Chapter 7

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When Kong entered the office in the afternoon. He had a strange feeling that everyone was looking at him. Though they were busy with their work. Kong cannot shake the feeling that people are staring at him. He skipped his lunch and sat in his table. He felt that it's better to hide in his cabin than go to lunch with this outfit.

"Mr.kong get the construction file come to my office" came a call from intercom.

Kong quickly took the fine and knocked the door before entering.

"Come in" came a voice from inside.

"Sir the file you have asked for" Kong said and pushed the file on the table.

When Kong raised his eyes from the table. He saw his manager eyes piercing him. Though he was dressed he felt naked in front of the man. He looked at Kong from bottom to top like he was registering every inch of his body.

Kong started to feel uncomfortable and he started to flush a little. It made his nipples clearly seen through the thin shirt material. Kong was twisting and turning on the place where he stood. He started to breath heavy under his stare.

Arthit moved his eyes to file and asked him to pass the file to one of his co-worker and do the correction.

Kong voice was completely dry and he was not able to find his voice to say anything he just nodded his head and took the file back from Arthit and ran away from the cabin as fast as he could.

Those stare made him feel like he was eaten alive. When he returned to his he saw a note on his table

Seeing you like this make me want to eat you. Stay safe from the hungry wolves
                                _ your admirer

Reading the note made Kong to became more uncomfortable. It was the first time that he was feeling the attention in his life. He wondered how the guys with fame was able to tolerate it everyday.

He just want to run to his home and hide but he still have two more hours in office. He was busy concentrating oh himself than the work. He was not comfortable.

When the office hours got over Kong was first one to run away from the office.  He was able to breath easier only after he entered his car. He quickly drove away to his home without turning his head back.

The first thing he did after reaching no, e was to change into something comfortable and laid on the bed with the phone in his hand.

It was on dot 8 o clock when he got a call from king.

"Hello sweet heart how was your day" he asked the moment he took the call.

"Well it was fine" Kong mumbled in the line.

"You was not comfortable were you" came the next question.

"Yes" Kong said in low voice.

"No issues sweet heart you will get used to it once you start to wear proper fitting cloths. Now I want to ask, found anyone interesting" he asked Kong.

"Sorry, I was busy trying to feel comfortable in my own skin" Kong said in a low voice.

"Should I punish you for it pet?" Came the next question.

"I don't know master" Kong replied to the man.

"I will think and say what should be done later now I want you to take rest. Do what you want handsome. Sleep well" the man said to Kong.

"Good night master"

"Good night pet"

Then the line went blank

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