Could things get any worse?

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Joe's POV:

I have been here all night and Dianne still hasn't woken up yet and I am starting to get really worried about her. I heard a knock on the door and wiped the tears away before turning to see who it was, Jess and Tom walked in hand in hand tear stains down Jess's cheeks. "how is she?" was all she could say I looked back at Dianne before walking over to Jess. "they said that she is going to be okay, but the baby may not be." I could see her eyes start to get all glossy. "no, I wanted a little sibling around why is this happening." Tears where no streaming down her face Tom embraced her so she could cry into his shirt as he placed a delicate kiss on her forehead. I couldn't help but smile a bit at this if Dianne was awake, she would be squealing out of excitement. Jess poked her head out from under Tom's arm and looked at me. "why are you smiling?" my smile dropped as it turned into a little laugh. "you guys are cute if Dianne was awake, she would be squealing with excitement." Jess blushed a bit and buried her head again while Tom rested his head on hers. *squeal of excitement in the background* "Just like that" I said before quickly turning around to see Dianne sitting up all happy. We all rushed over to her side to see how she was. "Dianne you're ok" I took her hand in mine happy to see her ok. "of course, I am but let's get back to these two cuties, Tom, Jess you're adorable together." The two of them smiled as Tom put his arm around Jess's waist. We talked awhile until a doctor came in to talk to Dianne and me by this time Jess and Tom had gone back to set. "Dianne you're are all clear to go home the only thing is that your baby isn't doing too well at the moment, but it will be ok."

Dianne's POV:

It felt so good to be back at the hotel room and Joe planned this little romantic evening in of snuggling watching TV. I was going back to a doctor tomorrow to see how the baby is, but the nurse said just before we left the all was ok, right now everything seemed perfect. The next morning there was a knock at the door Joe got up and opened it to see Tom walk in with a bunch of flowers. "Tom sorry to tell you this but you missed Jess's room by about 6." Joe said as Tom walked past him. "oh, this are for Dianne." He walked over to the bed handing me the flowers. "these are I am glad you are ok flowers it hurt me to see Jess in so much pain and I am so glad that nothing really bad happened to you and the little one." I smiled at him before bursting into tears pregnancy really makes you emotional, I thanked him for the flowers and looking after Jess Before he left again to go to Jess's room. "he is such a sweet boy." Joe nodded sitting back down next to me. "he is and he really looks after Jess you didn't see what he did for her while you were in the hospital, every break they had while filming he would drive her to see you and would always be there to hold her if she needed comfort, and let her cry on him he even took Jess out so I could be with you." A smiled crept up onto Joe's face as he talked about how well Tom was treating Jess when thought came to my mind. "hang on the room I was in was family only how did Tom get in." Joe looked at me. "I told them he was my son in law." I looked at him as an even bigger smile crept up on my face. "well I thought Jess would need him to help her." He seemed a bit embarrassed, but I think it was cute.

Tom's POV:

I made my way to Jess's room to see if she was ok, I knocked on the door when she didn't answer I knocked again by this time the door opened to reveal a very tired Jess, I walked in Kissing to her forehead. "did you sleep at all last night." She looked up at me and shock her head before grabbing her things to go to the little café. "how about we eat here I will order room service." She just looked at me and put her stuff back down while I went and ordered some food by the time, I was done Jess was lying on her bed with the TV on, I walked over and stood next to the bed. "you do know you can sit here with me if you want too, you are my boyfriend." I took the hint and sat down next to her as she moved herself, so we were snuggled up watching the TV, before I knew it, she was sleep in my embrace she is so cute when she's asleep. I woke up to the sound of a phone I woke Jess up and she went and got the phone. It wasn't long and she was back with a look of shock on her face. "mum and dad need me to come down to the doctors right away." When we got their Joe and Dianne where still in with the doctor Jess was snuggled into my side with tears threating to leave her beautiful blue eyes. "can we talk please Jess?" Joe said I went to get up when Joe looked at me "you can stay Jess will need you." I repositioned myself so Jess could snuggle back into me if she needed to. "Dianne is ok, but the baby is going to have a few issues after it's born, they said that it will be born with a disease where if it's temperature rises to much it will have a fit." Jess started tearing up knowing that her little brother or sister isn't going to be well, we meet Dianne then I took Jess back home to spend the rest of the evening with her. 

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2Where stories live. Discover now