Chapter 19

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"Arthit" kong said when the realisation hit him.

"How long have you known?" Kong asked Arthit. He was not able to take it. The two person whom he believed too much other than April. No not two persons just a single one. Both of them are same.

Arthit just kept quite not saying anything. He dont have anything to justify his action with. He wanted kong to know that it was him who was caressing him. But suddenly he felt that he should have waited a little more and not break a pot just like that.

"How long Arthit? I am asking you something here?" Kong raised his voice. The voice that he used, he had no idea that was residing inside himself...

"From when? The moment when i wore the dress you gave for me or it was much before then that. I was a stupid i should have known. The boss whom everyone was afraid off was so soft to me and gentle. I was stupid to think that you took special care for at last it. Was nothing much pity from your side."

"Kong" Arthit stared to say something but it was soon cut off by kong.

"Just stop it Arthit. I am not ready to hear anything from now. I need time" kong replied and wore his dress and quickly exited the room.

Arthit was too confused and he doesn't know what to do now. It hurts him. He called the only person who can help him right now.



"Hello"  Arthit said in a very hushed voice.

"Don't say you messed up this time too Arthit" he heard a yell on the other side.

"Kind off" Arthit said in a very low voice.

"You have any idea how long it took for me to come up with this and make kong to do it? I have nothing to say you deal with him yourself" April was yelling.

"This once April. Please. I will get you anything you want anything" he said to April literally begging her.

"Fine. I like your friend Blake. Hook me up with him" she said to Arthit.

"He is innocent April" Arthit tried to reason with her.

"Thats why i like him. Don't worry i will handle him soft" she said to him.

"Whatever. I will hook him up with you but you help me with kong" he said to her.

"You don't have to do anything Arthit he will come on his own. He was hurt because he started to trust you. He will come back. Give him two days. If he didn't come to you. Let us think of another plan." She replied to Arthit and cut the call


April pov

I know you people have lots of questions. The first thing will be how do i know Arthit. The answer is simple. We were family friends.

His family is filthy rich and some how my parents and his parents studied together and ended up being friends.

Arthit was 5 years older to kong. He first met him in star and moon competition. No kong was not a part of it but he came to cheer me up. That was the time he saw him. I know he fell for him the moment he saw kong. Though kong always looked like loser. Kong was a bright kid and he was very innocent. Both of us have soft spot for innocent and cute things. So Arthit fell for him.

Arthit is someone who likes to take control and he is always very bold. Except one thing. His love life. He will able to deal a gun on his head but not love.

Before he met kong Arthit was a perfect dom where subs were longing to be with him but when he came to know he fell for kong. He quit his night life though he use to enjoy once in a while.

After the star and moon competition it became a habit for Arthit to look at kong in secret ofcourse i know that. That was the one of the reason i got close to kong. I wanted to know whether he was faking his innocence or he is really innocent. But when i get to know the real him. I started liking him as a friend. I always give update to arthit about kong but what missed my eyes where about pulsar.

I never personally liked him. It came out of blue when he proposed kong. I know kong had a small crush on him. I also said to Arthit about that but we were confident that the pulsar will never looked at his side. But everything happened in a blink of an eye when we came to what really happened it was late. Kong already fell for his trap

The truth is pulsar never liked kong. He just did it for fun. It was one of his hobby. To bet with his friends and do things for fun. And one of the bet was kongpob. It took too late for us to realise that. Kong was happy and Arthit was happy looking at him happy. When we came to know the truth. Kong was deep in love with him. We were totally worried about him. We know that kong will break when he came to know the truth.

We tried to say in to him in all way possible kong blind trust on him was never been able to be broken. I know we should have tried harder. Arthit was too not with me at that time. He was in abrod.when he came to know that kong accepted pulsar. He left his hometown to study there. I update him often regarding  kong and all the other matters. At one point i really thought pulsar truly loved kong. That's why we left him undisturbed but when he broke with kong. Everything was changed.

Arthit was supposed to sit as a CEO chose to sit as manager in the place where kong opted to work. Of course it was his company and no one know about it.

It was me and Arthit who created the app and it was exclusively only for kong. We both were doing everything possible to make kong fall for him. But he messed it up in the time when kong was about to fall for him. Everything was pre planned about Arthit and kong though kong doesnt have to know for now. But that idiot messed it completely after my hard work.

That fucker...

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