiles, looking up as the door opens. Michael is a little caught off guard by the slightly older woman, she doesn't fit the stereotypical look of a lawyer. She's tall, thin and glamourous and honestly looks more like a model than a lawyer.
"Hi, pleasure to meet you. Please sit down, make yourself comfortable. Ed didn't tell me much over the phone." She gestures to a seat across from her and prompts Michael to give her some more details.
"I need my contract with my 17-year-old submissive to be legally recognised."
"Oh, that is something knew." She raises her eyebrows. "Can I ask what the conflict of interest was?"
"My submissive is his son." Michael gulps.

"Oh my... that is quite the conflict." Crystal can barely hide her shock. "Moving along though, what are the grounds for requesting this legalised contract?"
"My submissive is pregnant, that's how we know that we're soulmates. And, considering that he'll give birth before he's 18, we feel as if we can't wait. Contracts are expected and fundamental between all soulmates and we don't feel it's fair to be excluded just because of age." Michael explains.
"Well. You'll be pleased to know I understand your case, I'm excited to fight for you. What your asking for seems very reasonable." Crystal answers.
"That's great-"
"However," Crystal cuts Michael off, "the DFD only want facts. Until a paternity test can prove that you're the other parent of the child, we don't have a leg to stand on."

"Oh." Michael deflates. "Can't that not be done until after they're born?"
"Of course not. A paternity blood test can be done from eight or nine weeks pregnant. I've done many paternity cases, and that's just people claiming that someone other than their soulmate is the other parent. It never is. Which is why I think we'll have a lot of precedent in our favour to work with."
"That's fantastic, though he's only 4-5 weeks now." Michael sighs happily.

"It's been wonderful to meet you, I'll just do general research for the case and start brainstorming a few arguments and ideas. Come back to me once you have the paternity test confirmation and we'll talk more about lodging the case." Crystal stands up, indicating the meeting is about to be over.
"No worries, thank you so much for this."
"Of course, it's my job. Do you have a contract written yet?" She asks as they walk towards the door.
"No, figured we shouldn't start from a place of illegality. If you think it'd be better for us to draft one, we can." Michael replies.
"That's fair enough. I'm not sure what would be best but I'll do some research and get back to you."
"Wonderful. Thanks again."
"Anytime, we'll talk again soon. Bye." Crystal finishes just as Michael is shut away by the doors of the lift closing.

Michael - Luke: We've got a new lawyer baby. She seems great. Wants to help us.

Luke - Michael: Yay that's great news. How long is this gonna take?

Michael - Luke: We can't start anything officially until I pass a paternity test, she said it can be done via blood test when you're 8-9 weeks

Luke - Michael: That's a month away :(

Michael - Luke: I know baby ❤️❤️❤️

Luke - Michael: ❤️❤️❤️

A/N: that's all for today/this week folks. Lots of muke to come and I'll be back on Tuesday with my usual updates. Again, sorry this week was a mess. Lots of love :)

-Grace Williams xo

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