I just can't with him

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Dianne's POV:

Mum, Dad, Andrew, Mel and Brendon's family came a few days ago to see Harrison and we were all heading to the airport to pick up Jess. "I am so excited to see Jess again I haven't seen her since your Christmas two years ago day." Mia said excited to see best friend again. Mia is 14 years old now and still loves being around Jess. "yes, how is she?" Brendon asks. "well Jess is filming for a movie in LA at the moment that's why we are picking her up." Joe piped up from the driver's seat. Mum was at home with Harrison so that I could come with to see Jess and dad had offered to stay as well, they definitely were excited about him and loved him. We arrived at the airport and we were all so excited to see Jess again, Joe turned to me and whispered in my ear. "do you think Tom will be with her? I hope he is with her." I smiled and kissed his check. "I don't know. And Jess will be so happy that you like Tom." It wasn't long and we saw Jess come around the corner we met her at the middle each one of us embracing her in a hug. "so, where is Tom?" Joe asked. "oh yeah um Tom and I got into a fight he said he was going to see his parents and might come up to meet Harrison later on in the week, but yeah no we had a big fight." Jess's answer was a cold tone I could see she was suffering. "SORRY WHAT! YOU GUYS GOT INTO A FIGHT" Joe scream causing the whole airport to look at us. "is everything alright?" Andrew asked with the rest of the family now looking to see what's wrong. "nothing's wrong I just got into a fight with a co-star, now let's go and see my brother why don't we." Jess took Mia's and Billy's hands and walked to the car with them chatting about what they had been up too. I slapped Joe's arm before walking off to the car.

Joe's POV:

The car ride home was a lot quieter than a normal car ride with Jess. When we finally got home, I took Jess a side. "look I am sorry but are you ok?" she looked at me with broken eyes before hugging me. "I love you dad." I rubbed her back. "I love you too Jess." We walked inside and made our way to where Harrison was. "he is sooooooooooo cute." Jess screamed waking Harrison up he looked at her and instead of crying started to smile and laugh Rina handed Harrison to Jess to hold. "oh, he loves his big sister." Dianne smiled. Harrison started crying meaning he was ready for his lunch, so we all let Dianne go upstairs to feed him. We all sat down on the sofa to catch up on each other's lives. "so, what's been happening with you Jess." Rina asked seeing that Jess was not herself. "well I am staring in a movie." Jess said not looking up from her hands. "oh yes Joe said you were in a movie what's it about." Mel asked interested in the movie. "oh, it's a romcom staring Chris Lee and Tom Thompson." Jess said still not looking up from her hands. "you're in a movie with Tom Thompson?" Mia jumped up from her spot next to Jess and looking at Jess with excitement in her eyes. "yeah I guess." Jess said now looking down at the floor. Mia continued to ask questions about Tom Thompson before Jess looked up at me before running out the room. Dianne walked back in passing Jess before she escaped out the front door. "what's wrong with Jess?" Dianne asked as her eyes landed on me. It didn't think twice before getting up and sprinting after Jess worry filling my face. I ran down to the lobby and out the door to find Jess sitting on the steps. "Jess whatever is happening you can tell me I will always be here for you I may be your father now, but I was your best friend first and that will never go away." She looked at me with glossy eyes before tears started streaming down her face, I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back ready for her to tell me everything when she was ready. "Tom and I got into a fight over this girl that he seemed to be getting close with he kept saying that she was just a friend, but they seemed to be really close."

Dianne's POV:

Jess and Joe had been gone a while and everyone was wondering what was happening I sat there struggling to think of what to say when I heard Harrison start crying I got up and rushed up to Harrison calming him down, rocking him until he started to calm down again. I walked back down to the others. Jess and Joe where standing in the living room and had explained everything. Harrison wanted to be near his sister, so I handed him to Jess when the phone rang. "hello." I paused knowing who it was and answered with surprise in my voice. "TOM".

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