Chapter 1

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"Kong stop crying. How long are you gonna cry? Be happy that it's over before it can get more worse" Kong's friend April said to him.

"I cannot take it April, I really did love him a lot." Kong said to her and started to cry harder again.

"Kong just believe me. He doesn't worth your love. I can understand that you are hurt but it has been more than a week you cannot sit here and cry all the day. You have not showed up to work for more than a week" April said to him tapping Kong's shoulder blade.

"Why does he have to leave me April? What wrong did I do? Why he has do it after 3 years of being with me? Am I not interesting to him anymore? I know he was the campus moon and I was someone who used to watch him from far but it was him who came to me. He was always an unattainable star to me"

"Kong let me say this to you one last time. Don't cry for someone who doesn't deserve your tears"

"I am trying April but I cannot" Kong was weeping when he was saying those words.

"Ok come let's go out. I don't want you to be trapped inside these four walls and keep on crying. Let's go out and get some fresh air." April said to Kong and pulled the man away with her But little did she know that Kong will be hurt once again.

Yes that's what happened. April has taken Kong to nearby park to ease the man's misery but what he saw in the park made his mind more worse. He saw pulsar kissing someone else in the middle of the day.

Kong was not able to say anything other than crying

"Let's go home April I don't want to be here" He said to her holding her hands.

The journey to the home was quite none of them utter a single word.

It was Kong who talked when the car came to halt

"You can leave April I will be fine" He said to her and walked to his home without turning back.

April just stood there watching Kong back disappear into dot.

"Call me if you need me don't do anything stupid" April texted Kong before leaving the apartments.

Kong was in his room nothing works in his mind. He saw all the things pulsar gifted him. It only made him more angry and heartbroken. So he packed all the items that remind him of pulsar and threw it away.

He had enough of ithe cannot sit and cry like a lost child. He too have his life. Kong was giving all the pep talk he can give to himself but he made of one thing sure before he reached the bed. He will make that man regret.

It was then a text popped up in his mobile and Kong was long gone by that time.

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