Physically thrown into the main hall, an agonising burning sensation on my stomach, cheek and collarbones. Everyone remained focussed on their usual activities as if this was a common occasion. Tear stains were on my cheeks, accompanied by new ones streaming out as I attempted to lift my frail figure off the floor.
I was mentally comforted by a deep voice travelling its way towards me. I looked up to see Taehyung crouching down in front of me; pure concern spread across his porcelain face. I gave him a light smile of reassurance-however, it wasn't enough. His eyes analysed the deep cut on my cheeks; trailing down to my collarbones then stopping at my blood stained shirt.
"What the fuck did he do." He growled, lifting my shirt up aggressively yet wary of my wounds. I admired his dark eyes scanning the writing on my stomach, his tongue poking out his cheek. A common gesture he performs when frustrated.
"Taehyung, I'm fine now." I once again tried to reassure him.
"You're not fine Anna, look at you. You're still crying."
"Taehyung. Listen to me. I'm fine."
"This is fucking abuse. It's abuse Anna!"
"I know I know." I tried to calm him down, stroking his blonde locks- only to remove them when he really began to look hot tempered.
"Taehyung is useless." His eyes were even darker than before; a recognisable shade when Taehyung 'isn't himself'.
"V" I whispered quietly, lowering my head to avoid contact with him. This time was different though. As if V was blaming Taehyung for things; which basically meant he was seriously angry at himself.
"Taehyung is fucking useless!" He shouted whilst straightening his posture to a standing stance. I flinched slightly due to his sudden tone, as well as the other patients. They were obviously fearful; but doing as they were told. Ignoring him.
I looked up slowly, afraid V would notice. He wasn't harming anyone- in fact, he was hurting himself.
"Taehyung can't do anything right! Everything is his fault!" He screamed, shoving his leg into the wall; surely creating large bruises. My eyes widened at the sight of him hurting himself; it felt as if V had feelings? His leg continued to bash itself into the rock hard wall while V constantly kept cursing at Taehyung.
I sat there in shock, confused with the entire situation- until V went for the worst. He stormed over to a wooden chair, snapping a chair leg off like it was a strand of hair. I decided to rush up from my spot, completely ignoring the extreme soreness.
He raised his arm slightly, positioning the spike of wood in front of his stomach. Luckily, before he had the chance to stab himself, I intercepted- grabbing ahold of the stick and throwing it to the opposite side of the hall.
"V, No!" I screamed.
The glare he delivered to me was painful, sinking straight through me. He took a deep breath; prepared to scold me for interrupting him.
"You bit"—
Before he was able to complete his sentence, I cupped both sides of his face into my palms. My thumbs traced up and down his sharp jawline as I landed my lips onto his. At first he didn't kiss back, but at least three seconds later, his hands trailed down to my hips. Our lips both moulded together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. I broke the kiss, looking up to the handsome man before me.
Taehyung was back.
And he was mesmerised.
"How'd you know I'd like that?" He questioned smirking, the key was to give V something Tae would enjoy/like to bring him back.
I smirked in return. "So you liked it?"
"Of course I bloody liked it, Anna."
AHH First kiss of the book.
I love these kind of chapters because both Anna and Taehyung clearly show they like each other but neither have had the courage to speak up.
Sorry for the shortish chapter, I thought this was a sensible chapter to end at a certain time instead of rambling on.