Guess what

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Joe's POV:

It has been a few days since Jess left for filming and she has told us all about the director and producer but nothing about the cast. She was going to meet them today and was super excited. I walked downstairs to see Dianne wrapped up in a blanket watching some TV, I walked over to her and sat down beside her. "how are you feeling this morning love?" she looked up at me and smiled before snuggling into the side of me. "ok haven't been too bad this morning." We continued to watch the TV when we got a call from Jess.


Jess: "hey guys, how are you?"

Joe and Dianne: "good, how are you?"

Jess: "good I just met the cast today."

Dianne: "are they nice?"

Jess: "Yes."

Joe: "who are they you can't stop smiling."

Jess: "well there is Lucas Smith, James Miller, Liam Davis, Lily Brown, Amelia Wilson, Ava Jones, Chris Lee and Tom Thompson."

No way was this true Jess was not only filming with Chris Lee but was also with Tom Thompson. I can't wait to see this movie I am so proud of her she has become so far in such little time.

Dianne's POV:

Jess is filming with her celebrity crush wow they are both the same age so they will get on well. Jess was really excited to tell us, and I would too if I was her, but I guess that I am just so proud of her, she has achieved so much. Just to think she started off once as a dancer in her town and is now staring in a movie alongside her two favourite actors of all time. It just shows what can achieve if you just put your mind to it. Joe put the phone down after the call had ended and turned to face me looking me straight in the eyes. "she's all grown up now." I gave him a small smile before embracing him in a hug. "you know what to take your mind off of everything I have a surprise for you." He gave me a look of confusion. "go and pack your bag for a few weeks." I told him, he nodded and went upstairs to pack while he packed, I went and rang Zoe to see if her and Alfie were busy. The plan was that Joe and I were going to go to Canada for a few weeks and I was hoping Zoe and Alfie would be able to come too because it is always fun. Before too long Joe was ready and we were ready to meet Zoe and Alfie at the airport.

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