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Joe's POV:

Jess is graduating today she has grown up so fast. I woke up early to the sound of an alarm I looked over to see my beautiful red headed wife lying next to me she started to stir a bit before rolling over and snuggling into the side of me. I kissed the top of her head making her smile she tried to keep her eyes closed as if she was still a sleep, but her smile gave it away. "you are adorable." I laughed before going down to her level and giving her a peck on her lips. She looked up at me and smiled "you're such a softy Joseph." She said while smiling her cute smile before getting up and sitting on my in a straddle. She cupped my face in her hands and Kissed my lips which became more and more passionate it felt like we had been like that forever when we were interrupted. "oh, how cute are you guys let me get my camera." I looked past Dianne to see Zoe standing at the door she smiled before walking out back out the door and into Jess's room. We got up and made our way to the kitchen hand in hand. After breakfast we all got in a uber and went to the location of the graduation, Jess was already there as she had to clean out her locker and had to be there early. Went we arrived we were greeted by Jess's teacher, she walked up to me and Dianne "Hello Mr and Mrs Sugg if you could follow me to wear all the graduate's parents are." We both nodded and followed her into a large room full of proud parents. It wasn't too long, and we were all seated Zoe and Alfie were seated in the back so that all the parents would be able to get close enough to their children to celebrate with them. The graduation went really fast and Jess toped the class they all got photos with family and friends before being a loud to go home.

Dianne's POV:

We got home and sat down on the couch. "I am so proud of you sweetie." I said embracing Jess in a huge hug Joe smiled and hugged both of us "I can't believe you have grown up so fast Jess I remember when you were little dance on stage for the first time, the look on your face when you got the step right." We stayed like that for a while in till the phone rang Jess got up to take it. I sat with Joe watching Professor Strong once again Jess's Choice when she came back smiling "what are you so happy about Twinkle Toes." Joe asked smiling at Jess she smiled back and sat down next to us. "The Director from the Wicked musical was at our last performance we did, and he wants me to audition for a role next week." We hugged her tightly and congratulated her on how big this was. After watching the rest of the movie Zoe and Alfie came back from their meetings and got all their things together to go back home.

A Few Days Later:

Today was the day Jess was going to her Audition, so it was just Joe and I all day. We had dropped Jess off and went to the café nearby. "I think she will get the lead role." Joe said out of no wear. "of course, she will she is an amazing actor and she is an amazing dancer remember she was in the biggest dance company in Australia." We sat talking for ages about life when we saw someone walk past that looked like Tom Thompson, he walked into the little café and came out a little time later with a coffee in one hand and a cupcake in the other. He walked the other way so we couldn't see his face. It wasn't too long, and we got a call from Jess saying the audition was over and she needed to be picked up. After getting Jess we headed home and heard all about the audition. "I'm not going to get the role they were all so good, but I am glad I tried." Jess said trying to sound positive I looked at her throw the mirror "Jess Sweetie don't say that you're going to get it you have the most dance experience then most of the people there would, and you are an amazing Actress." She looked at me and gave me a small smile. 

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