Time skips in the heat of the moment

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Harrison's POV:

I turn 7 years old today and my big sister is coming with her boyfriend, they are big movie stars, but they still live here in London. I see them every day and I love my sister. It is a really hot day today, so I have to stay inside where I won't be in any danger of having a seizure I haven't been as bad lately. "Harrison darling Jess and Tom will be here any moment you need to get ready." Mum wants me to get ready now. "ok mummy." "Harrison what are you doing with my camera." Oh no guys I have to go daddy found you. "nothing daddy."

Dianne's POV:

Harrison turned the camera off and turned to me ready to get changed to go and see his big sister. 7 years ago, today Harrison was born, and time has flown by so fast Harrison has grown up so fast, he loves dancing around the room with Jess. "ok well Jess and Tom will be here any minuet so I will go and get everything ready for later." Joe said kissing my forehead and before picking Harrison up and doing their special spaceship. After Joe left, I changed Harrison into his little party outfit and watched as he talked about how hi dad took him and let him pick out his party clothes and how Jess and Tom will love them.

Joe's POV:

I had just finished with the last decorations when I heard a knock at the door, I walked over to answer the door, but no one was there. "Hello?" I was about to close the door when Jess jumped out in front of me. "you really have not changed in the way you act have you." She gave me hug before walking inside. "where is Tom?" I asked looking in the hallway. "oh, he insisted on bringing up Harrison's gift by himself and told me not to help him. But he didn't say anything about you helping him." I looked at Jess and nodded she returned with a smile and rushed into Harrison's room excited to see her little brother again. I walked out to the car park to find Tom "hey mate need some help?" I asked hugging him "actually yes I could use your help with something." He put down the big box and looked me dead in the eyes. "Tom are you ok what's wrong." He stood there motionless for a while before blurting out. "I want to Propose to Jess." I stood their speechless Tom wanted to propose to my daughter. "YOU WANT TO WHAT!" the shock now spilling out of me making everyone in the carpark turn to look at me. "I want to propose to Jess I love her, and I made my mind up 7 years ago that I wanted her to be a part of my life forever." The glow in his eyes shined bright as he talked about spending the rest of his life with Jess, everyone said that I had the same glow in my eyes talking about Dianne's and my life together. "how can I help you Tom." He looked at me with pure nerves now showing in his eyes. "I don't know how to propose to her." I looked at him and smiled I was the exact same when I was getting ready to propose to Dianne. I explained how I took Dianne to a little restaurant with a nice garden and got the staff to decorate the concrete gazebo with lights.

Dianne's POV:

Jess came bounding into the room scooping Harrison up in her arms and spinning him around, before coming and embracing me in a hug. "hey pipsqueak, hey mum." After talking for a while, I heard the front door open again. "can we go out yet mummy." Harrison asked excited for his birthday. "I don't know yet sweetie you stay her with Jess, and I will go see if daddy has everything ready." Harrison's smile grew wider and he turned to show Jess his new toys. I walked out the room and into where Joe was to see Tom standing there too. "Tom, how are you?" I said embracing him in a short hug. "Good." He answered nervously. "Tom what's wrong." Out of the corner of my eye I saw I a smile the same smile he got when I was proposing to me suddenly the excitement started to kick in. "you're going to propose to Jess?" Joe looked at me smile growing wider. "yes. How did you know that?" Tom asked now confused. "Joe gets this adorable look on his face when someone is going to propose." I turned and smiled at Joe.

Tom's POV:

Joe leaned down and gently placed a kiss on Dianne's lips leaving them both smiling. You could tell they were both still so in love and it is so nice. A little while later and Harrison's Birthday party was well on the way.

(time Skip to the next day)

So today is the day I am going to propose to Jess Joe has set up a nice little area outside for us to have dinner since Jess's favourite place to be is right here with her family, and Dianne is getting Jess ready. "how are you feeling?" Joe asked me as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Nerves" the shaking in my voice becoming more noticeable. "don't worry when I was getting ready to propose to Dianne I was so scared that she was going to say no and that Jess and her wouldn't be able to hang out anymore because of me but then I was reminded by Jess that we loved each other and that she would say yes, now I am going to say this to you, Jess loves you and you love her she will be over the moon. And this will be the best decision of your life because it was surely the best one, I made." He continued as Dianne walked down the stairs and wrapped her arms him causing him to wrap his arms around her, and gently place a quick kiss on her lips. "I was the best thing that happened to you?" Dianne looked up at Joe with a smile plastered on her face. "yes, you are and it's because of you that we now have an amazing son too." Joe smiled back at Dianne, she rose up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on his lips. "hey guys I am ready"

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