Nothing but Love

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Dianne's POV:

After seeing Jess and Tom yesterday it really made me realise that she was growing up and fast. She is the star of a huge movie with her celebrity crush to which he plays her love interest in, and her second favourite actor Chris Lee who plays her father. After we had gotten back to the hotel yesterday from set Joe had been quiet, I thought he would be fine this morning but boy was I wrong. "Joe what's wrong you have been quiet since we got back yesterday." I walked over and sat on the bed next to the bathroom door, he turned around with his toothbrush still in his mouth and looked at me before turning back around to spit out the toothpaste and walking over to sit next to me on the bed. "I just, after seeing Jess and Tom together yesterday I could see this spark between them, and they reminded me of us, it just made me feel sad that my little girl is growing up." He looked me in the eyes his blue eyes now turning glossy from the tears threating to leave them. "I know Joe I feel the same way but remember we still have this little one on the way." He looked at me with a faint smile before placing his hand on the bump. Before too long and Jess and Tom had shown up at our door again to take us to a nice little café down the road. When we got there, we saw Chris sitting at a table with four seats left. "oh, hey fancy seeing you two here and together." Chris joked to Jess and Tom. "anyone would have thought that you two were a thing." Tom looked at him with disgust before looking back at us and Jess. "in your dreams Lee, Thompson here is too much of a stutter brain to ask me out." Jess gave Tom a small smirk as Tom went red in the face while Chris sat there laughing at the two's antics he has come to know and love. "oh yeah well maybe one day I'll ask Amelia out and then we'll see how you feel." Tom smirked before looking at Jess's shocked expression. Chris was now almost on the floor laughing at them. "shut it Lee you're not getting off the hook that easily what about you and Crystal?" Jess said turning to look at Chris. "I will ask her if someone and you know who am talking about asks their certain someone out." Chris said as he turned to look at Tom who was now blushing hard. "enough my parents are here to spend the week with me, and you two boys are ruining it." Jess turned and took Joe's arm and mine and dragged us to the table. We talked about anything we possibly could when I started to feel sick, I bolted up and ran off to the nearest toilet.

Joe's POV:

We were having a lovely conversation with Jess, Tom and Chris I saw Dianne through the corner of eye, and she didn't look too good, next thing I know she bolted off into the café. "is her morning sickness getting worse?" Jess asked concern falling on her face. "no, she hasn't thrown up yet today." I tried to make Jess feel better truth be told something was wrong with this pregnancy and even though I was trying to hide it I wasn't doing to well. "Joe what's wrong I know that face you know you can tell me anything we have been friends for years you can't keep anything from me." She gave me the look that said I had to tell her everything before she got up and grabbed my arm dragging me away from the table. "what's going on Joe as your daughter I deserve to know what is going on with my mum and as your friend I want you to know that if anything is bothering you then you can tell me ok." She looked at me dead in the eyes waiting for me to crack. "Ok, ok fine Dianne isn't doing too well at the moment just before we left she had massive pains we took her to the doctor and was told to come back in two weeks for some scans, we are not sure what it is but the pains are getting worse she is always saying how it hurts to throw up." I looked at Jess who was now standing there with tears falling down her face glazing the top of each freckle on the way down. "do you want to take Dianne back to the hotel then and we can spend the day there I don't want her in pain." I shook my head no knowing that Dianne wouldn't want that, but Jess had made up her mind as she dragged me back to the table the same way she had dragged me away. By this time Dianne was sitting back down eating a piece of cake that I had bought for myself. "ok sorry guys it was nice talking to you but were going home." Everyone looked at Jess shocked by what had just come out of her mouth. "why so soon I thought we were going to take your parents to the special place down the road." Chris asked looking very confused. "I just want to spend some time with my parents before I have to film again later today, and all-day tomorrow is that ok." She started to walk away from the table when Tom grabbed her wrist and whispered something to her.

Tom' POV:

She started walking away I had to stop her something was off, so I got up and grabbed her wrist turning her around to face me in the process. "what's wrong there is something up I can tell and don't just tell me your fine I know your not." I whispered it to her so that it was between me and her only. She gave me the look of I am fine but deep down inside she is dying to tell me. "I just want to spend time with Joe and Dianne before they go back home plus, I am filming for the next few days I know they are coming on set with me but it's not the same." I gave her small smile knowing not to push her any further before letting her hand go and watching her and her family walk off into the distance. "wipe that smile of your face Thompson." My smile dropped not even knowing I was even smiling until Chris had pointed it out. "just ask her it's so obvious even Dianne said something about it before, but you weren't listening because you were to busy staring at Jess talking to Joe." I could feel the blush creeping up onto my cheeks as I tried to find an excuse for starring. "I was worried that something was wrong that could affect Jess's acting later." Good one Thompson you just made it worse. I looked over at Chris who now had a smirk on his face. It was later in the day and I was now at filming I saw Jess, Joe and Dianne walk in from the corner of my eye. A smile crept on my face the rest of the cast just giggled at my antics causing the family to look my way. I quickly turned my head, so I was no longer looking at them. It was nearing then end of today's filming and everyone, but Joe, Jess and Dianne have come to talk to me about my strange behaviour around Jess. I was talking to Chris when I saw Dianne usher me over to where she was, I walked over slowly in till I was standing right in front of her. "Tom can we talk?" I gulped knowing what this would be about before letting out a small yes. "I know you like her why don't you just talk to her don't tell her I told you this but, you're her celebrity crush." My head pricked up I was her celebrity crush no way. Dianne had helped me decided I was going to talk to her and tell her how I felt the only thing is that I am scared of what Joe will do.

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2Where stories live. Discover now