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"Jesus, I'm exhausted." I said, jumping on Chase's bed. Chase jumped next to me, wrapping his arms around me. Everyone came in and sat wherever.

"What's our next stop?" Noen asked, "California." Jaden said, patting my knee and sitting at the end of the bed. Chase gave me a look, and I already knew what he wanted me to do. I have never argued, fought, or even disagreed with Jaden throughout all the years I've known him and I'm scared that this will end badly.

"Now?" I mumbled to Chase, "I don't want to push you to do it but it'll make me stop acting like a control freak and an overprotective boyfriend." He whispered, as I smiled, shaking my head. "I don't think you're that but okay." I said, so no one would hear.

"what're you lovebirds whispering about?" Anthony teased, as I sat up. "Nothing, just talking. Hey Jaden, wanna come with me to our room real quick?" I asked, standing up sticking my hand out for him to take.

"Uh sure?" He said, confused but took my hand anyway, standing up. We walked out of the room, leaving everyone else confused.

"Why'd you need me to come with you?" He asked, as we entered our room. I sighed, turning around. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" He asked, already knowing there was something going on.

"I don't know how to say this but recently Chase has been getting jealous or mad when you mess with me or jokingly flirt with me." I said, as he crossed his arms.

"So you're gonna tell me that we can't be friends anymore right?" He asked, sounding mad. "No! Never." I quickly said, as he leaned on the wall. "I just need you to kind of stop with the flirting. It makes him mad." I said, as he scoffed. "Classic Chase." Jaden spat, as I grew nervous.

"Jaden, you're still my best friend and I love you. I just need you to.. you know, back off a little bit. It's normal for boyfriend's to feel that way." I said, as Jaden rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to back off. Won't have to worry about it." Jaden glared, as my heart started to clench in my chest.

"Jaden." I said, walking closer to him. "No, don't want to push my limit, ya know?" He said, as I sighed. "Jaden, that's not fair. I'm just asking you to chill out with the flirting because I have a boyfriend now, who's also one of your best friends and it's making him mad. I'm being respectful and so should you." I said, as he shook his head.

"That's not even it. He's gonna make you stop being friends with me. I know how he is, Signa. Since you're talking about respect, he should respect that you can have other friends that are boys." He said. "Jaden you're making this a bigger deal than it has to be. He does let me be friends with other guys, what are you talking about?" I scoffed.

"I'm not making it a big deal, he is. He's stressing over harmless flirting that I've been doing since we were younger and he knows that! He damn well knows that I wouldn't try to do anything to you when he's dating you." Jaden exclaimed, "You're my best friend and he knows that. So he can get the fuck over it." He added.

"Why can't you just understand where he's coming from? I'm not asking for much. I'm just asking to chill out with flirting, that's all. You're making this a big deal, Jaden." I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.

"I honestly don't care. He knows that I meaningless flirt with basically every one of my friends that are girls. It's the way I am. Hell! He's like that too." Jaden said, as I rolled my eyes. "All I'm asking is that you chill out with the flirting." I said, as he gave me a sarcastic smile. "I'll think about it." He said.

"Jaden, what the hell!" I yelled, getting annoyed. He is making this such a big deal and being so overdramatic. "You're being so overdramatic right now." I said, as he laughed. "Whatever Signa." He said, going to walk away but I grabbed his hand. "Stop it. You're not leaving, we aren't finished talking." I said, as he turned around, glaring at me.

"We are done talking, I have to back off right? That's what you want, isn't it?" He yelled, as I flinched back, tearing up. "Jaden, stop. Please." I choked out, as he shook his head. "This is how our friendship is and our friendship means the world to me and now it has to change for a boy? It's harmless flirting and pretty soon, he's gonna want you to stop talking to me." Jaden explained.

"So, I'm making it easier for you." Jaden said, knowing exactly what he meant, he's gonna stop talking to me. A tear slid down my cheek. "No Jaden, stop!" I cried, "You're making a big deal. This is literally so over dramatic. Stop." I yelled, grabbing his arm, pulling back in the room as he tried to leave. "Enough Signa. I'm just mad and don't want to talk to you right now. You know better not to let some boy control your life even if it something this small." He said, shaking off my hand and walked out.

He shut the door, and I slid down the door, crying. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why did he overreact like that? He made it such a big deal.

drama drama drama !
Why do you think Jaden reacted like that?

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