Fake News

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Dianne's POV:

"I can't believe this he is not a loud to lay one finger on her until I have had the talk with him!" I heard Joe yell form upstairs before stomping down to the living room. "what's wrong Joe?" he looked at me before shoving his phone in my face. "this is." He mumbled. I took the phone out of his hand to see an article about Jess and Tom 'New couple arises in public. Tom Thompson and Newcomer Jessica Sugg spotted in public together looking cosy.' I gave the phone back to a grumpy Joe. "Joe remember when the press said we were dating when we were not? They are just trying to get a story they are probably just friends." After arguing about it for a bit I suggested that he talk to her and clear it up himself he hurried upstairs to get his phone and hurried back to sit next to me on the couch.

Jess's POV:

"Hey Chris, can you come here please." I heard a faint sure before there was a knock at my trailer door. I opened the door and see Chris at the door. "can I ask you a question?" he nodes before giving me his full attention. "have you seen the article about Tom and me?" I showed Chris my phone he slowly nodded and looked at me as if to say continue. "what do I do we are just friends, and what will Joe say?" he looked at me for a second before speaking "don't worry Jess the press make things up all the time and I am sure that Joe will understand this happened to him and Dianne back on strictly." I thanked him before we both headed back to film. I walked on set and see Tom talking to James about something to with the movie, I motioned to James to stay quiet as I walked over and grabbed a water bottle from the water table and walked up behind Tom. "yes so if we make sure that..... what the hell was that?" he turned around to look at me with the bottle still turned upside down and trying not to laugh. "you're lucky that I still have to change into my outfit for this scene." I looked at him soaking wet and burst out laughing soon he joined in too before long we were back to filming. After a few hours on set I had headed back to my hotel for the night. I had just sat down on the bed to watch the latest episode of Black Mirror when my phone started ringing, I picked my phone up and saw it was Joe calling. "hey Joe." There was silence before I heard an angry sigh form the other end. "What the hell is doing to you? He hasn't touched you, has he?" the anger was coming through the phone and I was really confused on what he was talking about. "what are you on about?" soon I heard ruffling and then Dianne started talking. "sorry Jess but Joe is just a bit surprised by the article of you and Tom if there is something between you two then that is so nice, but you need to remember Joe wants you to be safe." I stayed silent for a moment shocked. "there is nothing going on between us we are just friends." There was silence and I could tell that Dianne was giving Joe the look of she was right before she spoke again. "so are we able to come for a few days and spend some time with you." "yes, sure I can even get you on set with me." After planning for when they come up, I went back to watching Black Mirror before falling asleep.

Joe's POV:

"do you feel better now?" I bowed my head and nodded in embarrassment at how I over reacted. I was now feeling better and couldn't wait to see Jess again. We wrote down in the calendar and told Zoe when we were going so that she knew where we would be and then sat on the couch watching Movies for the rest of the day.

(time skip to Joe and Dianne in LA)

We were greeted by Jess at the airport and she took us to her Hotel to show us where we were staying. After a catching up a bit there was a knock on the door Jess ran over and opened it to reveal Tom Thompson. "hello, I'm Tom you must be Joe and Dianne, Jess's parents." He shook my hand and then Dianne's hand before stepping back and looking at Dianne again. "Jess didn't tell me that you were pregnant congratulations how many weeks are you?" Dianne smiled back at him before answering. "thank you and I am 13 weeks." We talked for a bit longer before we all headed out so Jess and Tom could show us around. As we were walking around the streets, I could help but smile at Jess and Tom they reminded me of Dianne and I when we first started strictly, just messing with each other and making each other laugh. "why are you smiling?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Dianne I motioned towards Jess and Tom she smiled too and intertwined her hand into mine. After a long day and a good night's sleep we were heading off to set with Jess for the day. As soon as we got there Jess introduced us to everyone and told us the plot of the story. Sofia Janice Jess's character is the daughter of a famous singer Donald Janice played by Chris Lee, Candice Janice played by Ava Jones is her second stepmother and is very abusive towards her, they finally stop traveling and Sofia goes to a normal high school where she meets Katie played by Amelia Wilson and Sheila played by Lily Brown who become her best friends. Sofia gets bullied by the school bullies Carter played by James Miller and Shane played by Liam Davis. Connor Tate played by Tom Thompson and his best friend Jacob played by Lucas Smith come to Sofie's rescue and later Sofie and Connor become lovers. As we watched Jess acting, I couldn't believe how amazing she was. After every scene Jess and Tom would start talking and would always end up pranking each other and laughing, and I am not going to lie but I found it quite cute.

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