Chapter 4

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When the call was cut Kong had a strange happiness in his heart. He felt like his emotions were cared for. He have not felt that for along time. Though one part of his heart were saying that it's the service they do for money. Though he was fully aware of it. He decided to cherish the feeling of being important to someone. Though that person is going to be his fake boyfriend. He decided to accept the fact and enjoy it though it is going to be for time being. Right now he wanted someone to cherish him. Give important to his feelings. He wanted to talk his heart out with someone. He wanted someone to listen to him without judging him and he felt he was the gut for that. He can be as crazy as he wants and he will not be going to be judged by this man. Whoever he was.

Kong felt happy when he started the day. He was waiting for the time to talk with the man. He had built a strange expectation in his heart. This expectation may leave him either disappointed or happy but he didn't care about it. He felt no one can hurt him like the love of his life did. Pulsar.

When Kong reached his desk. He had a note on desk. It simply said

Have a nice day handsome.
Smile always
                   _your admirer

It was written in same type of paper with same handwriting.  When he asked his Co worker whether there was someone who came to his table before him? They said they have not noticed who did it.

"Kong the head is calling for you" miss.pearl came and informed him.

"Hello sir" Kong said to the man who was sitting on the head chair.

"So kongpob. You where the one who had asked for branch transfer?" The man asked.

"Yes sir" Kong said to the man.

"You had any specific reason for the branch transfer" the man asked.

"No sir, I felt like I wanted a change from my routine" he said.

"Nice to know. Mr.kongpob. I am Arthit your head" the man said and stretched his hands.

"Nice to meet you sir" Kong said taking the others hand.

"You have a nice review from your previous head. Looking forward to work with you " Arthit said with a smile in his face, showing his cute dimples.

"It's pleasure to work with you" he said with a smile in his lips and took his leave to do his work.

Kong strangely felt that he  is having a good day.

Kong was the first one to run to his home when the work hour got over. His heart was doing strange things. He was not able to keep his patience. He kept looking at his phone for every minute. Having a feeling that time was moving slow. Too  slow.

It was sharp 8 in the clock then came ring with the display having private number.

"Hello" Kong said with so much consciousness in his voice.

"Where you waiting for my call pet?" The man asked Kong.

"No" Kong said in a low voice.

"Your breath is saying that you are lying to me pet" the man said with a deep voice sending shivers to Kong.

"I am not" Kong mumbled inside his mouth.

"I am not able to hear you pet little louder pet" the man said.

"I am not" Kong said little bit louder.

"It's not good to lie to me pet. I think you should be punished for it" he said to the Kong.

"What are you going to do?" Kong asked the man.

"Do you have couch in your home" the man asked Kong.

"I do" Kong replied.

"What is the colour  of your couch"  the man asked

"It's dirty white" Kong said

"You like to play and get dirty pet?" The man asked Kong.

"I don't like to play in dirt but I don't mind getting dirty while I play" Kong said innocently.

"Then let's play sweet. Do you have the habit of moving naked in your lone time?"the man asked Kong.

"No." Kong replied.

"Now as your punishment. I want you to strip yourself naked and sit on the sofa and send me a pic of yours without showing your face. I will wait in the line" said the man.

"But I feel shy" Kong said

"For the perfect sex first you have to feel comfortable in your skin sweetheart. You should be proud. You have a beautiful body dear. Be proud of that. Remember you have a beautiful body." The man said.

At first Kong was hesitating a bit but he had to do it in order for it work. So he slowly stripped himself and sent a pic to the man.

"Have you ever seen you fully naked on the mirror? " he asked

"No" Kong said

"Now I want you to go and stand in full length mirror and say to me what you see in the mirror" the man said to Kong in his slow husky voice.

"I see someone who is lean and have a tanned skin. I don't look good" Kong replied to the man.

"Dont ever feel you are less to anyone dear. Do you what i see in you. You look beautiful dear. Very beautiful. Your chocolate skin make me wants to taste every inch of it. Your pinkish brown nipple makes me want to suck it make it so sensitive. I want to trace your chocolate body with strawberry hickies. Your waist is in perfect shape for me to hold it and Thurst myself in you making you to moan and shiver in pleasure. Your slim fingers in perfect shape to hold me. Your little muscles in the back look so soft and gives me so much pleasure when I squeeze it. Your perfect slender legs are in right shape to wrap your legs around me. In all you are perfect. No one make you feel inferior about your body. No matter what they say about your body don't listen to them. You are beautiful. You are handsome. You are gorgeous" the man said with his deep husky voice.

Making Kong to admire his own body. Kong unconsciously started to move his fingertips as the man said how he would take and give pleasure to the man in front of him.

"Pet now I want you to go lie in your bed and sleep nude. Don't try to cheat me pet. If I come to know that you are cheating I will make your punishment more worse then this" the  man said.

"OK" Kong said in a shy voice

"Do you want me to talk with you still you get comfortable handsome" the man asked.

Kong just stayed quite in his line not saying anything. He wanted the man to talk with him some more but he felt that he will embarrass himself if he ask the man to stay in the line.

"Go and line down sweet. I will talk with you till you fall aslsep" the man said and they both ended up talking for God knows how many hours.

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