What a great life

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Joe's POV:

It's been 4 years since I married the love of my life and we adopted my best friend. I woke up to the redhead lying next to me breathing softly I rolled over and kissed her cheek delicately before getting up to get breakfast. Today is mine and Dianne's 4-year wedding anniversary and we were taking Jess to Zoe's and Alfie's for the night, so that me and Dianne can have tonight to ourselves before we have to get ready for Jess's birthday. I walked downstairs to see Jess sitting on the couch "hey sweetie" she turned to look at me with wide eyes. "hey Dad." I smiled the thought of having my own daughter always made me feel warm inside but now I have one and it is my best friend which is the best thing. "what's wrong." I hear a voice from beside me I turn a bit to see Dianne standing smiling at me "I will never get used to Jess calling me dad, but I like it." We both smiled before Dianne went to go and sit with Jess "good morning darling." Dianne says going and kissing the top of Jess's head. "morning mum." Jess replies. I made breakfast and went and sat on the couch with Jess and Dianne watching the new Marvel movie Professor Strong played by Tom Thompson before we went to Zalfie's house. The movie had finished, and we were now on our way to drop Jess off, when we got their Zoe greeted us at the door "hello Sugg family." She ran over and hugged us all we walked inside to be greeted by Alfie before Zoe pulled me and Dianne into the kitchen. "so, don't worry we will take care of Jess I know how protective you guys are." I looked at her and smiled knowing she would but it still did scare me a little bit, after all the things Jess and I have been through and even all the things Dianne and Jess have been through still doesn't make me feel safe leaving her here even though it is Zoe. We started to walk out the door before we could turn back to get her. I know it sounds weird Jess was always my best friend and now she is my daughter but we have been through so much and the reason Dianne and I adopted her, was so that she could be safe and up in till now we have only spend the time she was at school away from each other. We walked through the door and turned to Jess "now you be good we will be back tomorrow morning but call us tonight before you go to bed." Dianne said hugging Jess with tears in her eyes. "don't' worry I will." Jess hugged Dianne and then me we waved to her and got in the car before driving off.

Dianne's POV:

We came back to the apartment to get ready to go to our favourite restaurant. After getting ready I walked downstairs to see Joe he took my hand and pulled me into a hug "hey beautiful looking stunning as usual." I blushed and pecked his lips. "you're looking handsome tonight." We pulled apart and walked hand in hand down to the car I can't believe we have been married for 4-years I love this man so much. We got to the restaurant and took our seats we ordered our first meal and sat their talking about life and just enjoying ourselves. The time pasted quickly, and the first meal had come when I got a call from Jess "Hey Jess." She waved before telling Joe and I all about what they had been doing "we watched professor strong and." Joe quickly interrupted jess mid-sentence. "we watched that this morning why did you watch it again?" Jess looked at us smiled "because Zoe and Alfie hadn't seen it yet and Tom is cute." Joe gave Jess a grin before she said goodnight and hung up. After a while we had finished with the food and was now taking a walk in the park "Jess will be 22 in two days and she will be finished in her Bachelor in acting in four days she's growing up on us." I leaned my head on Joe's shoulder as we walked thinking about how Jess will be 22 soon it sadden me to think that my little girl was growing up, even though I haven't know Jess as long as Joe had and she wasn't biologically mine but she was still my little girl and loved her as much as Joe dose. We continued walking hand in hand until we came to the London eye. We got on and made our way to the top when Joe turned to me "hey do you remember the last time we were on a Ferris wheel?" I sat there and smiled remembering the Disneyland one and what happened last time. "yes, I do Jess and her dance friends pushed us in to the Disney one." Joe moved closer and put his arm around me smiling "yes and do you remember what happened when we were stopped up the top." I smiled and nodded "yes we kissed." We neared the top and once again it came to a stop "well let's make that happen again." Joe said leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips it soon deepened and became more and more passionate, the ride started moving again but we didn't care we just carried on kissing till we reached the ground again. We pulled apart and walked hand in hand off the ride smiling. After a long night we headed home and got ready for bed. I was brushing my hair in the mirror when Joe came up behind me and embraced me in a hug and kissed my neck "I still can't believe I got to marry you." Joe said in between kissing my neck and back, I smiled before turning around and cupping his face in my hands "I still can't believe I got to be the luckiest girl in the world and marry the Joe Sugg." He smiled before kissing my lips deepening it with every kiss, he pulled away and dragged me to the bed as he layed down and dragged me on top of him. Kissing me everywhere the kiss deepening and becoming more passionate I couldn't want any more in life but to be in the position I am in now kissing the love of my life a who I married and having the best daughter I could have.

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