Times are changing

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Dianne's POV:

I love Joe so much we had just come back from our little getaway to Scotland it was so nice. We walked through the door back home and sat on the couch just cuddling up watching TV and talking. "Joe, I love you." He looked down and gave me a small smile before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and smiling. "I love you too Dianne." We continued to snuggle up until I felt my eyes grow heavy before I knew it, I was asleep. I woke up tangled in Joe's arms as normal I looked around to see that I was lying in bed in my pyjamas, Joe must have carried me upstairs and changed my clothes to my PJ's after I fell asleep. I slowly moved out of Joe's arms and headed downstairs to get breakfast. I had just finished making pancakes when I felt arms snake around my waist, I turned around to see a sleepy looking Joe with messy hair smiling at me. "morning sweetie." He said kissing my cheek before grabbing the plates on the bench and setting then down. "morning Joseph." I turned and walked over to sit next to Joe. I was halfway through my first pancake when I started to feel sick, I ran to bathroom and bent down to the toilet and threw up everything that I had just eaten. I heard a door open and hand start to rub my back while another hand held back my hair. I looked up at worried Joe who helped me to sit onto the edge of the bathtub and lent down in front of me holding both my hands in his. "are you ok Di? What happened?" he asked worry filling his voice. "I don't know I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me last night, but I feel fine now." I said trying to make it seem I was ok. He nodded and left the room to go and get a blanket for me to snuggle up on the couch with and a sick bucket in case. After he left, I decided to get up and make my way to the kitchen to tied up but before I could take a step, I had to quickly turn back to the toilet throwing up again. After a few hours of sitting on the couch with Joe I was starting to feel better, but I started to get a craving for fish fingers, it was weird we don't even have any. A couple of minutes past and we were now watching this video on YouTube called things only girls would understand, they started talking about periods and how bad the cramps can get when it got me thinking I haven't got mine for a while, I got up and cheek the calendar that shows when both Jess and I are supposed to be on my period I was a month late, it all suddenly came to me about a month ago while Jess was with Zoe and Alfie watching a horror movie that Tom Thompson was in it as just Joe and I at home and things got a bit steamy after watching a romcom. It was starting to make sense the sick feeling and the craving I walked out to Joe and told him I needed to head down to the chemist to get Jess medicine for when she came back home in a few days, which was half true he nodded and I walked to the nearest store once inside I grabbed the medicine and pregnancy test. The lady at the desk knew me and Joe well as we were always getting Jess medication that she has to take because of the knock to the head so took when she was young, so when I walked up to her, she smiled before taking the things from me. "are we late for that time of the month, now are we?" the lady asked still smiling I nodded my head shyly. "don't worry I won't tell her take this teddy so you can hide the test from the paparazzi and Joe." She said handing me the teddy and I paid for it all but the Bear. I then walked home and put Jess's medication into the fridge and walked to the bathroom locking the door. I waited the amount of time it told me and flipped it over I can't believe it.

Joe's POV:

I saw Dianne come back in and put things in the fridge then disappear again holding a teddy bear. I continued to watch the show I was watching on Netflix when I heard a scream come from the bathroom, I bolted to the door and knocked calling Dianne to see if she was ok she unlocked the door and smiled at me "Joe come, come quickly." She said while dragging my by the arm to the sink she handed me what looked like a pregnancy test I looked at her confused and she smile back, I slowly turned it over to see two lines I looked over at her tears starting to form in my eyes. "Dianne your pregnant are you sure?" I asked making sure she nodded but added that she wants professional advice first. We walked into the doctor's room who took a few tests and asked a few questions sure enough Dianne was pregnant I hugged her and quickly pecked her lips. "I'm going to be a father to my own child." I said excited. "and I am going to be a mother to my own child." She said still hugging me tightly. We made our way back home and told Zoe, Alfie, the buttercream gang, my family and Dianne's family all we had to do now was tell Jess before would could dial her number in the phone rang. "hello." Dianne said before getting excited. "hey Mum, can you put me on speaker phone so dad can hear me to." I heard Jess say on the other side of the phone, so Dianne put her on speaker phone. "ok what's up you sound upset." I asked starting to worry. "well um I um I got the role." She mumbled into the phone. "sorry what?" Dianne asked. "I got the roll." Jess said now excited we all got really excited and started asking when she started, she was going to be home tomorrow afternoon for a couple of days then she was going to start filming but she didn't know who her co-stars where yet. After talking about the movie for a while we decided to tell her that she was going to be a big sister again. "hey, Jess I am glad you called we actually have some news too." I said nodded to Dianne to tell her. "ok what's up?" (the sky sorry I had too) Jess asked sounding serious. "well I pregnant and you're going to be a big sister." Dianne said with cheer in her voice Jess squealed and congratulated us many times. After a while of talking to Jess we were now sat on the couch watching a movie wrapped in each other's arms I can't wait for the next chapter of our lives although it did scare me a bit, what if we can't take care of a baby and what if Jess gets into trouble while she is in LA and we can't help her.   

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