Chapter 2

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Ring ring... Kong was busy hugging his pillow and sleeping when his phone rang. Kong know very well who calls him early in the morning. It will be his long last friend April.

"Hello April. Why have you called me so early in the morning?" Kong asked him still in his sleepy mode

"What the fuck have you done?" April was telling at him at the other end of the line.

"Why are you yelling early in the morning April" Kong asked her still in his sleepy voice.

"You are asking me why am I yelling? You have to ask your own self why I am yelling at you." April was boling on the other end.

"April please my mind won't work early in the morning. So you do say it on your own." Kong was still in his sleep mode. While April was fuming in anger.

"Why the hell you changed the branch of your working." April was still yelling and Kong was still sleeping mode.

"Please April I am not in the mood to talk about it right now. Let's just talk about it later. Will meet you in the evening after work same place." Kong said to her continued to his sleeping again.

After he has done with the call he was not getting his sleep again but he was lazy to wake up so he was still rolling on his bed from one end to another. Then he was checking his mobile whether he had received any text.

But no who will text him? The only text that he have received was from TML app.. well Kong was too lazy to open the text. He just let it slide and started to do his daily routine.

He has to go to his office on time. He has particularly asked to shift him to some other branch of same work group. Well the reason was simple he doesn't want to meet with his ex because his ex is working near to his old office. So it's better for him to stay away from there. Stay away from him.

Well Kong just dragged his lazy body to work. He just wanted a break from everything but it's not going to happen unless or until he ready to do it. His mind was so muddled up and he was not able to think anything clearly.


Right now he is sitting in a cafe opposite to his office thinking about all the things that has happened in the past. Thinking how he fell for someone like pulsar. No matter how much he thinks he cannot get over the fact that he still love him.

Kong was deeply buried in thought when he heard a knock on the coffee table where he was sitting.

"This is for you sir" the waiter said sliding the cup of coffee with a note in it.

A smile on your lips will be more stunning than the frown on your mesmerising face
                                                                                                                - your admirer

When he read the words on the notes his lips streached a little blooming into a most beautiful smile.


Everything went down the drain when he saw pulsar with his girls. He just want to act like he didn't see him but he cannot. It just made him feel worse making him to leave the place.

Kong was sitting in  car crying his heart out made him to see the text from TML app

Teach me to love app is inviting you for a week free service. Only enter if you are above 18. This is the only waring we give you.......

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