A high pitch siren rung through my ears, red lights flashing throughout the halls. Taehyung clenched his fists in pure rage, ready to launch himself on Chi-won.
"You bastard!" He screamed at the top of his lungs over the alarms.
The entire crew of staff trooped down the corridor, furious, stern looks invaded their faces.
"They're escaping! They were trying to escape!" Chi-won exclaimed, acting innocent and cute. Two of the female staff patted him on the back, leading him away with praise.
Strong arms were locked around my body, cuffs connecting my wrists together. So many people were shouting, I couldn't understand what the workers were directly saying to me. I looked over to Taehyung, who was fighting back with all his might. His nose was bleeding due to impact from the fight, he was in head lock and realised he'd lost the battle.
A booming voice could be heard over the commotion, sirens still going off. I was dragged along the corridors, constantly looking back to Taehyung to check if he was okay. His nose bleed became heavier; paired with a black mark around his eye. He'd given up targeting back but the look he had in his eyes said danger. They were dark, full of fearful tendencies.
Eventually we arrived to the main office. There was an ancient wardrobe stood at the back, behind the rustic desk and chair set in the middle of the room. Sat in a chair on the furthest side, was the head nurse, Margret. She looked fuming, glaring us down as we entered the room.
"Sit them down." She commanded to her colleagues. "Make sure they're secured. Especially Mr Kim Taehyung."
Ropes were latched around my wrists, locking them with the chair along with another around my waist. Seven of the workers remained in the room, sickly waiting in excitement to see our next suffering of abuse.
"You two." Margret began, shaking her head in severe disappointment.
"Taehyung, I thought you knew better. All these attempts and you try again; but with Anna this time. Are you trying to get her killed?""No, but you are." Taehyung snapped, earning a forceful slap from one of the doctors behind him; he didn't flinch whatsoever.
"There is a part of me that's saying I should give you a severe punishment; but I'll class it as a warning."
One of her work partners disagreed, protesting: "but Miss, they tried to escape. That's a big deal. Surely they deserve a punishment."
I relaxed my shoulders lightly in realisation that I wasn't going to be punished. Or maybe I heard them wrong.
"Don't look so happy Anna." Margret had a mischievous grin form on her face, turning her eye contact to the man that was against her words. "They'll be punished, don't you worry. I was thinking of another experiment, but I'll give you a break as you're still recovering."
Taehyung scoffed which earned another loud slap.
"Please get Chin-won in please." The head commanded. He wish was granted when a few minutes later, the inked man with the two nurses entered the office.
"Yes Miss?" Chin-won began innocently.
"Chin-won, please go into the wardrobe and chose the best whip."
My face dropped. That was my punishment.
"My pleasure!" Chin-won cheered and skipped over to the cupboard, scanning the collection of whips. They were strong, thick leather ones; some with spikes. Of course he chose the largest one, all black with the occasional spike scattered across. He skipped back over, sending me and Taehyung a disgusting grin whilst passing it to Margret.
"Thank you Chin-won, you are no longer needed." Margret nodded in appreciation, running the dangerous piece of equipment through her hands.
"I at least need five of you in the room to escort them back, others can leave now." She confirmed.
The remaining five began untying us from our chairs, still keeping a death grip as we stood up.
"Take your shirts off." Margret forced, Taehyung didn't hesitate. Removing his torn up shirt revealing an unexpectedly toned stomach. My eyes were wide, thinking that they'd actually expect me to stand there in my bra. It's the same bloody lace black bra I had on when I woke up in the asylum! There was no way i was going to wear one of the provided ones, they're just as disgusting.
"Anna we've all seen a lady before." One of the workers edged me on, earning a nod from Margret. I removed my shirt, hair tangling up in the process as it rose with the fabric. I dumped my shirt on the desk, meeting eyes with Taehyung. His dark eyes left the contact with mine and traveled up and down my body.
I couldn't tell if he was checking me out or judging on how disgusted he is about the sight in front of him.
I don't blame him if he was judging. There's nothing attractive about me right now.
"Stand up against the wall. Back facing me, hands up in front of your head."
We obeyed what she asked for, shocked that Tae had no suggestion in arguing back. We both rested our heads on the back of our palms, mentally and physically preparing ourselves for the pain.
"Fifty whips."
Twenty five each, that's not too bad.