Chapter 20

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Kong pov

I don't know how am i going to face him again. He knowns all my weakness and i feel vulnerable infront of him. I feel like a complete fool. I am complete stupid. How come i was not able to find any of it. What does everyone in my life take me us. I can't take it not anymore. It hurts.

It was then i heard a bang on my door. I was not ready to face anyone. I was not ready. They dont have to know that i am in here. They don't have to know that i am broken. They don't have to. It was what running in my mind when the banging was heard. I thought they will leave when there was no answer but the banging didn't stop.

"Open up kong" i heard a voice. No not some random people voice. It was his voice. Arthit. I kept quite. I was battling my own inner demon. I am not ready to face him yet. I neee time but he kept on banging to the door. I cant take it anymore. I pressed my palms on my ears so that i don't hear his voice nor the banging on door but no. I cannot do it. His voice is ringing my head with no rest.

"Open up kong. I know you are in there" he yelled and banged again.

"If you don't open up. I wont hesitate to break it kong. Open the damn door" Arthit almost broke the door when I finally opened it.

"What do you want?" It's what i asked him. My tone was harsh for my own ears.

"I want to talk to you" he said to me.

"I want time and i am not ready to talk with you right now. Just leave me alone for sometime" i almost yelled at him.

"Kong listen to me this once. If you want to move away from me even after hearing everything. I will let you go. I wont disturb you ever again. Please listen to me just this once. Atleast give me this one chance." He asked me.

I was numb for a moment. I dont know what to do. Even before i can say anything. He pushed himself inside my home and locked the door. Everything happened in fraction of second and i was too dumb to react to anything.


"Let me talk first kong. I love you. It dint happen just now. I loved you even before you know that i existed in your life. I loved you from the time you joined the college. I started to love you from the first sight. I loved you when i saw you in the moon and star competition. I loved you to that extend that i stalked every move in your life. I was afraid kong. I was so afraid even to come and see you. When i finally pulled my courage to come and talk to you. I saw him. I saw pulsar comming and proposing you. I tried really hard to distant myself from  you but it didn't work out. So i did kept myself away from you. I was happy seeing you from a distant. I thought seeing you happy is all i want.

But i cant keep quite when you was hurt by him. I know you won't allow anyone in your life after what happened. I know most of them try to shut themself away from others. That's what you did too. Shut yourself away from others. I wanted a way to come to you. Most of them will feel comfortable to share with someone whom they have not seen. I know it's wrong to do that. But o was not able to find any other way to reach. I am really sorry. I you feel that i cheated you or if you think that i am playing with your feeling i am really sorry. I didnt mean to do any of it. I may look like someone who is bold but when it comes to you i am nothing more than a rabbit in front of you. I love you kong. I loved you for a long time and i now. Please just don't kick me out completely. Give me a chance that's all i am asking you. I am sorry for everything i did. Let me say you this to to you now. You are precious to me. Whether you believe it not. You will always be. Thank you for not throwing me out. I will wait for you. No matter how long it takes i will wait" he said to me and left the place.

Out of all the things that he said to me only one thing got  registered in my mind.

He loves me but can i beleive him?

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