I wish this was all over

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Dianne's POV:

It's been 8 months of constant pain and throwing up as well as regular trips to doctors about our little boy's condition I can't wait till this is all over and I can hold my son. Joe had driven us to the hospital for our weekly check-up we were going to be told how to look after our son so that we can limit his seizures has much as possible. "so, make sure if he starts to get a little bit shaky in his movements to take his temperature as soon as possible, and if it is higher then his normal temp then try your best to cool him down, but if things get worse call us straight away." Doctor explained writing it all down as well for us. These little check-ups have all been to see if we could prevent my baby boy being born with this condition but there is nothing we can do, and it has been affecting him already every time my temperature changes to fast and too high he has mini seizures resulting in many trips to the hospital. "ok and will there be any sort of medication that will be able to help?" Joe asked the doctor as he grabbed the piece of paper from him. "yes, there will be, but your son must be over 7 months old before we can start it." We got up and thanked the doctor before leaving the room and heading back to the car. "well at least we can get medication for him after the 7-month mark." Joe said trying to sound really positive. "that's if we can get him to live to 7-months." A tear started to roll down my cheek while Joe put his hand on my leg "we will don't worry." As we drove into our driveway, I felt a pain in my stomach again I collapsed to the ground as Joe ran around to get the wheelchair out and helping me in it, this had turned out to be a regular routine after sitting down for a while. "oh, how I can't wait for this to all be over." I cried as Joe wheeled me into the house. "I know darling I do too."

Joe's POV:

I wheeled Dianne inside and helped her on to the couch and sat down next to her taking her hand in mine as she frantically took deep breaths to help make the pain a little less. After a few minutes Dianne was back to her normal self. These last 7 months have been scary for all of us and since we hadn't been posting much our fans were starting to get really worried, but luckily for us we have had Jess and Tom post as much as they can to keep everyone updated as much as possible. The rest of the day was just Dianne and I relaxing back and enjoying each other's company before knowing we will have a new born in the next month it's exciting but also nerve wrecking, but neither of us can wait to finally meet our son and raise our first actual child together. 

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