You're going home

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Dianne's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since we found (Y/N) on the streets and we have so much fun touring around England while Jess has been doing her Broadway. We sat on the couch wondering what we were going to do today. "how about we go and watch Jess today since she is in London." (Y/N) suggested we both nodded before going to get tickets. Jess comes home every night as we don't ever spend more then 16 hours apart as Jess is in counselling from all that she went through growing up, so (Y/N) being younger then Jess just loves her and Jess just loves (Y/N) too like the sibling she never really had. We got dressed and ready to go and see Jess she didn't know we were coming so it will be a surprise for her when we come to pick her up instead of her taking the tube. We walked down to Chippy all together as (Y/N) wanted to go in Chippy, Joe put on some tunes and we sang until we made it to the theatre. When we got there (Y/N) bounded out and excitedly bounced up to the entrance to get the tickets checked off before bounding into where our seats where. We have seen this show so many times, but it always amazed me how good everyone was, if you couldn't tell Joe and I are extremely proud of Jess playing the lead and reaching as far as she has with her career already. Soon the show had finished and once again I had tears in my eyes. "are you okay Di." Joe asked wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked to Chippy to wait for Jess. "yes, just so proud of Jess." I replied wiping the tears from my face Joe smiled knowing this happened after every show and simply replied with. "me too Di me too." You could tell we were proud parents. Soon enough Jess came out and was excited to see us and also very surprised.

Joe's POV:

We got home and Jess took (Y/N) to bed to talk about all the exciting things that happened that day those two got on quit well. I walked up stairs and opened the door to see Dianne half asleep, I walked over and kissed the top of her forehead before going and getting changed into my sleepwear and crawled into bed next to Dianne who rolled over and snuggled into the side of me. We fell asleep embraced in each other's arms just like every night, it was peaceful just the two of us, but the silence was soon broken by Jess bursting through the door. "Joe, Dianne there is someone on the phone for you." She yelled running over and hand me the phone. "hello, who is this it's almost midnight why are you calling so late." I said annoyed at the fact I had to answer this call instead of snuggling up in bed with Dianne. "hi Joe, this is Sargent Johnathan we have found the parents of (Y/N) and are coming to the station tomorrow morning if you can get here as soon as possible that would be great." The voice on the other side explained the process we would have to get through. I hung up the phone and looked at Jess and Dianne with a look of sadness I was enjoying having (Y/N) around it was so much fun. I told Dianne and Jess everything before we all got up and got ready for a long drive to Liverpool. Jess had woken (Y/N) up and was now at the car ready with sadness on both their faces we got into a rental car and started the long car ride. It was so awkward nobody said a word the whole way it was just covered with sad vibes I looked through the review mirror into the back where Jess and (Y/N) was and saw them sleeping with tear stains on their cheeks. I looked over at Dianne who also had tear stains on her cheeks I put one hand on her leg, she looked up at me and gave me a fake smile to which I returned with another fake smile. I felt a tear roll down my face as we walked into the station Zoe and Alfie also had just arrived straight off of a plane to say their goodbyes to (Y/N) just as sad as we were. We sat there waiting for (Y/N)'s parents to show up when two young adults walked in the room (Y/N) looked up at them and started running towards them. "MUM, DAD" they all embraced each other in a massive hug before walking over to us. "hi, I'm (Y/M/N) and this is (Y/D/N) thank you so much for looking after (Y/N)." she said shaking each of our hands. Soon enough the whole process was over, and we were heading back home. Jess was in the back playing with my camera looking back at all the videos we had filmed with (Y/N) in it when she suddenly spoke. "hey Joe, can I try and edit your next video." I looked at her through the review mirror before saying sure. We finally made it home and was so tied we fell asleep on the couch tangled up in pillows.

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