Chapter 28

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"I have slept and ate. So, shall we start?" Arthit asked Kong caressing his neck.

"No, we are not starting anything. Sleep. We still have to go to office early tomorrow" Kong said to Arthit and pushed him on the bed.

"But I am not sleepy" Arthit said pulling Kong on him.

"I will allow you after the audit gets completed. Now you need your rest sleep" Kong said to Arthit and made him to sleep on bed.

"No.. but.. Oon" you are sleeping and that is final.

"Fine" Arthit said to Kong sulking.

"Sleep now big guy" Kong said to Kong and went to clean the place.

"You sleep with me too. If you are not sleeping next to me then I am not sleeping too." Arthit said to Kong.

"Fine. I will sleep" He said and laid next to Arthit. Arthit pulled him close to his body and waited for sleep to get him. Kong was way fast asleep before Arthit.

Arthit was seeing this Kong for the first time. The Kong he knew was always shy and very afraid to say what he really wants but this Kong made him take pride on himself. He liked the demanding Kong more than the shy one.


Arthit does not know when he fell asleep but when he woke up, he was alone. Delicious breakfast was on table with a cute note from his Kong.

Do not go empty stomach.

It was all written on it. Arthit munched almost everything on the table and left for work. His Kong was already on the desk and doing his work.

"Mr.Suthiluck Can you bring the CO construction file and come to cabin" Arthit said and left to his cabin.

When Kong entered the cabin, the blindfold was already there, and he hugged Kong from behind.

"Miss you" Arthit whispered to Kong and kissed him on his neck.

"Arthit we are in office let me go" Kong said to tried to push Arthit, but he didn't bulge a little instead he held him closer and said again "Miss you"

"I was there with you till morning" Kong said trying to reason with his clingy lover.

"I miss you. I miss this scent. These soft lips and I miss so much more about you and I cannot describe everything to you now. Just let me hold you for some time and then I will let you go" Arthit said.

Kong let Arthit have his way with him. They both have done more than hugging in this cabin and when he thinks about a sweet blush creeped his cheeks.

"I love you Oon" Kong said to his lover and peck his lips and ran away before Arthit can react anything.

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