Chapter 18

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During the entire meeting kong tried to avoid pulsar as much as he can. While Arthit never let go of kong's hand. He was caressing it as if he was the most precious thing in the world.

When the meeting was finally over. Arthit just pulled kong away with him with pulsar's watchful eyes. But pulsar was not taking no for an answer. He followed kong and Arthit.

He grabber another hand of kong's.

"You are not leaving me" he said trying to pull kong from Arthit side.

"Who are you to say that?" Arthit asked making his hold strong.

"You have no rights to interfere in our issues" pulsar said pulling kong.

"Yes i do because i am his boyfriend. I didnt leave him for someone else like you did" Arthit said in a very calm voice. It was like he know what was really happening and he is not someone whom you can fool easily.

"Oh, slept with him already. I just think you are as bad as him in the bed. You both deserve each other" pulsar said and strom out of the place.

In the entire situation kong did say nothing he just kept himself quite.

"Are you alright?" Arthit asked kong who was hanging his head down.

Kong dare not see him. Tears were at the verge of falling. He really don't want to cry. He vowed himself that he will never cry for someone like pulsar in his life. But his heart won't listen. Even after everything he cannot let go of him. He was his first love after all.

"I am sorry" kong said in a very low voice. "Sorry to get you involved in my problems" he said to him still not looking at Arthit.

"Look at me kong" he said to him. Kong was debating whether to look at Arthit or not. He was feeling really shameful even to look at his eyes.

"It's not your fault dear" Arthit said to kong lifting his chin so that he can look at kong.

"I am sorry" kong said again and he cannot control his tears anymore. He hugged Arthit and cried to his heart content.

Throughout the time Arthit did say nothing but kept patting kong on his back saying it will be alright again and again.

"Thank you" kong said to Arthit finally when he get a grip of himself.

"Everyone have a weak moment kong and you have nothing to be thankful for" Arthit said with his soft smile.

"Do you think i am pathetic?" Kong asked Arthit looking at his eyes.

"He is the one who don't deserve you kong you don't feel low about yourslef" Arthit said to kong trying to cheer him up

"Take rest of the day off and rest well." Arthit said to him.

"You don't have to....." Kong started but Arthit was not ready to listen to anything.

"Think this as treat for completing the deal. Anyway you have not talked any of your paid leave. I will take care of it" he said to kong

"Thank you" replied kong because he has no idea whatelse can be said to him.

"Do you want me to drop you anywhere?" Arthit asked kong.

"No sir thank you. I will take the bus from here" he said to Arthit.

"Take care then" Arthit said to kong and drove his car away. Arthit didn't want to push kong too much so that he would runaway. He wanted to take slow steps.


Kong was sitting in the bus stop. He was looking at same place like he was the most depressed person. He had no idea that someone was watching him for so long.

His phone beeped.

Meet me at the same place pet. Come as soon as you can. I am waiting for you.

Came text from the private number. Kong just looked at the text and debating whether to go or not but still he cannot control the strange beat of his heart.

He reached the place an hour later. This time he didn't wait for any approval. He went to the second floor straight not waiting for any instructions.

When he entered the room he saw blindfold was waiting for him on the bed along with a note get into your new born suite and wait for me.

Kong quickly stripped himself naked and put the blind fold on and waited for him.

Kong has no idea how long he was waiting. All the crying completly made him exaushtaed and he fell asleep without his own knowledge.


When kong woke up he was not able to move his hands or legs it felt heavy.

"Woke up pet" came a familiar husky voice.

"Master" he said not knowing what else he can say.

Suddenly something wet and cold touched his body making him hiss. Kong was clenching his hands and legs but there was no use and slowly he felt something warm.

His master was busy spreading honey on kong's body and ge was licking every inch of him. Like he was the most delicious desert every lick was making kong wither and moan. He was so responsive.

When his master finally reached his shaft. It was like he reached heaven. Kong was not able to control anymore. He started to beg without his own knowledge. He was pushing his hips upwards not knowing what he really wants.

"You seem so eagar pet" his master said and licked him again

"Master" was the only words comming from kong's Rosy lips right now. His mind didn't work anymore.

And finally with a loud growl he came in his master's embrace.

"You are not bad at sex pet" his master said in a very low soft tone.

The voice. Something stroke in his head. He know this voice. He has heard it. And finally it stroke in his mind.


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