Don't think twice just listen to your heart.

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Mel's POV:

It really scared me seeing Joe act the way he did none of us had seen him like that before, we all knew him as a sweet and kind person with a great sense of humour. Even though we were not quite sure of what was going on we knew to stay away from Joe, Jess and Tom at the moment to let them calm down.

(time skip to the next day)

Dianne's POV:

I woke up to see that Joe was still asleep, I leaned over to his side of the bed and kissed his check. Just as I pulled back Joe woke up and turned to face me and pulled me into him, I buried my face into his bare chest and smiled as he placed soft kisses in my hair. "good morning Joseph you seem to be in a better mode this morning." I said lifting my head off of his chest. "well how could I not be I get to wake up with you next to me." He replied before placing the most gentle but passionate kiss on my lips. "wa wa wa." We both broke apart at the sound of Harrison crying. "I got him you go and check on how Jess is this morning." I said getting out of bed and quickly kissing Joe's check, he nodded and headed downstairs.

Joe's POV:

I walked downstairs to see Jess, Mia and Billy playing Mario kart on the projector laughing about all the banana's they were throwing at each other. "good to see you three laughing this early in the morning." They all looked at me with a look of quilt before noticing the smile on my face. It wasn't long and everyone had all gathered in the living room most of them stayed at a hotel but Jess, Mia and Billy who stayed in our room and Tom who stayed in Jess's room. We were all chatting and laughing about something Harrison did when Tom came in the room. "Good Morning Tom how did you sleep?" Dianne asked cheery as normal. "Ok." Was all he said before turning around and heading back to the room he just came out of.

(Time skip to the End of the week)

Mia's POV:

I love being around Jess she is also so much fun, but this week has been tough she will be fine one minuet then as soon as you say something she will start crying or she will complain about Tom. It was always why would he do this, or what the hell was he thinking, or I can't believe he would do this. And when he was in the room there was so much tension between her, Joe and Tom. When will this stop?

Tom's POV:

I feel bad I am a quest in Joe and Dianne's house, and I have spent all of my time in Jess's room staring at all the photos of her crying. I was sitting on Jess's bed staring at the photo of Jess, Joe, Dianne and Zoe at Joe and Dianne's wedding, Jess looked absolutely stunning in her bride's maid dress. Tears started streaming down my face once again when the door opened. Dianne and her mum walked in. "hey Tom we haven't seen much of you just wanted to check in." Dianne said noticing the tears in my eyes. "oh no I'm fine." I answered hoping they would buy it. "are you sure you don't seem it." Rina said sitting down next to Dianne. "look I can't tell you love her when Dot and Joe broke up, I told her to talk to him, and now I am going to give you the same advice. Go and talk to her." Dianne looked at me then towards the door. I got up and slowly walked towards it opening it slowly the sound of Jess's laugh coming from the living room, Dianne and Rina walked past me and sat down on the couch as I slowly made my way into the living room. As I entered everyone went quiet Dianne and Rina nodded at me as I walked over to where Jess was being careful to not do anything that would cause Joe to lash out at me. "can we talk please." I mumbled quietly so only she could hear me. She looked at me before starting to tear up. "no, you'll just hurt me again." She said before getting up and running out the front door. Everyone was looking at me well actually they were staring at me. Joe was giving me the look of an overprotective parent. I looked at Dianne and Rina who nodded to me but all I could think about was going after Jess, I turned and ran out the door chasing her down the stairs calling her to stop. After a while a found her sitting on the steps outside of the building. "Jess please we need to talk." She looked up at me as I sat down beside her. "let me explain." I pleaded for her to listen to me. "explain what you cheated on my with the background actress." Tears were streaming down her face making her blue eyes glossy. "I knew her from high school, and she forced herself onto me I told her so many times that I had you and I loved you and she would listen please, please just have me back." I pleaded with her. "I don't know if I can trust you, I love you, but I don't know." She said looking down at her feet, I took her hands in mine. "don't think twice just go with your heart." I saw a small smile creep up on her face before turning to me. "Thomas Jeremy Thompson, I love you and I never stopped." A smile forming on both out faces. "so, does that mean you will take me back." I asked hopeful. She nodded and cupped my face bringing me into a passionate kiss.

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2Where stories live. Discover now