Chapter 5

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Kong woke up with his phone on his hand. He had no idea when he fell asleep. He only remembered talking to his master in his phone. When the last night incident came to his mind. He blushed a little. His cheeks were going red. He was naked under blanket and for the first time in his life he felt comfortable in his own skin.

Cool breeze touched skin making him aware that he still sitting on his bed naked with a duvet wrapped around him. He quickly got ready to go to his office.

When he reached the office he quickly organised all the files that was required for the meeting today. For the first time. He overlooked his job. His mood was elevated and still he was blushing then and there whenever he remembered his little talks with his master.

You look adorable when you blush
                          -   your admirer

Was a note stuck on his table. It has became a habit to Kong to collect the notes and keep it on his safe. He had no idea who he or she was but still little notes made his worse day better. His happy days happier. He liked the person without even knowing who that person was. He made up his mind to thank that person generously when he comes to know who that person was.

Kong tiptoed in his office throughout the day spreading happy vibes to the people who was around him.

The clock showed the time as 8. Kong was looking at his phone as if it was the most precious thing right now. With so much love and tenderness. When the display blinked as private number. He took the phone right away even before a ring can be completed.

"Looks like my pet was waiting for me to call" said the deep husky voice on the other side of the call.

"Yes king" said Kong.

"So how was the day for my pet today" the man asked.

"It was good and how about yours?"

"It was fine for me pet." The guy said.

"Today I am going to ask you some question and I want you to answer the question truly pet" the man said.

"What do want to ask me about?" Kong asked the man.

"Are you attracted to anyone in your work place pet?" The man asked.

"No. I am  not. I don't think I can attracted to anyone now" Kong said in his low voice.

"I am not asking about emotional attraction pet. That take long time to built. I am asking about physical attraction. Are you attracted to anyone physically dear" the man asked.

"No, I am not sure. I have recently moved to new office and I have not given deep attention to anyone yet" Kong replied the man.

"Then the next day when you go to your office. I want you to look around and find someone who physically attracts you pet" said the man.

"I don't think I can do that. It was always painful for me when that happens. So everytime when the time comes I was afraid" Kong said to the man. His cheeks were red and he was embarrassed. A tiny drop of tears were rolling down from his eyes.

"Don't worry sweet I will make sure you enjoy throughly. For that I want you to choose a man from your office now. When you choose the man let me know it. Till then sleep well pet" said the man and hanged the phone down. Even before Kong can reply to that man.

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