You better not hurt her again

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Joe's POV:

Tom and Jess had been awhile, so I decided to go and find them I started walking towards the front door when I got stopped by Dianne. "And where do you think you are going?" she gave me that look she gets when I am doing something wrong. I couldn't tell her that I was going to go and find Jess and Tom because she would stop me and tell me I am being too protective. "I am going to go and get Toilet paper." She was not buying and just gave a look of disbelief. "we have toilet paper we don't need anymore." I had to think of an excuse so I could get passed her and find Jess to make sure she was ok. "we don't want to run out and then not be able to get any." Dianne was now over my excuses. "Joe there is no way we are going to go short of having Toilet paper." "you never know." She shook her head before going to grab the door handle so I couldn't leave when Harrison started crying. She ran upstairs to go and settle him down, so I took the opportunity to scoot out the door and find Jess. I made my way downstairs and outside to the steps. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

Jess's POV:

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Tom and I broke away from our kiss and turned to see Joe standing there with his hands-on his hips. "dad don't worry Tom explained everything to me and I forgive him it wasn't his fault." We both got up and walked over to Joe he looked at Tom as we explained everything that happened, after explaining it all to him Joe looked at Tom and told him to come closer, Tom slowly walked closer to Joe who leaned in to Tom's height and looked him dead in the eyes before speaking. "you take good care of her but don't bother hurting her again." Tom nodded his head repeating the words yes sir I won't sir over and over again before Joe embraced him in a hug. "good to have you back in our lives Tom." They pulled apart and Tom took my hand to walk back up to the flat. We walked through the front door hand in hand Joe walked over to Dianne and kissed her cheek before kissing Harrisons forehead. Everyone turned to stare at Tom and I. "so does this mean you two are back together?" Dianne asked looking hopeful. Tom and I smiled at each other before nodding yes, Dianne handed Harrison to Joe and ran over to embrace us in a hug.

Dianne's POV:

I am so glad tom and Jess worked everything out and we could all back to normal. Jess Mia and Billy were playing with Harrison in the living room when Joe walked and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my hair. "look at our son and daughter getting so well." I looked up at Joe to see the biggest smile on his face making me smile, he looked down at me and looked confused. "what are you smiling at?" I snuggled my head into his chest. "just our little family." We walked over and sat next to Jess who was making Harrison laugh. He really loved his big sister.

(time skip to the end of the Buswell family's stay.)

Mia's POV:

I thought once Jess and Tom got back together Jess would be back to the way she use to be but when ever Tom walked into the room she would go and hug and Kiss him and would always smile at him, or whenever we said something that would remind her of Tom and then that was all she could talk about. Is that what Love is? I remember Dianne being like this with Joe not that it ever went away, and Joe does the same with Dianne. I am glad they are happy. And Harrison is so cute he is going to be so much fun to be around when he is older.

Tom's POV:

Dianne's Family had just left and now it was just Jess, Joe, Dianne, Harrison and I. I was in Jess's old room talking to Joe about when Jess was young, he was showing me all the pictures from when Jess and him were best friends and explaining the stories behind them. Joe then came to a picture of him, Dianne and Jess in front of a government building. "this was the day Dianne and I officially adopted Jess one of the best days of my life." He smiled at the picture. After hearing about Jess's crappy childhood, we decided to go and Find Jess and Dianne. We walked out into the living room to see Jess and Dianne on the couch playing with Harrison. The way Jess cared for her little brother made me fall in love with her even more and made me realise that I wanted a family one day and wanted Jess to be part of that family.  

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें