Gender Reveal

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Joe's POV:

Dianne has been pregnant for 20 weeks now and today is the day that we can find out our baby's gender. Zoe has the note that says what gender the child is going to be and has planned this huge party. "Joe where are we meeting everyone?" Dianne called from upstairs I looked down at the address Zoe had given us. "Brockwell park." Not too long and Dianne came down the stairs she wore and lite pink shirt and light blue pants with her hair done up in pigtails with blue in one side and pink in the other. "you look lovely with your blue shirt and pink shorts." She kissed my cheek. I took Dianne's hands in mine. "and you look stunning as usual." She smiled and placed a gently kiss on my lips before turning and skipping to the door. We quickly got down to the car and I opened the door for Dianne before getting in myself and starting the car. The drive was long but the music mad it seems faster than it actually was, we were listing to all the songs from when we were on strictly when Truth hurts came on. "oh, Joe this is Jess's song we haven't seen her for 4 months." Dianne started tearing up. "hey Dot remember Zoe has planned this whole big surprise for us to find out the baby's gender and she said that she has a big surprise for us." I put my free hand on Dianne's thigh and smiled at her to show her all is going to be ok. We finally pulled up to the park I got our and helped Dianne out before we made our way into the park.

Dianne's POV:

Hand in hand we walked over to where Zoe was throwing the gender reveal party. Zoe and Alfie came over and greeted us then followed by everyone else. Zoe came up to us really excited. "we have a huge surprise for you there is a star joining us today that all of us here absolutely love." Joe and I looked at each other confused before Zoe disappeared to only reappear a few minuets later. "ok close your eyes." We closed our eyes and waited for Zoe to tell us to open them once she did, we opened our eyes to see Jess. We ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. "Jess I missed you so much." I mumbled into her shoulder. "how is filming going? Is Tom treating you right? If he isn't, I will sort it all out." Jess giggled at Joe's protectiveness. "don't worry dad Tom is treating me like a queen and will be here soon actually he just had to pick something up. And filming is going great." We all walked over to the concrete gazebo and started talking to everyone. "OMG is that Tom Thompson coming this way?" Amber exclaimed excitedly the figure walked closer and closer to reveal no other than Tom himself, everyone started to get all excited asking how come he is here, and it must be a coincidence that he was here. Tom walked up the stairs and kissed Jess's cheek and walked over to Joe and I and handed me a bouquet before going to shake Joe's hand. "Tom it's good to see you again thank you so much for the flowers." Tom smiled. "no problem." He turned to Joe and opened his mouth to talk but before he could say anything Joe butted in. "you better be looking after Jess really good if not I will not heist to hurt you even though I think you are great." Tom looked at Joe then wrapped his arm around Jess's waist pulling her closer to him. "don't worry sir I will never do anything to hurt her and will never let anything or anyone hurt as long as I live. She means more to mean than anything else." Joe smiled and pulled Tom into a hug. Everyone around us stood there shocked. "please explain to me what is going on?" Byron asked looking at Zoe. "hey, don't look at me I thought I was just inviting Jess." Zoe said sounding just as confused as Byron. "didn't you pick them up?" Caspar asked Zoe. "no Jess said that she was already in England for a few days and that she was brining someone with her but didn't tell me who." Everyone was now looking at us confused I looked at Joe then at Tom and Jess who were holding hands. "well the movie I am in stars Tom and while we were filming, we may have caught feelings for each other and thanks Dianne, Chris and even Joe Tom and I are now dating." Everyone gasped including Joe I nudged his arm and gave a look.

Joe's POV:

It was now time for the reveal I am so nervous I don't mind whether it is a girl or a boy but I do kind of hope for a boy and I think Dianne doesn't care as long as it is healthy, but I think she wants a girl. Zoe handed us some white balloons everyone gathered around and counted down from 3. 3...2...1... POP white confetti fell out of the Balloons and everyone looked at Zoe confused. Then a helicopter flew over our heads realising a Blue cloud of smoke, once that had cleared a bit it revealed a Blimp in the sky saying, 'IT'S A BOY'. Dianne and I jumped with joy both so excited. Dianne stared crying as I kissed her lips and embracing her in a hug before everyone else came and hugged us too. Last was Jess and Tom. "congrates you two I am so excited for you." Tom said embracing us both in a hug I really do like this kid. "Oh, my it's a little boy I'm going to have a brother." Jess said embracing us while also crying. What a day it had been we are so excited to welcome our little son into the world.

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