Chapter 10

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"Come on dear get up" Arthir said to Kong slowly pulling him to his feet. Kong was looking so lost and he just obeyed the warm voice of the person.  He didn't want to go through it. It was hard for him. Everything that happened between them was running through his mind. The promises, the words all the things was making him feel worse. All this Arthit did nothing he just held kong near to him and waited for him to gain his composure back.

"Are you alright?" Arthit asked kong after he felt that kong was little stabilised.

"I am sorry" Kong replied to Arthit after got his emotions under control.

"Don't be first let's just get away from here" Arthit said to Kong and took him to near by cafe shop.

"What do you want to have kong" Arthit asked Kong after reaching the shop.

"I am fine sir. I don't want anything now" Kong replied to Arthit.

"No sir kong. Its Arthit, We are not in office anymore and moreover adding some sugar in your system will make you feel better. Have something anything would do" Arthit said to kong.

"Anything would do sir" kong replied to Arthit.

"No, you choose. The first thing to get back to your self is to know what you want. So you choose what you like to have and it's Arthit kong Arthit."

"I will have a caramel coffee" kong replied to Arthit without raising his heads up.

"One caramel coffee and one pink milk" Arthit gave his order and waited for the man to look up to his face. But Kong being Kong he was busy staring at his hands.

"Kong" artist said in a soft voice and shook him a little to gain his attention.

"Yes sir" Kong replied when he noticed that Arthit was calling for him.

"It's Arthit Kong.  It's not that difficult for you to remember Arthit" he said to Kong but Kong said nothing but just stared at the person in front of him.

"Try saying It. Arthit" he insisted Kong again but there was no reply from him. So Arthit just gave up. He felt that he pushed him enough for the day. So he decided to leave the guy at peace for sometime.

Their order have arrive and Kong drank his coffee in silent he was just staring outside the window and Arthit was watching the guy who was staring the window.

Their ride from cafe to office was quite. No words were exchanged. Nothing. It was like they both were sharing the silence with each other. When they reached the office Arthit held the door open for Kong for him to get down.

Arthit was waring for some words from Kong but no words were uttered by that man.

"Thank you Arthit" Kong said to Arthit before entering the office again.

"Kong can I ask you a question if you don't mind" Arthit asked Kong before the guy can move in. Kong just turned and nodded his head asking the guy to go on with his question.

"May I know who is he?" Arthit asked Kong. Kong just stood silent for few minutes he was debating whether to say or not but he decided to answer the question. It is the least he can do for what he did today.

"My ex." He said and moved inside without turning his head back.

Maybe it's time for him to turn his back to his ex too.

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