chapter 14

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Kong was busy cooking when a warm hand wrapped around his waist and it yanked him back to the solid chest. The grip was tight making him to feel the hard cock that was pressed against him. Litte move and he can feel the cock rub against his ass that made him to leave a inaudible moan. The man's hand slowly roamed and moved against the guys chest and slightly brushed against the tight peaks. Which sent a electric shock to his entire body. That made Kong to move back further and pressed his buttocks more against the solid thigh.

The man slightly blowed at his neck and moved his face against Kong's neck softly. Kong legs were growing weak and if not for the man's tight grip he would have been a poodle by that time. When the man's breath reached Kong's ear he was completely lost and his cocktail was hard too hard.

"Pet" the man whispered into the man's ear in the husky honey coated voice making him to jerk up....


When Kong open his eyes up. He was not able to understand anything. The tent was slightly shown and he was thankful that he has not worn anything tight. Kong was out of focus for few minutes and everything that happened in the night came rushing back to his memory. First he is not in his home. Second he is in his office doing over work. The next thing he did was to search for is his hand phone. He entirely forgot where he was at. He checked his mobile to see whether he got any text from his master but unfortunately he got none and that made his heart hurt a little. He took all the courage to text that man. The honey coated voice was haunting him.

Hello master hope you have a nice day
Your pet

He texted the man. He quickly checked the time and it showed 10. His boss was not with him. He took few moments to compose himself and went out the room to see his boss busy with phone.

"You can leave for the day Kong. The meeting got cancelled and it got postponed to next month. Sorry to make you stay for the whole night." He said to him while the other person was still in line. It took few minutes for Kong to understand what his boss said. He quickly nodded his head and went to take his belonging and move to home.

Though Kong was at home, he was not able to forget the dream that he dreamt in the morning. For the first time he longed to be touched. Touched by his master. He wanted to know how it will really feel. He wanted to know whether the feel will be same as he dreamt or it will be much more. He hesitantly took his phone and was wondering whether he can do what his mind was asking him to do.

He has never done something like that in his life till now. He was nervous and he felt that his heart was beating so loud. He can literally hear it. Mustering up all the courage that he had. He took his phone and switched on his camera and clicked few pics of his private part. He was battling whether to send it to his master or not.

Finally he did it with a small message attached to it.

It want to feel your touch and it's longing for it.

He wrote and was looking at the pictures, thinking whether to do it or not. His heart was saying it no and his mind where saying yes. The nervousness made his heart skip a little beat. So he finally decided not to send it and pressed the delete botton........

No no no ...... Kong screamed yes he pressed the send instead of delete and Kong was banging his head right now when a text popped up from the private number.

Meet me tomorrow pet 8 pm love cafe

When Kong saw the text he was breathless....







Teach me to Love (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ