We will look after you

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Joe's POV:

It's been a couple of days since opening show and we found (Y/N) on the street and went to go live with Zoe and Alfie. Dianne and I had been sitting on the couch for about an hour know just talking about life as you do when your daughter is off doing a huge Broadway show. We were talking about how great the show is when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door to see Zoe, Alfie and (Y/N) standing there. "your turn to take care of (Y/N) we have to go to New York for a few weeks for work." Zoe said handing (Y/N)'s hand to me to grab. It wasn't long and Zoe and Alfie had left it was now Dianne, (Y/N) and I sitting on the couch in silence. "do you want to watch a movie?" Dianne finally asked looking and me and (Y/N) we both nodded before going on to Netflix to find a movie "what about that one there I haven't seen this one yet." (Y/N) said pointing to the DVD on the coffee table. "you want to watch Professor Strong?" I looked at (Y/N) surprised that was the Film we would always watch with Jess. Dianne picked it up and put it in for us all to watch while I went and got some food for us to eat. We sat there in silence watching the movie when (Y/N) suddenly spoke. "is that Tom Thompson?" Dianne nodded and told (Y/N) about the amount of times we watched this movie because Jess is obsessed with him.

Dianne's POV:

Joe decided that since (Y/N) is here we should go out and get some food to eat as a treat it was (Y/N) first time in London and was really excited as we promised to go sight-seeing tomorrow. We went to a nearby café that we knew would be open and order our food, Joe told (Y/N) and I to go and sit down and he would bring the food over what a gentleman. After eating and a lot of talking and laughing Joe, (Y/N) and I went home so we could get up early to show (Y/N) around London. We arrived back home and showed (Y/N) we to go to have a shower and laid out the clothes Zoe and Alfie brought for (Y/N) to change into. After we had all gotten ready for bed I sat (Y/N) down on Jess bed and checked of the bruises and scratches that had been all over (Y/N). I looked at all the wounds before asking what happened. " I lost my parents while walking around the shops I was there for over an hour and walked over to security to see if they could find my parents two people came up and said that they were my parents to which I fought them to stop lying the police soon let them take me home thinking I was crazy, they bashed me up and throw me to the ground before taking me to a forest and leaving me there, I made my way back to Liverpool to where you, Joe, Zoe and Alfie found me." (Y/N) explained I listened intensely taking every word in. "don't worry we will find your parents." I said giving (Y/N) a hug. 

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang