I turned my attention to the figure standing next to where I was currently sat. Taehyung ran his hand through his blonde locks, over towering the tattooed man.
"What's up with you? Jealous? To my knowledge, it wasn't long ago you two had an argument. Am I right?" He began to challenge Taehyung, not understanding how much of a terrible idea it was.
"How'd you know?" I quietly asked whilst inspecting the commotion.
"Oh come on. Everyone fucking heard you in here!"
"Seriously, I'm warning you. Just walk away while you can." Taehyungs voice was beginning to become more rough, obvious the anger was beginning to boil.
"And if I don't?"
Taehyung took a deep breath, I understood he was going to increase his voice volume immediately. I coughed to get his attention and mouthed him to shush. Surprisingly, it worked; causing Taehyung to calmly reply to the irritating bloke.
"Me and Anna will just leave now."
He gently grabbed my wrist, lifting me out of my chair and leading me along the hall. His touch and grip was extremely gentle, worried I was still sensitive from yesterday's procedure. Once we reached the other end, he sat me down on a rough brown leather sofa; placing himself next to me.
Whilst we were sat together, the workers were organising chairs into rows; as if it's a cinema. Every Sunday, they all gather to watch a film which I'd rather not do.
"So now you can magically calm my anger?" He began a conversation with a jokily comment.
"Well I have to help you with it now. The nurse said." I avoided eye contact, not letting him off too easily from the argument we had.
We sat there silently for a few minutes and to my shock, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence; it was peaceful and respected.
"I'm sorry for last night. I really need your help with everything. You don't understand the guilt I felt last night after what happened." Taehyung began, my heart warmed to his comments. How is he so soft? When we first met, my aim was to avoid him; now I'm possibly glad I'm working with him? Despite the brawl that occurred.
"Taehyung, don't apologise, I should've listened. It's my fault V did that in the first place." In my spare time I thought the situation through and it's true. I needed to admit I was in the wrong. Taehyung made it clear I should never talk to V and I blew it on the first chance.
"I would hug you right now, but everyone is watching and I don't want people to think I'm soft." He made me giggle with his dumb antics, afraid to loose his intimidation.
"You are soft." I smirked, patting him on the head; making my way over to the cinema set up.
"You bitch." Taehyung teased whilst following behind me.
I was about to take my seat however I was pulled back by someone's muscular arms-eventually finding out they belonged to Taehyung.
"Right, I've always wanted to try this as you can only do it with two people." He grabbed both of my hands and looked like a cute excited child on Christmas Day.
"Mhm, go on."
"All the workers watch the film, meaning if we both ask different staff members we'll both be released from the hall. We're going to escape."
I didn't need to say a word, my face lit up in excitement, hoping that I could actually get out.
"Just do what I say."
I nodded, sitting down next to him on the back row.
After fifteen minutes of the film rambling, Taehyung nudged my arm and whispered into my ear. His breath was warm, tickling my shoulder, "ask the old nurse over there to go to the toilet and in a few minutes I'll ask the younger one at the back to go and get a blanket." I nodded in approval, making my way up to the nurse.
"Yes dear?" She tried to sound polite but failed miserably as there was no emotion in her voice. Only boredom was displayed.
"May I go to the toilet please?"
"Go ahead."
I made my way out of the room, making eye contact with Taehyung in the process. He broke out into a smirk, nodding his head at the same time.
The corridors were dark and cold, I crouched down against the wall opposite the door; patiently waiting for Taehyung to make an appearance. After what felt like ages, the door creaked open, revealing an excited Taehyung.
"We can hug now." Were his first words once escaping the room- immediately engulfing me into his long arms securing me into his grip. His cologne ranged from the surgical smell, mixed with his natural aroma of apple. He rested his head on my shoulder whilst I rested mine on his chest. It was definitely a moment I enjoyed; it was a hug of respect and apology, which we both deserved from each other.
He broke the hug and gleamed at me with excitement.
Where has this immaturity come from? It's really cute.
"Let's escape."
This will be my last chapter for tonight, just to give my eyes a break. Thanks for your hilarious comments, it means a lot. ;)
-Star x