You can't be here

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Joe's POV:

"TOM" Dianne yelled into the phone surprised to hear form him. I looked over at Jess to see if she was ok tears forming in her eyes. "your coming here!" Dianne calls again even more surprised. I felt my fist curl up hoping in my head that she would tell him no, but I was wrong. "of course, you are always welcome here." She hung up with a smile on her face. I was the only one who knew what happened between the two and I was not ready to let him near Jess again. "so, Tom is coming over he is currently homeless his parents are splitting up, so they have both moved in with their parents and his apartment is being torn apart because of some mould." Dianne explained. Jess looked down at Harrison tears forming in her eyes, Harrison looked up at his big sister and reached his arms out a babbled a bit before blowing a raspberry making us all laugh. Jess tickled Harrisons stomach making him laugh the cutest laugh before grabbing her finger making her giggle.

Tom's POV:

I was on my way over to Joe and Dianne's house I knew Jess was going to be there so this is going to be awkward but maybe I can talk to her about it all. I walked up to the door pressing the button to let the front office know I was there; they had seen me here with Jess a few times before, so they knew who I was. I made my way to the door taking a deep breath before knocking. "Hello?" an unfamiliar voice answered. The door opened to show a short woman with short brown hair. "oh, hello dear you must be Tom." She states before stepping aside to let me in. "Dianne has just put Harrison to bed I am her mother Rina so it's nice to meet you." I went to go and shake her hand but instead was pulled into a hug. "it's nice to meet you too Mrs Buswell." She let go of me and looked me dead in the eyes. "please call me Rina." We walked into the kitchen and I took a seat in the bar stool. "Joe took the others down to the park if you wanted to go down and see him and Jess." I sat there for a minuet thinking before a door barged open and two children came running in screaming. "you will never catch us." The young Boy screamed as a taller male entered the room. "I wouldn't be so sure." He called back to them. "I have my secret weapon to use yet." He yelled before Jess entered the room laughing. She ran over to the young girl and boy and tackled them to the ground all three of them laughing. "what's going on here." Dianne says as she appears in the doorway giving Joe a quick peck on the lips.

Joe's POV:

I glanced over to Rina noticing Tom standing beside her, Dianne had also noticed him and started to walk over to greet him. "why did you just pull me back Joe." She asked surprised at the fact that I had just grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "she hasn't told yet has she." Dianne looked at me confused. "told me what?" I turned to look at Jess who still hadn't noticed that he was in the room, she saw me looking her way reading the look on my face she slowly walked over to explain everything to Dianne. After Jess explained everything Dianne understood everything but insisted that we be good host eve if we keep them away from each other. Dianne and I walked over to greet Tom. "hey, how are you?" Dianne said embracing him in a short hug. "yeah not doing too well at the moment my life is falling apart." He answered sounding broken. "I know this can be quite tough to get through, but I know you can get through it, you just need to be found something that makes you happy." Dianne said hugging him. I felt my fists starting curl up as he continued to talk about what he was going through; steam would have been coming out of my ears if this was a cartoon then I snapped and didn't bother to think twice before punching him in the face. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in our direction Dianne trying to hold me back from throwing another at him. "that was for breaking my daughters' heart and cheating on her." Everyone turned to look at Jess tears welling up in her eyes broken before running into her old room and locking the door. Tom looks back at me and moves his hand from his face. "I didn't cheat on her on the girl was a friend from high school." Dianne let go of my hands knowing that I was going to hit him again and looked at Tom confused everyone else in the room too scared to move. "she said you guys were looking close. No one hurts Jess and gets away with it while I am around." Tom was now scared. "she was one getting close to me, I told her repeatedly that I had a girlfriend and I was very happy, but she was the one who forced herself onto me." He tried to defend himself but I had had enough so I walked out the room and out the door.

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2Where stories live. Discover now